Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2808: War

"Hehe, is it Ling Tian? I can feel a trace of dragon breath from your body. Tell me, what are you going to do when you come to our Qingchen Xianzhou this time?"

The dragon general, Ao Guang, did not rush to take a shot, but manifested the dragon scales all over his body, and clenched his blood-red dragon claws tightly.

In his opinion, Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the human race, came to this Qingchen Xianzhou within a short distance of thousands of miles, just to save the human race here! ?

It seems that there is not much possibility.

However, Ling Tian's face changed slightly when he heard this.

The aura of Qinglong and Panlong in his body, logically speaking, had been suppressed by him very carefully.

But now, there is still no way to hide the induction of such Dragon Clan Immortal Venerable! ?

It seemed that Ling Tian had to find some excuses.

"Hehe, of course there is dragon breath in my body!"

"I killed the old indigo dragon king before, his dragon blood, his dragon crystal nucleus, they were all eaten by me."

"Next, it's your turn!"

Ling Tian thought about it, then sneered.


"You swallowed the blood and crystal core of the old dragon king!"

Hearing this, the dragon general Ao Guang was furious.

This human race not only killed the old dragon king, but in the end even the dragon blood and crystal core did not give up. It is simply unforgivable!

Moreover, he could sense that the aura in Ling Tian's body was somewhat similar to Qinglong.

In a moment, Ao Guang no longer wanted to question Ling Tian.

Immediately speaking, the blood of the red-patterned dragon race was released, and the whole body was covered with crystal lines on the blood-red dragon scales.

Here are the blood characteristics of the Red-Worn Dragons.

Under the blessing of this characteristic bloodline, the fighting power of the red-patterned dragon clan is made stronger.

The defensive power is also far superior to other dragons of the same rank.

The blood-red light flashed, and Ao Guang took the lead.

The speed is even faster to the extreme, far beyond what Rocky City Lord or the Sky Tiger patriarch can compare.

He didn't even want to give Ling Tian a chance to use his swordsmanship.


With a flicker, Na Ao Guang appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​similar to that of Kui Cailin's supernatural powers, with a dragon claw in front of him, trying to break Ling Tian's chest.

The Meteorite Sword hadn't displayed the Divine Sword Thunder-Repelling True Art, Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, Tao Shou directly, the Azure Dragon's hand opened directly, and the Azure Battle Armor was greeted by him.


In the air, sparks bloomed.

That Ao Guang's terrifying dragon claws caught Ling Tian's arm directly.

But because of the unicorn armplates and the battle armor of the gods, Na Ao Guang's claw did not tear Ling Tian's arm apart.

However, the battle armor of the Protoss was left with a few deep marks by Ao Guangclaw, almost completely grasping the battle armor.

It can be seen how sharp the claws of these immortal-level dragons are.

Ling Tian was also very helpless. Although his Protoss battle armor was of good grade, it was already damaged when it was obtained. Although it has been repaired a little, it is far from being able to exert its original defensive ability.

Perhaps it was already the limit to be able to resist the ninth-order battle power of the Immortal Venerable.

Not only that, if it weren't for Ling Tian's hand of Azure Dragon, then Ao Guang's one-claw power could make Ling Tian's body shatter through the battle armor of the **** race.

But even so, Ling Tian was still shot off the sky by Ao Guang's claw.


However, Na Ao Guang was shocked.

A hint of shame flashed across his face.

When he shot, he didn't even crush this small junior human race directly! ?

You know, he is a well-known dragon general of the red-patterned dragon clan, and he is the most powerful man in the hands of the prince.

The cultivation base of Xianzun's eighth-level, the combat power has been able to reach the ninth-level of Xianzun, but now, it can't help such a small human race! ?

If this were to be passed back to the red-patterned dragon clan, wouldn't he be laughed to death by those dragon generals?

"Protoss Battle Armor!?"

Ao Guang also discovered the blue-gold battle armor that had emerged from Ling Tian's body at the first time.

Only this class of armor can resist the sharpness of his dragon claws.

As soon as Ao Guang said this, the warriors on the Rocky City side looked at Ling Tian one after another, with fiery colors in their eyes.

Protoss Battle Armor, such good things, even in the dragon clan of the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, are rare things, and few exist.

"Ao Guang, be sure to get this Protoss armor, you know, the young master is worrying about not having a suitable armor to protect him recently!"

On the Rocky City Wall, Liu Yuchan was suddenly excited.

If she took the Protoss War Armor back this time, then the prince would definitely be happy.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuchan wished Ling Tian would die right now.

"I naturally know that this Protoss battle armor, no matter what, I will pull it off from him!"

Ao Guang looked at Ling Tian who was lowering him, and the killing intent in his heart became more intense.

"Hehe, why, just want to kill me like that!?"

Ling Tian shook his arm and dispelled the dragon power participating in his body.

Although this Ao Guang is really strong enough.

But as long as he is not hit by close hands, Ling Tian is still not afraid.

Now that the two have moved apart, Ling Tian will no longer give each other a chance to get close.

Immediately, Ling Tian's Meteor Sword was unsheathed, and it was still the Divine Sword Yu Lei's True Art that was opened. Thousands of sword shadows spread around Ling Tian.

The sword intent was soaring into the sky. Under Ling Tian's original sword intent, the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue was already as powerful as he wanted to be.

Not only that, the current Ling Tian's cultivation has reached the level of the ninth-level immortal king, and the strong immortal source aura in the sea of ​​Qi in his body is like the sea of ​​stars, boundless.

Under this heavy blessing, Ling Tian can completely fight this Ao Guang.

This is why Ling Tian is confident.

No matter how bad it is, he will end up using the God of War to kill the sky.

The current Taichu will has been restored to the rank of quasi-emperor.

Once sacrificed, it will be a power that destroys the world.


The sound of swords mingled in bursts, and the divine sword Yu Lei Zhen tactics turned into thousands of swords, surrounded by Ling Tian, ​​both offensive and defensive.

"Human sculpting tricks!"

"In front of the dragon power of my dragon clan, they are all chickens and dogs!"

Seeing that Ling Tian had already displayed magical powers, Ao Guang was helpless. Now that he had lost the chance to kill with one blow, he could only break Ling Tian's magical powers!


A shocking dragon roar resounded in front of Rocky City, and that Ao Guang flew directly down, and the dragon claws stretched out, as if to smash the land.

However, just when the dragon claws were about to descend on Ling Tian's head, the thousands of sword shadows directly evolved swords and shields.

Shrouded in a vast radius.


This time, the dragon claw fell directly on the sword formation. ,

But what was different from the previous one was that this Ao Guang's claw not only didn't hurt Ling Tian, ​​but even the sword formation was not broken.

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