Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2821: Blew up

These dragon warriors all shot together, and the degree of horror can be imagined.

Even if he knew that Ling Tian's great formation was really tyrannical, all the warriors in Rocky City were still terrified.

It was really because this dragon group attacked it, it was too terrifying.

Among these people, Ling Tian was the only one who was still sitting on the big chair, looking at everything in front of him indifferently, as if these were all under his control.


However, just when the attack of the millions of troops landed on Rocky City, the great formation of the city, in an instant, cracked like a crack!

"Hehe, vulnerable!"

Ao Chong looked down at everything above the sky, and he didn't even do it himself.

How terrifying the fighting power of the Million Dragon Warriors started from this moat formation.

"One cup of tea time, after one cup of tea, the great formation of Rocky City will be broken!"


Ao Hong was laughing wildly again.

"Your Majesty, are we ready to fight to the death!?"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Lu Buyi and others trembled.

It's time to come, it's coming.

Even if they had created many legends in the Rocky City battle this time, the red-patterned dragon clan was greatly injured.

However, they still have Million Dragon Warriors. ,

This is still an extremely terrifying force for the current human race.

With one enemy ten, it is not difficult for the dragon warrior.

In the next moment, Kwai Cailin also manifested behind Ling Tian.

Today, Kwai Cailin has been in retreat for several months, and although his combat power has not broken through to the ninth rank of Immortal Venerable, it is almost there.

A suona sound resounded inside and outside Rocky City, and then Rose came lightly and fell behind Ling Tian.

This time, no one else had avoided it.

Because it seems to be exactly what Ling Tian said.

Ross now has no ability for bad luck. He has been in Rocky City for a few months, and in Rocky City, he has not become a dead city.

"Brother Ling, is the decisive battle about to begin?"

Rose fell down and asked.

"No hurry, no hurry!"

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

"Your Majesty, do we have to wait? This big formation, I am afraid it will be broken!"

Lu Buyi frowned.

"The big formation is destined to be broken, and I have never thought that the big formation is really used to stop the dragon clan. Don't forget, our purpose is to flatten the red-lined dragon clan, not to resist!"

Ling Tian stood up from the big chair and looked at the densely packed Dragon Warriors above the sky.

"But your Majesty, this million dragon warriors, we need to fight everything!"

Lu Buyi frowned.

"I should know that these million dragon fighters are still difficult for our human race."

"and so……"

"I'm just going to give them a big gift!"

Ling Tian smiled coldly.

The people behind him looked at each other, really not sure what medicine was selling in Ling Tian's gourd!

"about there!"

Looking at the large formation full of cracks above the sky, Ling Tian murmured, and then, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and then the large formation covering Rocky City burst open in an instant!

That's right, the big formation exploded in an instant.

A terrifying shock wave swept towards the outside of Rocky City, and the densely packed dragon warriors were shaken everywhere in an instant.


At this moment, the patriarch Ao Chong was also dumbfounded. ‘

How could he have thought that this great formation on Rocky City would suddenly explode at this time! ?

That terrifying energy was definitely not formed by the collapse of the formation, but was deliberately arranged by Ling Tian!

The formation blew up!

At this time, even the human races in Rocky City burst out with monstrous exclamations.

Who would have thought that this was the last formation Ling Tian arranged for Rocky City!

Although at this time, the large moat formation on Rocky City is gone, the power of the formation's self-detonation is absolutely hidden deep. Now that the explosion has exploded, the shock wave generated by it makes all the mountains and rivers within a radius of 100,000 miles. collapse!

Even Ao Chong and Ao Hong on the sky above the sky were overturned by this breath.

When they slowed down and lifted into the air again, they discovered that the million dragon warriors were now mostly dead and wounded, scattered everywhere!

Even if the Dragon Warrior had never died, most of them were seriously injured.

Inability to fight again.

In other words, Ling Tian exploded himself with a formation method, and directly abolished 90% of the red-patterned dragon fighters!


At this moment, Na Aochong was almost mad.

His millions of dragons were almost completely destroyed in the hands of a Ling Tian!

He couldn't think of what kind of formation it was that could be so terrifying!

This kind of power is simply incredible!

"I understand, this large formation above Rocky City was absorbing energy from the very beginning! When those dragon fighters attacked the formation, they were actually charging the formation, but now these energy, They all blew up and bounced back. Are they dead in their own hands?"

Lu Buyi patted his forehead and exclaimed.

After all, the power of this big array of self-destruction just now made them somewhat unacceptable.

If a big formation has this kind of power, then who can be the opponent of the human race! ?

For a moment, everyone looked at Ling Tian, ​​and secretly said that Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the big man, was too powerful.

Could it be that he thought of all this from the first day of building the big formation! ?

Moreover, this terrifying array is really too precious.


However, Ling Tian shook his head and said, "Not only the attacks of these dragon warriors, but also the talents, the large formation within a hundred thousand miles has been linked by me."

"The energy of all the shocks that these big formations have endured is concentrated in the formation on Rocky City. Once they explode, this is the effect."

However, when Ling Tian's voice fell, everyone took a deep breath.

Sure enough, even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't think of it!

"High, really high! I, Lu Buyi, completely convinced Majesty Ling Tian today!"

Lu Buyi gave a thumbs up, the respect on his face was beyond words.

The others chuckled, naturally they couldn't say in their hearts, Ling Tian is now Qingchen Xianzhou, the well-deserved leader of the human race!

"Don't rush to praise me first, the red-patterned dragon race has not been completely wiped out now. When all of them are killed, it will not be too late for you to praise me again!"

Ling Tian smiled, took a step forward, and disappeared above the city wall.

"Warriors above the top fairy king, follow me out of the city, and fight to the death with the dragon clan!"

Lu Buyi and the patriarch of Tianhu also shouted angrily and flew down the city wall one after another.

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