Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2786: Into Lianxu Mountain

Therefore, the Lin family settled down here, and in the future, there will be this Qingyun City.

And Lianxu Mountain was also sealed by the Lin family because of its weakening flames.

However, everyone in the Lin family knew that there was a high-level immortal fire hidden in the Lianxu Mountain.

There are even rumors that in the Lianxu Mountain, there is an ancient cave mansion with treasures of Chengshan and extremely high inheritance.

However, this is just a legend. Several generations of the Lin family have tried to enter the Refining Market Mountain countless times, but there is a sea of ​​flames in it. Even the Immortal Venerable Lin Feiyun, relying on the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, could not enter it.

Not to mention, go to find treasures and inheritance in it.

"Hey, I know that Yan Yan is a natural fire element, and she is also extremely sensitive to fire. In her body, I found him a 460-layer glazed red gold flame."

"However, she has always been obsessed with Lianxu Mountain."

"I was afraid that she would have an accident, so when I was there, I ordered her to be restricted and entered the Lianxu Mountain. Unexpectedly, she went in while I was away."

Lin Feiyun let out a long sigh, especially blaming himself.

"Father, it's me who is not good. Sister must want to go to the Refining Market Mountain to find the treasure for Qingyun City. It is actually me who should go."

Lin Yichen followed behind him dejectedly.

"I'm probably clear about the matter."

"In three days, I hope Yan Yan is okay, otherwise, I will wash Chaoyuancheng with blood!"

Ling Tian almost gritted his teeth, the terrifying aura in his body had never been extinguished.

In this way, Ling Tian was also willing to believe that this Lin family did not treat or force Lin Yanyan, otherwise, he would not let anyone go.

The crowd soon came to the top of the Lianxu Mountain.

Seeing the raging fire rolling in the mountain pass, Kwai Cailin frowned slightly.

The Lin family was right, the flames in the Mountain Refining Market were indeed terrifying.

No wonder these people dare not enter it.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you really want to go down?"

Kwai Cailin asked.

"Of course, don't worry, this kind of fire can't stop me."

Ling Tian sneered.

If it's something else, it's fine. The difficulty in the Ruins Refining Mountain is just flames, and this is nothing to Ling Tian.

"I just think you should make sure that the so-called Lin Yanyan is the one you know."

Kwai Cai Lin Road.

"It's easy!"

Behind him, Lin Feiyun stepped forward, palmed his hand, and took out a bead. The light surging on it revealed a phantom.

"This is the little girl Yan Yan."

Ling Tian looked at the phantom, his expression changed, and he didn't know if it was fortunate, excited, or worried.

In short, it was extremely complicated, he almost didn't hesitate, and jumped directly into the sea of ​​fire below.

Because, above the portrait, there is no doubt Lin Yanyan.

Although I don't know how long Ling Tian and Lin Yanyan have been apart since they soared to the upper realm, the beautiful woman's voice and smile remain the same.

He didn't want to wait for a moment anymore.

Even in this sea of ​​flames, there are many difficulties and dangers, and I can't stop him.

"Benevolence, it's dangerous!"

When Lin Feiyun saw that Ling Tian was so reckless, he rushed down Lianxu Mountain, and was shocked.

But before he could stop him, Ling Tian's figure was already submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

"Hey, how can this be good!"

"In the Mountain Refining Market, it's not just a simple fire. According to my Lin Family's ancient records, there is also this fire demon in the sea of ​​fire in the Mountain Refining Market. Its combat power is extremely terrifying!"

"Fire Demon!? Why didn't you say it earlier." Kui Cailin frowned.

"I don't know, my benefactor is so anxious, senior, what do you think about this!"

Lin Feiyun said with a sad face.

"Don't worry, it's just a fire demon. It's not that terrible to think about it."

Kwai Cailin hugged her shoulders, after thinking about it, she didn't care.

In my heart, he cursed secretly, "If you guessed correctly, this must be Ling Tian's appearance. I am worried about what he is doing!?"

However, after only insisting on three breaths, Kwai Cailin still couldn't hide her panic, bit her lip, and then jumped into the sea of ​​fire.



Now, the group of Lin family members are even more stupid.

It's okay that I just jumped down one, but now why are they all down! ?

This Lianxu Mountain is a forbidden place. If the two benefactors are careless and both are buried in the Lianxu Mountain, then who will protect Qingyun City!

"Father, how can this be good!"

Lin Yichen frowned.

"You ask me, how do I know that there is no other way but to pray, the two benefactors, He Yanyan, can all return safely!"

Lin Feiyun sighed and sat cross-legged directly on the top of the mountain.

He had to wait for Ling Tian and the others to return from the Lianxu Mountain.

Lianxu Mountain.

Ling Tian jumped into the sea of ​​flames, and he felt the flames around him. In an instant, he retreated from his surroundings, as if he was afraid that he was.

Ling Tian knew that at this time, he had 800 layers of fairy fire in his body. Above the rank, it suppressed the fire here, so they were afraid.

However, Ling Tian's divine mind did not penetrate the sea of ​​fire here when he was on the mountain of Lianxu.

This is extremely unusual for Ling Tian.

Therefore, Ling Tian did not underestimate this Lianxu Mountain.

The fairy fire covered his body, and Ling Tian slowly sank.

As the depth gradually descended, the flame temperature that Ling Tian could feel became higher and higher.

In the end, it has approached the level of more than six hundred floors.

The high temperature of this flame, even if it is Kwai Cailin, it is not easy to resist.

Fortunately, the immortal fire rank in the body is higher, and the eternal Burning Heaven is definitely in the body, there is no fear at all.

In his heart, Ling Tian's aura rose up, and then quickly sank.

When the flame within it was about to reach the height of seven hundred stories, Ling Tian made a bang and landed on the hills of Lianxu Mountain.

Here, it is already close to the ground vein, and it is at least hundreds of thousands of feet deep from the top of the mountain.

It's really rare enough.

However, along the way, Ling Tian's divine consciousness did not find anything like ancient cave mansion or treasure in the mountain.

After landing, Ling Tian's eyes flashed with the light of the blue dragon, and he continued to search for Lin Yanyan's figure.

Although the immortal fire here is hot enough to kill the sixth-order Immortal Venerable.

But Ling Tian felt stubbornly that Lin Yanyan would definitely be fine.

He didn't allow it, Lin Yanyan had an accident.


However, at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly sensed that there was a powerful aura in the sea of ​​fire above, which flashed away.

The combat power should be around the seventh rank of Xianzun.

Being able to hide in the sea of ​​flames until now was only noticed by Ling Tian, ​​this guy has some means,

But it was obvious that that thing was also deliberately hidden, and it didn't come into contact with Ling Tian.

"You'd better not touch Yan Yan, otherwise, I will definitely swallow you!"

Ling Tian gave a cold snort and continued to walk towards the depths of Lianxu Mountain.

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