Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2811: The reincarnation of the ancient gods, the mysterious Rose? [Seeking fruit! 】

"You, don't come over, tell you, my grandfather is the prince of the dragon clan, he is very strong!"

"If you dare to touch me, I promise you will die miserably!"

Liu Yuchan couldn't help backing away, but in his mouth, he still threatened Ling Tian.

"Haha, mate!?"

"This word came from a human woman, why does it make me feel so sick!"

Ling Tian sneered, still before step by step, he directly killed Liu Yuchan in no hurry.

That way, it would be too cheap for her.

"You, what do you want!?"

"As long as you let me go, I promise, maybe afterwards, I will say your kind words in the Red Dragon Clan, as long as you give up, I promise, the Red Dragon Clan will not hold you accountable again!"

Liu Yuchan cried out.

She has been spoiled since childhood, but she has never been so insulted, but she is afraid of death, she can't die.

"Don't hold me accountable!?"

"It seems that you really didn't take my words to heart!"

"Then I will tell you again now, I am here this time just to discuss an argument with the Dragon Race!"

"Before entering the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, this red-patterned dragon clan, I will surely level it, not leaving one!"

Standing in front of Liu Yuchan, Ling Tian said coldly: "I heard that not only did you marry the red-patterned dragon clan, but how many times the dragon clan attacked the city of the human clan. It was all your instigation and intention?"

"Are you still alone!?"

"Do you know, because of one of your thoughts, how many human races were buried in the hands of the red-patterned dragon race!?"

"How many children have lost their parents, how many have lost their brothers and sisters!?"

"I see you, but a demon in human skin!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, pinched Liu Yuchan's slender neck, and pulled it up directly.

"No, no, kill, kill me!"

At this time, Liu Yuchan was trembling all over, and Ling Tian's throat was restrained, but he was still struggling desperately.

But with Liu Yuchan's cultivation base, in Ling Tian's hands, it was like a dog.

"Ling Tian, ​​let my daughter go!"

Under Rocky City, Liu Tianxiao exclaimed when he saw this.

But as the peerless arrogant of the Liu family, Liu Xiu took advantage of Ling Tian to take advantage of Liu Yuchan, then turned around and fled into Rocky City.

He has given up Rocky City.

However, as the first arrogant of the Liu family, the eighth-level cultivation base of the immortal king and the ultimate talent of the source, he knows that with his capital, as long as he escapes, he will be a star-like dazzling existence no matter where he goes. .

Everything is better than death.

"Hehe, this woman's heart is like a snake and scorpion, countless human races have died because of her."

"Today, none of you can save her!"

In front of Rocky City, Ling Tian took Liu Yuchan and hovered in the air, gradually exerting force in his hands.

Liu Yuchan was still struggling at first, but after a while, he lost his breath.

Before tens of millions of human races, Liu Yuchan was strangled to death by Ling Tiansheng.

This is the humiliation she should bear.

Ling Tian also used this to comfort and pay tribute to the fellow humans who had died in his hands.

"Ling Tian, ​​this **** hatred, my Liu family, will never die with you!"

Liu Tianxiao's angry eyes widened, wishing to fly over and fight Ling Tian desperately.

"Hehe, Liu Tianxiao, you still have a face to howl, do you know how many city martial artists who have been annihilated by you, before they died, cursed you so bitterly!"

"This is karma, many unrighteous acts will kill oneself"


Lu Buyi took advantage of the chaos of Liu Tianxiao's spiritual thoughts and appeared directly behind him. With a single blow, Liu Tianxiao was beheaded.

All of a sudden, the two powerhouses in Rocky City, Dragon General Ao Guang and City Lord Liu Tianxiao, all fell.

With the group of dragons headless, the three million army of Rocky City began to rout.

Ling Tian ignored the battle outside the city, but stood on top of the city, watching everything in front of him.

The Liu family is about to die.

This was a big step after he arrived in Qingchen Xianzhou.

Next, before heading to the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, there was only the Red-Worn Dragon Clan left.

As for the other dragons in the periphery, Ling Tian had no energy and went to take care of it.

Think about it, after he eradicated the red-patterned dragon clan, he would let other ethnic groups in this Qingchen Xianzhou ignite the fire of resistance.

The fight in front of Rocky City did not last long before it ended.

Except for the hundreds of thousands of Liu family warriors who all died in battle, the other warriors all surrendered in the first place.

These are the elites of the major ethnic groups, and Ling Tian is naturally happy to see them go to him.

However, just around Rocky City, it has become a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood. When the army began to clean the battlefield, a sad and loud rhythm sounded suddenly from the distant mountains and the sky.

The rhythm is extraordinary, the voice is loud, and it resounds throughout Rocky City.

Above the city wall, Ling Tian frowned slightly at the moment this rhythm sounded.

With Ling Tian's current musical skills, not to mention the best in Xianzhou, but definitely, he is considered a master.

There are very few rhythms that can make Ling Tian pay attention to.

However, when this rhythm sounded, it still made Ling Tian's eyes bright.

The melody itself was extraordinary, but what really surprised Ling Tian was the instrument that played this melody.

Suona! ?

Ling Tian frowned slightly and listened carefully to this rhythm, only to find that the rhythm was sorrowful and loud, as if it was screaming to the sky, as if it was a dead soul in front of Rocky City.

This surprised Ling Tian, ​​he had been in the fairy world for a while, but he hadn't really seen anyone blowing suona so well.

"Who is this person!?"

Ling Tian stared, and in his eyes, he found the figure in the white robe standing on the top of the mountain thousands of miles away.

One of them was dressed in a white robe with a long white cloak behind him, moving in the wind, under the dim and blood-red sky, especially eye-catching.

"Ahem, this... we really know each other, but your Majesty, let this person stay there, let's ignore him!"

Standing behind Ling Tian, ​​Lu Buyi coughed lightly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Oh? Why is this? Is there a story about this person's origin?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, but he became more curious in his heart.

"Patriarch Tianhu, do you know this person?"

Seeing that Na Lu didn't say anything, Ling Tian looked at the patriarch Tianhu again. The latter smiled awkwardly and scratched his head and said, "Slightly heard, slightly heard!"

Ling Tian shook his head, and finally his eyes fell on Lin Feiyun, who had returned with Lu Buyi.

"Old Lin, you say!"

"This, this, haha..." Lin Feiyun's expression was bitter, but he also knew Ling Tian's character. If he didn't figure it out, he would never give up.

By the way: "Hey, it's actually not a big deal."

"This person is a descendant, and he is also the son of the Luo family among the five great families of our human race, and his name is Rose."

"However, his life experience is unusual. It is said that he was born to the human race and the dragon race. His parents died after giving birth to him."

"Then what is there to make you so taboo?" Ling Tian frowned.

"Because, because this person is evil!"

"After he was born, 90% of all people who had come into contact with him died, and those who didn't die were crazy!"

"The Luo family has no choice but to drive him out of the house."

"After that, he went rampant in the Qingchen Xianzhou, no matter whether it was the human race, the monster race, or the dragon race, they all avoided him!"

"There is a legend that he is the reincarnation of a fierce **** of the ancient gods, and his life is very hard!"

"Later, he didn't know where he learned the art of rhythm."

"As long as there are wars and disputes between the human race and the dragon race, when the blood flows into a river, you will see it."

"His song is called Guitian Yinlong. After a while, there should be dragon souls coming. You can wait and see!"

After Lin Feiyun said, she turned her back, as if she was afraid that her words might bring bad luck.

"Is there anything else?"

But Ling Tian's gaze, looking at the figure holding the suona, seemed to be grieving to Heaven, but he couldn't move away anymore.

This Rose is interesting.

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