Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2789: Tianhuozi

Not only that, the Flame Snake just said that he was a fire spirit evolved from the Ruins Refining Cauldron.

The appearance of the Lianxu Mountain also looked like a cauldron.

This will not be a coincidence.

Ling Tian knew that in the ancient times, there was indeed a top-grade cauldron of the highest level of the heavens, whose name was called the ruin ruins cauldron.

This cauldron is extremely powerful, but it disappeared during a battle between the human race and the dragon race.

If you really find the Ruins Refining Ding this time, then the Nine Ding Imperial Heaven Array of the Great Han Dynasty will become stronger again.

This is what Ling Tian needs.

Therefore, in any case, Ling Tian has to turn him upside down on this Mountain Refining Market!


Ling Tian pulled the Kui Cailin and Lin Yanyan with one hand, and rushed into the fire again.

The cave mansion is not below, otherwise, Ling Tian wouldn't be aware of it.

After the flame snake died, the sea of ​​fire in the Lianxu Mountain gradually became thinner.

Many things hidden in the flames gradually manifested.

Finally, Kwai Cai scales found a strange pitch-black hole on the wall of Lianxu Mountain.

Among them, there is surging crimson lava, just like human blood.

"It's a bit weird, but it shouldn't be too dangerous. If I'm not mistaken, this place should be a top immortal cave mansion from the ancient times.

"Let's go, protected by my fairy fire, these magmas are nothing."

Ling Tian embraced the two women and rushed directly into the magma.

Submerged in the magma, the flames here are hotter than in the sea of ​​fire, and if it weren't for the 800 layers of terrifying fairy fire in Ling Tian's body, no one would ever want to enter it.

Within the magma, the three Ling Tian continued to descend.

On the road, I began to encounter endless formations.

However, they were all cracked by Ling Tian one by one.

But this also made Ling Tian more certain that what was hidden here must be the ancient cave mansion undoubtedly.

Sure enough, after another cup of tea, Ling Tian finally broke through the barrier of magma and entered an independent space.

The darkness in this space, the fairy fire on Ling Tian's body suddenly illuminated the space.

Only then discovered that this space is not big, only one hundred zhang radius.

In the space, there are only simple stone tables and chairs and beds.

However, at this time, there was dust all over these appliances.

Obviously it has been a long time, no one has ever practiced here.

However, in this space, in the middle position, there is this dark red cauldron standing there.

It seems that for thousands of years, the position has not been moved.

"Refining the Ruins Ding!?"

Upon seeing this, Ling Tian was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, this ding furnace is really still there.

So this time, the Mountain of Refining the Ruins is really not in vain.

Lin Yanyan made a gesture and was about to step forward.

But it was stopped by Ling Tian.

"Can't take it yet."

Kwai Cailin frowned, "Why, is there anything powerful here that dares to guard this cauldron?"

"No, it's not that there is a guardianship, but we want to take it in a proper way."

Ling Tian stepped forward and bowed in the direction of the bed, "Senior, junior human Ling Tian, ​​it is helpless to break into the cave now."

"Now, if I want to take away the ruins-refining cauldron, I ask the seniors to agree."

Behind them, the two women of Kwai Cailin glanced at each other, both of them a little puzzled.

If Ling Tian did this, is it possible that the master of this cave mansion is not dead yet?

"Hehe, you are considered polite."

However, what shocked the two women was that soon after Ling Tian's voice fell, a figure appeared on the bed as expected.

His beard and hair are all white, and he is dressed in a light blue Taoist robe.

The bones of Xianfeng Dao are all dressed up as cultivators from ancient times.

Obviously, this is the master of this cave.

It's just that this figure is just a phantom formed by a divine mind, without any coercion or aura.

"This is natural. Since the predecessor's spirit is still there, we will not easily take this ruins cauldron."

Ling Tian nodded.

In fact, it was only after he entered this cave mansion space that he felt the breath of divine thought.

Although this divine spirit aura didn't seem threatening, Ling Tian understood that if he rashly picked up the ruins-refining cauldron, the cauldron would destroy itself in the slightest, but in the worst case, both Kui Cailin and Lin Yanyan would be in danger.

"Yes, you didn't let me down. In fact, for so many years, like you, there have been quite a few who broke into this cave."

"But they didn't even ask me a word, they just thought about the things here."

"However, they will naturally not get what they want, but they have lost their lives."

"My God Huozi, even though it's not a super human race, I still have some dignity when I ask myself."

"Since you respect me, then I will respect you naturally."


The old man smiled, and suddenly looked at Lin Yanyan behind Ling Tian, ​​and said, "Moreover, I can smell my heritage."

"Yes, at such an age, I was able to cultivate my Yan Jue to the third level, and also condense the fire in my body into a fire spirit. This is even more brilliant than I was in the past!"


Lin Yanyan was also startled when he heard the words, and his expression was a little flustered.

It turned out that the Nong Yan Jue he was practicing was the inheritance of the senior in front of him.

Ling Tian winked at Lin Yanyan madly.

The latter understood, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Disciple Lin Yanyan, see Master!"

Anyway, this yanjue belonged to the old man, and it was not an exaggeration to approve of it.

In this way, there is a relationship between master and apprentice, and the old man will not embarrass them even more.


"You kids, it's really interesting!"

Sure enough, making the old man smile to the sky seemed very relieved.

"That's it, the old man's remnant thought seems to have been thousands of years, and he has never been so happy."

"Don't worry, if I want to embarrass you, you are already dead now."

The old man floated a long beard, and said: "This ruins-refining cauldron has been left here to be covered in dust. It has been tens of thousands of years, and it is time to reappear in the world."

Immediately, the ruins-refining cauldron flew up and sent to Ling Tian's direction.

"Thank you senior for the treasure."

Ling Tian was overjoyed. Now that the Ruins Refining Cauldron is in his hands, he is already satisfied.

"No thanks, I have been waiting for someone who can inherit my mantle."

"Now, my wish has been fulfilled."

"Besides, I only practice sinful heart in my whole life, and my net worth is only this tripod, and my Nong Yan Jue."

"There is not much I can give you."

The old man manifested a piece of jade slip from his hands.

It was given to Lin Yanyan.

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