Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2767: Bianqian appeared

"Hehe, it seems that you really have a crush on this little white face, okay, in that case, I will let you watch, how did I kill him!"

There was a fire of jealousy in Dongfang Ye's eyes.

Immediately looking at Ling Tian in the Fuqin, thunder suddenly rose above the sharp claws, and after a sharp scream of Dapeng, he killed it!

"Little fox demon, die for me!"

Lei Peng's combat power in Dongfang Ye broke out completely.

Under this kind of aura, even Princess Sky Snake couldn't resist it at all.

Not to mention, in their eyes, there is only Ling Tian with the cultivation base of the third-order immortal king.

Even with the aftermath of supernatural powers, it can be bombarded into dross.

"Hehe, the little white face of the fox clan, without Kwai Caiyou, you are just a bunch of shit!"

Dongfang Ye grinned amidst his supernatural powers.

"Find Qin, get out of the way!"

Princess Sky Snake was shocked.

However, it was impossible to stop Dongfang Ye at this time.

Looking at it, Ling Tian was about to be killed by that Dongfang Ye under the sharp claws.


But just at the moment of this moment, a fierce roar of a beast resounded from within the forest.

Then, a golden light, tearing through the layers of the void, at a particularly terrifying speed, instantly reached Ling Tian's head.

Facing the thunder claws of Dongfang Ye, a golden fist blasted out in an instant.


Thunder and Jin Guang, regret in the void.

All the stone forests within hundreds of miles around were exploded into powder.

The terrifying air wave rolled, flooding the sky.

Princess Tian Snake was surprised.

Dancing the long sleeves, calming the air wave, rushed to the direction Ling Tian was before.

But soon, she found out that Xun Qin was still intact, playing the Qin there calmly.

And in front of him, a back figure dressed in gold armor stood there, like a guardian door god, as long as he was there, there would be no one, who could hurt the Xun Qin Ye.

"Jin Peng!?"

Princess Sky Snake frowned, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that at such a critical moment, Jin Peng would suddenly make a move.

Moreover, it turned out that the piano master was looking for Qin! ?

"Hehe, Royal Highness Princess Tian Snake, it seems that Jin Peng is not too late to come, otherwise, such a superb demon clan luthier would be ruined in the hands of Dongfang Ye."

Jin Peng slowly turned around and smiled at Princess Tian Snake.

"You really saved the search for Qin just because of this?"

But Princess Sky Snake seemed a little unbelievable.

"Naturally, and even if there is no such thing as Xun Qin, as long as I meet the princess, I will definitely not let the princess have an accident."

Jin Peng raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I believe you once!"

Princess Sky Snake nodded and asked no more.

"Jin Peng, what do you mean!?"

At this time, Jin Peng retreated Dongfang Ye with a punch, and finally flew back.

However, it turned out to be Jinpeng who saw the shot.

A trace of surprise flashed across Dongfang Ye's face.

"What do I mean!? Can't you see clearly?!"

"Dongfang Ye, no matter what, this time our three clans will also join forces in the battlefield, but why do you want to attack Princess Sky Snake!?"

"Me!" That Dongfang Ye still wanted to say.

But Jin Peng waved his hand, "No matter, you don't need to say more, since you have committed a crime, then I can't get around you today!"

"Hahaha, Jinpeng, are you joking with me!? Even if I kill these monsters, what can you do with me?’

"You golden pupil, what kind of thing are you!"

Dongfang Ye snorted.

"Really!? Then I'll let you see, my golden-punched clan, whether strong or not strong!"

"Jin Yun, kill!"

Jin Peng's face suddenly became savage, his weapon blades appeared, his pupils bloomed with golden light, and then it turned into a golden glow and slew towards the eastern wild.

Jin Peng's speed is reaching the extreme.

Even Dongfangye, known for its lightning speed, took a breath of coldness in an instant.

This Jinpeng is fundamentally different from the Jinpeng he had known before!

However, Dongfang Ye didn't have time to think about it, and Jin Peng had already gotten to the front.

Its weapon was cut down suddenly.

Dongfang Ye has no other choice but to resist!


However, after another explosion.

The two figures shook apart directly.

And that Dongfang Ye was directly hit by Jin Peng and hit the sky.

"Dongfang Ye, I want to avenge my dead Profound Serpents!"

"Die to me!"

But at the same time Dongfangye was shaken down, Princess Sky Snake appeared behind him.

The sharp blade in his hand was lifted and slashed towards the younger generation of Dongfang Ye.


A bloodstain appeared behind Dongfang Ye, almost smashing his thunder wings directly.

Falling into the dust of the stone forest, a big mouthful of blood sprayed out from the mouth of Dongfang Ye.

Jin Peng is too strong.

You can completely crush him.

Not only that, there was a sneak attack by the snake princess that day.

At the same time facing the two big monster race nobles.

Even today's Dongfang Ye is not an opponent at all.

But in a flash, he was already seriously injured.

"Damn it, Jinpeng, how can you be so strong!"

Dongfang Ye's eyes were full of fright.

"Hehe, Human Race has something to say, don't see him for three days, you should look with admiration."

"What's more, you and I have not played against each other for many years."

"Dongfang Ye, don't be too arrogant. While you are improving, we are not idle."

Jin Peng came forward slowly with the sword in his arms.

"Now, you have lost, I will punish you for the imperial palace!"

Jin Peng raised the weapon in his hand and pointed directly at Dongfang Ye's head.

"Hahaha, Jinpeng!"

"What!? You really want to kill me!?"

"I admit, the current me is not your opponent!"

"But, without some means, how can I enter this abandoned battlefield!?"

"Senior Bianquan, you should have appeared!"

"Yuan is here!"

Dongfang Ye grinned, and as expected, at the moment his voice fell, the entire stone forest began to vibrate wildly.

It seemed to be earthshaking.

"Longsheng Nine Races, Bianqin!?"

Suddenly, Jin Peng's expression changed, and he felt a strange aura suddenly rising from the ground.

For Jin Peng, after being born into the Nine Clan of Dragons, he was very sensitive and familiar with this breath.

Sure enough, when the huge, mountain-like figure appeared in front of Jin Peng and Princess Tian Snake.

The two great demon nobles were also completely stunned.

The legendary Bianqian also has blood and remains in the immortal world.

Moreover, the cultivation level of this statue is so high that it is not a junior at all!

"Seven, Seventh-Order Demon Venerable!?"

Princess Sky Snake was completely dumbfounded.

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