Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2780: Help you dozens of monsters


It wasn't until the treasures were bought that the head of Snake's face became embarrassed that day. Although he disagrees a bit, Kwai Cailin is with a human race, but this human race is the most proud of the human race, and, this time The dowry presented is really too expensive.

Going off Chen's essence and blood will directly change the fate of the entire Sky Snake Clan.

"Hehe, I said, son-in-law is a dragon and phoenix among people, and only son-in-law is a genius who can match my Cailin!"

In order to ease the atmosphere, the patriarch's wife stepped forward and pulled Ling Tian with a smile.

"Old man, just say a few words, don't let the son-in-law stand and talk!"

"Oh, sit, you sit down first!" The patriarch of Sky Snake coughed softly, letting everyone sit down.

After a long time, the Celestial Snake patriarch said, "It's fine, since you already have your own bones and blood, even if it is for the sake of my grandson in the future, I will not embarrass you."

"Father-in-law Xie, mother-in-law Xie is considerate!"

Ling Tian was overjoyed and bowed.

Kwai Cailin's pretty face blushed, although she was a little angry before, but now that her parents have agreed, she is also a little happy in her heart.

Of course, the most important thing is the child in his stomach.

This pregnancy was really beyond her expectation.

After touching her belly, Kwai Cailin became more gentle.

"Ling Tian, ​​you can tell me now, what did you encounter in that abandoned battle realm!?"

The patriarch of Sky Snake asked.

Now, although the blood of the sacred beast and the sky demon grass have been obtained, it is clear that such a treasure has appeared in the abandoned battlefield, and there is absolutely something extremely terrifying in it.

He really wanted to know what the younger generation of Ling Tian had encountered in the battle realm.

Ling Tian said all the battles in the battle realm.

Of course, Ling Tian didn't say that the quasi-emperor figure that existed in the void.

That is really amazing.

"What!? Zhu Yan Gourmet family, dare to collude with practitioners outside the domain!?"

Sure enough, the patriarch Snake heard it that day and was furious.

But when he saw it, Ling Tian hesitated to say something, then he said: "You all go down first, there are some things, I want to talk to Ling Tian alone."

Princess Sky Snake and the others glanced at each other, and they knew that the matter was not trivial.

In their capacity, they are not yet qualified to participate.

At random, they all got up and left.

In the secret room, only the patriarch and Ling Tian were left.

"The blood crystal lotus is still there?"

The patriarch of Sky Snake asked.


Ling Tian took out the spar containing the blood of the beast.

The Celestial Snake patriarch took it and examined it for a moment before sighing: "It really is something outside the territory."

"Father-in-law seen!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Well, as the first genius of the Sky Snake Clan, I entered the outer gate of the imperial palace and practiced, and I have seen many rare things, including this kind of thing from the battlefield outside the territory. The aura on this spar is definitely outside the territory. That's right."

"But on this spar, there is the mark of a dark tower. I really didn't expect that the mysterious dark tower has something to do with practitioners outside the territory!"

The Celestial Snake patriarch paced back and forth in the secret room, then looked at Ling Tian and said, "This spar is useless at first, can you put it here first? I will look for opportunities in the future to bring this stone into the imperial palace to clarify this. After all, Zhu Tao and Dongfang Ye are dead in the battlefield. Their two big families will definitely not give up easily."

"Okay, then there will be Father Lao."

Ling Tian didn't care.

"Well, since you are here in the clan this time, please stay longer!"

The patriarch of the sky snake put away the blood crystal lotus.

"No, father-in-law doesn't know. Actually, when I came to the Yaozu this time, I was just passing by. The one I really want to go is the Dragon."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"What!? You still want to go to the Dragon Race!?"

The Celestial Snake patriarch was taken aback, and then sighed: "You may not know that there are still differences between the Dragon Race and the Monster Race, the danger will be more.

"Dragons are inherently xenophobic, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and he could also hear that the patriarch of the snake was caring about him this time, which was to release the breath of the blue dragon in his body.

"This is... such a pure dragon breath, it can be faked!"

The patriarch of Sky Snake was astonished.

He couldn't understand why Ling Tian was able to release such a powerful dragon aura, which simply surpassed most dragons.

"Well, and the dragon aura in Cailin's body is also very powerful. This father-in-law should know it too."

"This time I went to the Dragon Clan not only for myself, but also for Cailin, looking for opportunities for the Dragon Clan."

"I said, I will make Cailin stronger, even if Cailin doesn't enter the Yaozu imperial palace to practice."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Alright, I can see that you treat Cailin sincerely, nothing else, you enter the dragon clan, and I, a father, can't help you much."

The Celestial Snake patriarch groaned, and suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said thoughtfully: "But as far as I know, your Han Dynasty seems to be being attacked by the Dark Demon. The situation is not optimistic."

"Why, do you need help!?"

"If the father-in-law and the Sky Snake Clan take action, then my big man, peace!" Ling Tian bowed back.

What he was waiting for was the words of the Celestial Snake Chief!

"Haha, you kid, don't just climb it so fast! Although I want to help you, but because my monster clan is under the jurisdiction of the imperial palace, it is impossible to send troops to aid on a large scale. Without the imperial order, anyone Don't dare to send troops rashly!" The patriarch of Sky Snake scolded with a smile.

"Of course, although the army of my Heavenly Snake Clan cannot help you, but I can let the masters in the clan enter the big man. At least, dozens of demon lords can still do it." Seeing Ling Tian's face, there was disappointment. Lulu, the patriarch of Sky Snake quickly smiled.

"That's enough, thank you father-in-law."

Ling Tian was still overjoyed.

"Don't thank me, after all, in the future, you will be the son-in-law of my Sky Snake Clan. I naturally cannot tolerate you being bullied."

"Okay, go ahead and do your business."

"By the way, Cailin and Caiyou are called in by the way."

"Yes!" Ling Tian bowed and exited the secret room.

Sister Cailin entered the secret room, and outside the secret room, only Ling Tian and Jin Peng remained.

"Brother Ling, you are really strong, admire it again!"

Seeing Ling Tian coming out and Jin Peng turned towards Ling Tian, ​​he gave a thumbs up.

A human race can hold the Great Demon King Kwai Cailin in his hands, and is pregnant, this is simply too strong.

"Why, want to be a brother-in-law with me! To be honest, the princess is actually really good."

Ling Tian patted Jin Peng on the shoulder.

‘It’s impossible. Your Royal Highness has the Heavenly Demon Grass and will go to the imperial palace to practice in the future. How can I be qualified! ? ’

Jin Peng sighed, his face was full of loss.

Although Ling Tian gave the blood of the **** beast and the sky demon grass to the sky snake clan, Jin Peng had nothing to say, after all, it was his father-in-law's clan.

He Jinpeng is an outsider after all.

"Hehe, you kid, that's awkward, how can I not do what I promised you."

Ling Tian laughed and cursed, and between raising his hand, he took out another sky demon grass.

But the moment Jin Peng saw the sky demon grass, the whole demon was completely stupid.

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