Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2815: You are angry

"This... well, well, I will try!"

Rose nodded.


Ling Tian took Rose's hand and flew towards Rocky City with sunflower scales.

However, when he saw that Ling Tian had brought this fierce **** back, all the warriors inside and outside Rocky City retreated.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean!?"

Seeing Ling Tian and Rose entering the city side by side, Na Lu Buyi and the other celestial elders were puzzled.

"Hehe, it's okay. From now on, Rose is my brother. He is no longer a fierce god. Don't worry, all of you, nothing will happen!"

Ling Tian smiled.

But the others, still stay away from Rose.

Rose himself was just standing behind Ling Tian, ​​far away from the others.

"Cailin, you take Brother Ross to settle down first, and we'll talk about it later!"

Ling Tian handed Ross to Kui Cailin, and then, with the management of the army, arrived at the Rocky City Hall.

"Your Majesty, you really don't need to provoke Rose."

Inside the hall, there was silence, although the victory in front of Rocky City this time should have been a happy thing.

However, everything changed because Rose entered Rocky City.

You know, Ross once killed hundreds of thousands of people in a city.

"Don't talk about it. If you believe me, don't take Rose to your heart. He has no problems now. Just wait and see."

Ling Tian waved his hand to suppress these voices.

"In that case, your Majesty, now that the Liu family has all been destroyed except that Liu Xiu escaped. Then, what do we do next!? Shall we directly kill the Red-Worn Dragon Race?"

Lin Feiyun asked suddenly.

Because before, Ling Tian's strategy was to use wars to support wars.

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

"No, even though we have already acted on a tens of thousands of troops, a hundred immortals.’

"But I also know that the Red Dragon Race is far stronger than Rocky City."

"If we attacked, there would be no chance of winning at all!"

What surprised the other Immortal Venerables was that this time, Ling Tian was shocked?

However, in this way, the strong people such as the Tianhu patriarch also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

They were really afraid that Ling Tian would take the army and kill the red-patterned dragon clan like this, and that would be really looking for death.

Even today's Ling Tian is really strong.

"What does your majesty mean!?"

Lu Buyi stroked his beard. It was his first contact with Ling Tian today, and he wanted to see what kind of judgment this human fairy king full of legends could make.

"Before, we used war to support war, now we will invite you to enter the urn!"

Ling Tian sneered and spread out the map above the hall.

"Actually, I have already studied the topography of Rocky City."

"The location here is excellent, surrounded by mountains on three sides, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the Liu family is a bunch of straw bags and they are not used."

"So, my plan is to dispatch all the formation mages in the army to build a big formation based on the mountains and foundations around Rocky City!"

"Build as many large arrays as there are."

"Let within thousands of miles around Rocky City, not only will it be solid, but those who have to enter will die!"

Ling Tian sneered and pressed his big hand on the map, "Before the final decisive battle, I want to kill the red-patterned dragon clan more than half!"

"Great formation?"

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other.

Before this, they had never thought of using a large formation to deal with the dragons.

Because, although the big formation is the strength of the human race, it may not be effective before the absolute power of the dragon race.

"Yes, I know what you are worrying about. Although the dragons are physically and powerful, in the past, there were few large formations that could really stop them or kill them."

"But today is different. The large array we want to build must far exceed the previous ones in terms of quantity and quality."

Ling Tian smiled as he looked at the doubts on everyone's faces.

"Could it be that your majesty built the...what's that called?" Lu Buyi frowned.

"Jiuding Imperial Sky Formation!?" Lin Feiyun continued.

"Haha, it's almost the same, but we don't have Jiuding, but we can use other Tongtian Lingbao or Zhibao instead."

"Although the Jiuding Yutian Great Array cannot be copied, it is sufficient to deal with the previous offensives of the Red Pattern Dragon Clan."

"The strength of the formation is not enough, then we will build more. If ten paths are not enough, then fifty paths are not enough, and if fifty paths are not enough, then only one hundred paths!"

"If his Red Dragon Race really has the strength to break through my big formation, they will be exhausted!"

Ling Tian looked at Lu Buyi, "Patriarch Lu, this matter is under your control of the entire city. You must first gather all the formation mages in the army, and I will send you the map of the formation later."

"I promise, these formations are something they haven't seen before!"

"Haha, if that's the case, then it is definitely a great opportunity for these formation mages!"

Lu Buyi laughed and went down to decorate.

At the end of the management meeting, Ling Tian returned to the mansion behind the City Lord’s Mansion.

Kwai Cailin arranged Rose here.

Around, all the houses are empty.

Now, apart from Ling Tian and Kui Cailin, no one wants to contact Rose.

"Ling Tian Kingdom Lord, is this really good?"

Rose watched Ling Tian come back, still standing in the yard.

"Different, you and I are now friends, and we will be brothers in the future. You are still called the Lord of our country now, it's not right!"

Ling Tian took Rose's hand and walked into the room side by side.

"Uh, well, in the future, I will call you...Brother Ling!"

Rose said embarrassedly.

The three people were seated in the room.

Ling Tian thought for a while and said, "Brother Luo, I have a word, I don't know if I should ask or not."

"Brother Ling, please ask."

"Is the original power in your body born of you, or did you get it later?" In fact, Ling Tian always wanted to ask about this.

After all, this is about the secrets of the nine gods.

"I was born with it."

Anyway, Ling Tian also saw it, and Rose would not hide it.

"Then... the figure above the Dao Ji above the sea of ​​anger..."

Rose heard that his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Ling Tian faintly for a long while, and said: "This...I don't know, but I found him since I was able to look inside."

"Moreover, I also want to ask Brother Ling a question."

Ross asked back: "Brother Ling has this thing in the air of anger?"


This time, Ling Tian's heart was shocked.

This Rose has not entered his own sea of ​​anger, how would he know that he also has Daoji.

On the foundation, there is also a phantom of the beginning?

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