Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2827: Rose's emotional story

"The Forbidden City..."

A strange thing flashed across Rose's face. Ling Tian saw it, and looked at each other with Kwai Cailin, and then smiled: "What's the matter, Rose, have you been to the Forbidden City, or what story has there been there!" ?"

The gossip fire suddenly burned in Ling Tian's heart.

"No, I haven't entered the Forbidden City, just at the door, looked at her..."

Rose shook his head.

"she was?"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, "Brother Luo, no, you really have a story, don't you say, don't you have any friends? Who is she?"

"Princess of the White Feather Dragon Clan, Ao Xue."

Rose bit his lip, and finally sighed and shook his head, "We are not friends, but before you, she was the only one who did not die after contacting me."

"But later, he was selected by the Forbidden City of the Eight Dragon Gates and entered the Dragon Gate to practice. We had to separate."

"At that time I was not qualified to go to the Forbidden City, I could only watch her go..."

Rose stood in front of Shenglong City, tightening the Suona in his hand.

"Hey, it turns out that my brother Luo is still a man of good temperament, but what does it mean to be selected by the Eight Great Longmen?" Ling Tian asked suddenly, holding his arm.

"As we all know, the Eight Dragon Gates are the entrance to the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, but apart from the dragons of the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, any other existence, even if they enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory through the dragon gate, can only get a short stay.

In that case, it would be impossible to practice in the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm at all.

"As the center of the entire Qingchen Continent, the Ten Thousand Dragons Region is a holy ground for cultivation of almost all dragons and martial artists in the Qingchen Xianzhou."

"Although I have never been there, I have also heard that in the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, the richness and purity of the immortal origin is completely unmatched outside."

"Not only that, for the dragons, the attractiveness of the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory is even greater."

"Because there are many dragon blood inheritances in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory..."

Ross sighed, "So, in order to be able to cultivate in the Ten Thousand Realms for a long time, the dragon martial artist will do his best."

"However, these opportunities are not easy to come by. Like the Red Dragon Clan, who has worked hard for so many years and is so powerful, it is only possible that in the future, the entire clan will be moved into the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory."

"Besides, the easiest and most direct way for other dragon martial artists to practice in the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm is through the Dragon Gate Conference organized by the Eight Dragon Gates."

"Under normal circumstances, you can enter the Ten Thousand Dragons by defeating the Dragon Gate Guard, but if you want to practice, you need to defeat the Dragon Iron Guards in the Ten Thousand Dragons at the Dragon Gate Conference and stand out from the countless warriors."

"Every three years in the Eight Dragon Gates, a group of warriors will be sent into the Dragon Realm to practice. Of course, almost all of them are dragons or warriors with dragon blood in their bodies. It is not impossible for Tianjiao from other races to enter, but It is extremely difficult. At least I have never seen a warrior from another ethnic group who entered the Ten Thousand Dragon Region from the Dragon Gate to practice."

"Oh!? The Longmen Conference, it seems that this is a competition." Ling Tian stopped, frowning.

But Kwai Cailin's expression became more exciting, and she was obviously very interested in the Longmen Conference.

"I think this city of Thang Long is so lively, shouldn't it be..."

Looking at the hustle and bustle scene in front of the city gate, Kwai Cailin felt a little hopeful in her heart.

"Well, I don't know if it's our luck or something. I just remembered that today is July 15th, and... one and a half months, this is the Dragon Gate Conference!"

Rose pursed his lips, his eyes gradually ignited a war spirit.

"Hehe, that's our luck! There is nothing left to say. Originally, I was worried about how to break into the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory to be a little better, but now I don't have to think about it, this is the Dragon Gate Conference!"

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, he hadn't participated in any competition for a long time, and his hands were really itchy for a while.

In particular, perhaps some dragons in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory will be fighting for the front this time, shouldn't it be very interesting?

"Then in what capacity do we participate? Now the news of the destruction of the Red-Worn Dragon Race should have already spread to Shenglong City."

Ross said.

"Hehe, naturally you can change your name or not, sit down and change your surname, just go in!"

Kwai Cailin sneered.

"Forget it, I'm afraid, let's talk about mixing into the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain first."

Ling Tian chuckled.


Kwai Cai scales Ling Tian a glance, "When you were in Rocky City before, didn't you say that you want a sword to point to the Ten Thousand Dragons Domain? I thought, how arrogant and confident you are!"

"I am their leader, so naturally I have to be arrogant and confident, otherwise after I leave, they will disperse..."

Ling Tian shook his head, "Forget it, don't talk about it, go to Shenglong City and talk about it."

Immediately, the three of them aroused the dragon blood aura in the body.

In fact, the dragon breath in their bodies is extremely pure, and it is very simple to pretend to be dragons or descendants of dragons.

Sure enough, after releasing the dragon breath in his body, the three of them entered the city of Shenglong unimpeded.

Even at the gate of the city, after the warriors of other races saw the dragon identity of Ling Tian and others, they gave way to let them enter first. It can be seen that within this Qingchen Immortal State, a dragon identity, How important it is.

After entering Shenglong City, Ling Tian and the three easily found the mansion where they settled down.

There are many rules in Shenglong City. Although there are many inns, the warriors of other races, and the dragons, are clearly separated, and the hierarchy is strict.

The warriors of other ethnic groups can only enter the inn, and cannot enter the dragon mansion, and the lower dragon family can not enter the high-level dragon mansion.

In this way, Ling Tian and others were a little embarrassed for a while.

"Or, just find a dragon family residence and settle down first, anyway, it's no big deal."

Ross doesn’t care about it

"What do you think?" Ling Tian looked at Kwai Cailin again.

But the latter shook his head, "No, I have never been wronged, and I will never compromise."

Ling Tian spread his hands, "No way, this is destined to cause a storm directly in Shenglong City!"

"Brothers, go!"

Having said that, Ling Tian took the waist of Kwai Cailin and walked towards the center of Shenglong City.

"Hey, they are all inconsistent guys."

Rose felt helpless, and following Ling Tian, ​​he was afraid that he would not be able to keep a low profile. He had no choice but to follow up obediently.

The mansions in Shenglong City have nine levels as they deepen into the center of the city.

The first class is the highest, and then it gets worse and worse.

However, although Shenglong City is not the most noble among the eight dragon gates, there are very few dragons in the first-class residences, unless the higher dragons in the ten thousand dragons come to the ten thousand dragons to live there.

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