Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2825: Sword refers to the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm

"no no!"

Ao Chong was horrified, but Ling Tian's sword was too amazing, as if under this sword, any resistance would be futile.

Suppression, absolute suppression.

Under the quasi-emperor's breath, anyone can only surrender and wait for death!


Thunder sword splits the sky.

Ao Chong and Jian Guang disappeared into the mountains.

Three thousand li long ravines cracked from the mountains.

Ling Tian's sword directly changed the terrain between the Taoyuan mountains.


After a sword, Ling Tian fell from the sky.

This is the first time he once again sacrificed to the God of War to kill the sky after a long time.

However, the primordial will that had become the quasi-emperor level made Ling Tian somehow unable to bear it.

The spirit of the whole person seemed to be hollowed out at this moment.

In other words, this God of War Killing the Sky could indeed make Ling Tian explode several times his own combat power, but its consumption was also enormous, and the current Ling Tian could use it twice at most.

After two times, Ling Tian lost all combat power.

It must be cultivated to recover.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are fooling around in Taoyuan again!"

The charming Tao Yaoyao, Liu Yao and others appeared beside Ling Tian.

Xiaoqing also helped Ling Tian up.

"Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine!" Ling Tian waved his hand.

"Ling Tian can't do anything about it. It's safe to use the quasi-emperor's aura in this peach garden, otherwise, if you are forced out outside, it will completely alarm the quasi-emperor in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory!"

Six Yao Road.

"But Ling Tian, ​​if you bring outsiders into Taoyuan in the future, you have to be careful."

"It's all about Ao Chong, but if you know what Taoyuan is, or if it has reached the top Immortal Venerable or Quasi-Emperor level, then the power of Taoyuan in Taoyuan will not be able to suppress the opponent."

Liu Yao suddenly said with a grim expression.


Ling Tian nodded. Of course he knew that Taoyuan had a tolerance limit. If this limit was exceeded, it would be a devastating disaster for Taoyuan.

"Huh, it's just not enough now."

"I'm working hard to upgrade. After some time, even if the Emperor Zhun comes in, I have to give this lady a good girl!"

Tao Yaoyao pinched Xiaoman's waist.

"Emperor Zhun!? How long will it take then!"

Ling Tian asked.


Tao Yaoyao thought for a while, and said, "Almost, fifty years?"


Ling Tian waved his hand, but didn't hear it.

Fifty years is still too long for him.

"Hey, fifty years have been fast, okay?"

Tao Yaoyao didn't have a good air.

"Fine, then you gradually upgrade, I will go out first!"

Ling Tian shook his head and left Taoyuan.

Ao Chong is dead, but the battlefield in front of Rocky City is not over yet.

However, when Ling Tian descended from the sky again, holding the giant dragon head of Ao Chong in his hand, and appeared in front of Rocky City, the dragon generals who were still resisting were completely stupid.

Their dragon patriarch is dead! ?

Moreover, he was killed by Ling Tian so quickly! ?

They couldn't believe their eyes.


Ao Hong, who was being tortured by Rose, had a look of horror and suspicion. His powerful father also died at the hands of Ling Tian.

What kind of means was used by Ling Tian! ?

However, whether these dragons believe it or not, Ao Chong is already dead.

All the resistance of the Red-Worn Dragon Race was meaningless. Soon, the remaining Dragon Warriors and Dragon Commanders were all beheaded by the strong human race.

This made them wait for a long battle, and it ended in less than a day, which was beyond the expectation of almost everyone.

Back in Rocky City, Ling Tian took a group of powerful immortals and settled in the hall.

The battlefield outside the city was swept by a large army.

And what they should discuss at this time is what will happen after the battle is over.

"Your Majesty, now this red-patterned dragon clan has been almost annihilated, should we use the sword to refer to the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory!?"

Lu Buyi laughed as he stained his battle armor with blood.

"No, we want the sword to point to the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain, but it's not now."

"The soldiers are suppressing the realm, that is, they are directly declaring war with the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, and they are declaring war with a pebble attack."

But Ling Tian shook his head.


Everyone looked at each other and didn't know how Ling Tian would arrange it afterwards.

"Hehe, don't worry, everyone, I said, we want to point the sword to the Ten Thousand Dragon Regions, and ask the Dragon Clan for an explanation, but it's not the current tens of millions of troops.

"We destroyed the Red Dragon Clan, this matter will inevitably spread to the Ten Thousand Dragon Regions, and I will wait for them to respond."

"But this period of time will be a rare cultivation period for our human race, and you will also have time to do what you should do."

Ling Tian looked at Lu Buyi, the head of Tianhu and others, and said with a smile: "Everyone knows that the periphery of Qingchen Xianzhou is huge, and there are many warriors in it. Even if it is my human race, it is not only the ten million Crowd."

"There are two of the five great families left."

"What you have to do now is to unite with other forces and join our alliance. As long as we are united, even if the Ten Thousand Dragon Region is furious at that time, there may not be any way to do it with us!"

Ling Tian sat on the main seat and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, your majesty can see clearly, we were stunned by the victory!"

Lu Buyi patted his forehead.

"Yes, there are more than hundreds of millions of warriors outside Qingchen Xianzhou? If they can really unite, then there is definitely a lot to do!"

The patriarch of Tianhu nodded, and then stood up, "Moreover, after this battle, I think they should also understand that the Dragon Clan is not invincible in Qingchen Xianzhou. I think they will agree to unite."

"I'll get in touch now!"

"Okay, since everyone has the same idea, then let's do it. As for me, hehe, I will fulfill my promise, and the sword points to the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm!"

Ling Tian suddenly stood up from the chair.

"What!? Your Majesty, you are going to the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm now!?"

Tianhu and others were shocked when they heard this.

"No, your Majesty, the Ten Thousand Dragon Region is the core of the dragon clan. It is too dangerous for you to go alone!"

Lin Feiyun and others were also shocked and got up one after another.

For them, the Wanlong Domain was too terrifying.

Inside, there are imperial palaces.

"Hehe, I naturally won't go alone, and Cailin and Brother Ross are with me."

Ling Tian smiled, Rose and Kwai Cailin also manifested beside him.


Everyone wanted to persuade again, but Ling Tian raised his hand, "You don't have to worry too much. I went to the Ten Thousand Dragon Region this time and I didn't declare war directly."

"After all, what we wanted was a statement. If in the end Wanlongyu really forced me to wait too much, then we would have nothing to say."

"You wait, do your own thing, just do it."

"After I left, the human race settled down with Rocky City as the center, and rebuilt the formation. Before I return, everything here has management decisions."

The voice fell, and the three Ling Tian's figures completely disappeared in the hall.

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