Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2819: The last one [four more]

"Does your majesty have a plan!?"

Lu Buyi asked.

"Yes, but...somewhat cruel!"

Ling Tian sighed, "However, I have given them the opportunity, so you can't blame me."

"That person, he should have arrived."

Inside the Red Dragon Clan Camp.

Patriarch Ao Chong's chest was violently ups and downs, and it was him who was also irritated by Ling Tian just now.

After living for so long, have you ever been so insulted by a small descendant of the human race?

However, Ao Chong also knew that this must be Ling Tian's aggressive strategy, he would never be fooled!

"Patriarch, before the army, there is a clan asking to see you!"

But at this moment, outside the big camp, another dragon will come in to inform.

"Human race, please!?"

"Are you looking for death!?"

"Now, I'm going to kill all the human races I see to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Ao Hong was so angry that he was about to get up and leave the camp.

"The human race said that he has a way to crack the outer formations of Rocky City!"

But the second sentence of the dragon general was to silence all the dragons in the camp.

"What? What did you say!? He has a way to crack the big formation outside Rocky City!?"

Na Ao Hong was stunned, but also came back to grab the dragon general's armor and questioned.

"He, that's what he said!"

The dragon nodded again and again.

"Let that human race in, if you dare to lie to us, you will never forgive!"

Patriarch Ao Chong said.

After a while, a short white-bearded human race old man, leaning on a cane, limped into the big tent.

"Hey, young man Pangbo, I have seen all the dragon adults!"

The old man stood in the big camp, his face looked like fear, and he smiled, bowing and saluting to all the dragons.

However, Ao Chong glanced at this human race, only to find that the cultivation base of this human race was only a first-order immortal.

And it looks ugly.

It's not very pleasing indeed.

"Pangbo!? Where are you from? You are a warrior in Qingchen Xianzhou!?"

Ao Chong frowned and asked.

"That's right! Little old man, once was the worshipper of the Zhou family in Chaoyuan City!"

The old man said proudly: "My Zhou family, all of them were destroyed by Ling Tian. This time I am here to offer you a plan so that you can reach Rocky City!"

"Haha, are you!? What you said is light, but we also know that the big formation here was arranged by hundreds of thousands of clan mages in a month. You alone, what can you do to solve this? Great formation?"

Ao Hong sneered.

A mere Tier 1 Immortal Venerable also dared to speak wild words! ?

"Of course there is a way!"

Pang Bo drew a feather fan from his waist and shook it gently.

"What can you say, if it's really useful, I will reward you!"

"If it's useless, I will never let you go!"

Ao Chong walked down from the main position of Daying.

"Don't go around with me, I don't have much patience!"

"Haha, I know you are in a hurry, so I'll just say it straight. There is only one way to crack this Rocky City formation, and that is to fill it with life!" Pangbo laughed.

But the next moment, Na Ao Hong and others were frightened.

"You fool us!"

"Use your life to fill in, but you still use it!?"

These, they had known before.

Patriarch Ao Chong also directly stretched out his hand, grabbed Pangbo by the neck, and lifted him up to life.

"It seems you really want to die!"

"Fuck me, believe it or not I make you better off living?"

Ao Chong's face was cold, full of killing intent.

"Don't, don't, little old man, still, I haven't finished talking yet!"

"It's the life to fill, but as long as you don't use the dragon's life to fill it, isn't it over!?"

"Anyway, it's not the human race that is dead. You don't care about the life and death of other races. Just let them go to this big formation!?"

Pangbo's face was flushed, but after a few words, all the strong dragons were startled.

The next moment, it suddenly dawned on me.

It's like being empowered by Daigo!

"Yes, yes! Dad, have we all been stupid with anger!? It is indeed a matter of life to fill, but it is not necessarily our dragon!"

Ao Hong also slapped his thigh and gradually laughed.

"Yes, that's right, now we only need to gather all the armies of other races, let them sit as forwards, wait for these formations to be leveled, we are killing Rocky City, isn't it over?"

"Yeah, it's very simple!"

"I'm just afraid that those ethnic groups will disagree!"

"Hehe, what's the problem with this!? Before, didn't those groups say that they were willing to shed blood for the red-patterned dragon clan? Now, it's time for them to show their loyalty!"

Within the promise, a group of dragons talked about each other, but their mood was obviously much better.

"Haha, good, great!"

Patriarch Ao Chong also smiled coldly, and put down Pangbo.

"Hey, I don't know how this old man, you Dragon Race adults, are you satisfied?"

The old man smiled, very funny.

"It's a good idea, but you still need to follow me. If something goes wrong, I will still kill you!"

Ao Chong sneered, "Hong'er, now you take the dragon generals and gather other races so that their army can assemble in the shortest possible time before the camp of my red-patterned dragon race!"

"Yes, dad, just wait for me to come back!"


Ao Hong laughed and flew out of the camp with a group of Dragon Warriors.

For this battle in Rocky City, they will do whatever it takes, of course, except for sacrificing the interests of the Red Dragon Clan.

The red-patterned dragons really can't compromise the fighters.

Ao Hong's efficiency is very high.

However, within half a month, all the major ethnic groups within a radius of 1.5 million li were assembled before the dragon army.

Of course, these ethnic groups had been notified by Ling Tian's Immortal Venerable as early as a month ago.

However, they didn't pay attention to the human race of Rocky City at all.

Nor would he take refuge in a human city at all.

In their eyes, the ten million rebel army headed by Ling Tian is a group of fools and lunatics!

Sooner or later, they will be destroyed in the hands of the red-patterned dragon clan.

However, when the seven hundred thousand dragon warriors of the dragon clan were buried outside Rocky City, they began to shake.

Perhaps, these human races can really fight against the red-patterned dragon race.

Among them, some clever ethnic groups, feeling critical, moved away from the red-patterned dragon clan's realm one after another.

But the remaining groups were driven before the dragon army.

Looking at the dense array in front of Rocky City, they finally knew what it meant when Ling Tian's sentence gave themselves a chance.

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