Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2760: Plan separately

The only thing that left with Princess Heavenly Snake was the wood clone clone that was taken back by Ling Tian.

Today's Wood Element clone has recovered from his injuries. This time he returned to Luoyang City and returned the Bahuang Furnace and Linglong Fire, so that the Great Han Immortal Dynasty could hold on for more time under the impact of the Dark Demon Race.

This time, Ling Tian didn't have much time to come to Lost Battle Realm, and his goal was very clear.

Finding the lid of the predecessor Liu Yao's cauldron is the most important thing.

"Hi, it seems that after the teleportation came in, it was completely scattered. I don't know where Jin Peng is now."

"Fine, try to find it!"

Ling Tian was also relieved that there was a wooden clone beside Princess Snake that day.

To be honest, he really doesn't want things to happen to Princess Sky Snake now.


At this moment, a black light flashed across Ling Tian's back. The rich undead aura was stirred and rolled in an instant. I don't know when a figure appeared, struggling out of the void. The sharp aura, like a sharp blade, killed it directly. Xiang Lingtian.

Ling Tian's complexion sank slightly, and a cold snort uttered in his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly turned around with a virtual grip with one arm and instantly restrained the sneak attacking black shadow, allowing him to struggle and roar frantically, but he could not escape the slightest. This black shadow is dark and looks like an evil spirit. Although it is suppressed at the moment, it still rages and growls without any fear. A pair of blood-colored eyes are filled with tyrannical murderous intent.

"Is this the undead?" Ling Tian was slightly shocked. The strength of this undead is not weaker than the ordinary top-level fairy king martial artist. Although his intelligence is low and he does not understand magical powers, he can only rely on claws to attack, but he is left fighting here. The secrets of whereabouts within the territory are extremely difficult to detect, and it is not easy to deal with violent injuries.

But no matter what, what he encountered was Ling Tian.

Even if Ling Tian's big hand was on the side of the undead, he would never want to tear Ling Tian's body apart.

Ling Tian's palm was slightly hardened, and the horrible roar of the undead came to an abrupt end. His neck was forcibly cut off, and his body quickly dissipated into an essence. After a few breaths, only a black profound bead the size of a child's fist and several crystallized minions were left behind. Ling Tian's eyes flickered, stretched out his hand to take it all into his hands, and then raised his brows in surprise.

This is because this profound bead is condensed from pure star essence. Although it has ample energy, it is extremely violent and extremely difficult to be absorbed by the martial artist. As for the crystalized minions, the texture is extremely hard, not under the ordinary magic weapon, and it can be regarded as a good refining material. Before, Ling Tian had obtained a lot of lobster carapace to make the armor needed by the army.

Then these refining materials are extremely sharp, but they are excellent materials for refining weapons.

High-quality goods can be refined into a designated-level fairy king weapon. If there are enough such minions in the battlefield, then they can definitely be manufactured in batches.

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth slowly raised when he put those minions into his own storage ring.

Regardless of whether the other fragments of the lid of the Six-Yaoding Furnace can be found in this abandoned battlefield, but at present, it is not in vain.

Ling Tian crushed the profound beads in his hand, and a wave of violent essence was absorbed by Ling Tian into his body. ,

Although these essences could not increase Ling Tian's Immortal Yuan cultivation base, Ling Tian discovered that this surprise made his physical body more tenacious than before.

Although it was extremely inconspicuous, Ling Tian could still feel it.

The essence here may not be of any use to the human martial artist, forcibly absorbed, and may even burst into death.

But for Yaozu and Ling Tian, ​​it is possible to refine their physical bodies.

Here, it is tantamount to becoming a training treasure for the monster race.

No wonder the gluttonous family is so concerned about this.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I have to hurry up!"

Ling Tian gave a sneer, displayed the magical body technique, turned into a sword light, and went to the sky, but disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the powerful forces from all sides who had just entered the abandoned battlefield were also attacked by the undead.

However, in a short period of time, the more than ten thousand strong monsters who entered here were once again damaged by nearly half and were slaughtered.

"Hahaha, stupid monster race, I have already reminded them, but these ignorant guys will come up to die!"

In a teleportation point in the battle realm, the strong men of the Zhu Yan Gourd clan all surrounded Zhu Tao, and attacked the undead who rushed up.

"Hehe, they can't compare with your Highness, Your Highness, what are we going to do now. Shall we just go in!?"

To Zhu Tao's side, the Seven Flower Demon King sneered.

"Don’t worry. Over the years, I’ve been in charge of the battlefield by the Yan Gourdous Clan. Although I can’t ascertain all the terrain in this battlefield, I still drew up a route. In this battlefield, it was originally a battlefield, mythical beasts. I don’t know where the blood and the sky demon grass are, but there are a lot of treasures. As long as you work hard, you will definitely gain a lot."

Zhu Tao is complacent.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, I will wait and go through fire and water!"

Around Zhu Tao, there were hundreds of demon kings, and at this time, they all bowed together.

"Hahaha, it's easy to say! I have more than a dozen maps here, which are distributed to you. You will wait for each to form a team and go to the treasure hunt. Finally, we are meeting together!"

Zhu Tao laughed and divided a dozen maps into pieces.

Those Demon Kings who had obtained the map were overjoyed, and organized a team one after another and scattered.

In the end, a dozen figures remained around Zhu Tao.

Except for the Qihua, Chaotianhen and other demon kings that had previously appeared in the main hall of Shanzhen City, the rest were all demon kings' combat power.

"Hehe, now, it's time for us to do it!"

"Hmph, I don't care how many mysterious existences have come this time, everything here belongs to me, Zhu Tao!"


In Zhu Tao's eyes, a scarlet monster flashed with light, and then flew out with more than a dozen figures.


In a valley, Ao Feng of the Indigo Dragon raised his hand to behead a group of undead monsters. His eyes, in the dark night, bloomed with a fierce blue light, which was especially permeating.

However, as he looked at the depths of the valley at this time, the figure slowly walking out of the darkness couldn't help taking a breath.

"Is this the legendary bone general!?"

At this moment, Ao Feng finally saw the terrifying figure in front of him.

That was a warrior riding on a pale bone horse. Although the armor on his body was still there, it was full of scary skeletons.

Inside the battle helmet, there was a green ghost fire swimming, and they came with a boundless aura of undead, more ferocious than all the undead that had been killed before.

Each one has the combat power of this demon-sovereign level!

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