Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2829: Ao Zishuang is here

"That son, there is a big difference, the Lord of Shenglong City has only such a treasured jewel in his palm."

"Miss Zishuang has never bullied the warriors of all races in Shenglongcheng, and we respect her very much."

"So, she told me before. I can't help but take it to heart. What the little old man means now is to discuss with the son. If you are willing to choose another mansion, I can decide to give you a 20% discount! However, if you insist on this mansion, I will not stop it, but you may have to bear the consequences."

"Every decision is up to you."

After the Dragon Clan Immortal Venerable finished speaking, he backed away again.

"Haha, it's interesting. I'm also fighting for this mansion, but this time the plot is different."

Ling Tian knocked on the table, then looked at Kui Cailin on his side, "Cailin, this time I will listen to you!"


"Why, is it because you are a woman, so you are willing to give in?"

Kui Cailin hugged her shoulders and said coldly: "We want this mansion, I don't care about the daughter of the city lord."

"That's no way, old man, just this one."

Ling Tian shrugged and said helplessly.

"Okay, I respect the decision of your princes."

Venerable Dragon Race put away the map, then took out a key and handed it to Ling Tian.

"My son, this is the token of the mansion. You can move in directly when you take the token to the mansion."

Ling Tian took the key, got up with everyone, just to leave.

"My son, I still have something to say, you guys should be here for the Dragon Gate Conference, right?"

Ling Tian turned around, "Yes, it was for the Longmen Conference."

"Then you really shouldn't offend Miss Zishuang. He is the captain of the Shenglongcheng team this time. If you want to see the last eight dragon gate events, you must first get the qualifications for Shenglongcheng."

With a sigh, the Dragon Clan Immortal Venerable returned to the Yamen.

"Hehe, it seems that our participation in the Longmen Conference is really not smooth!"

Ling Tian curled his lips.

"What are you afraid of? In short, we have to rely on strength to speak. Unless she changes the rules, we are not allowed to participate!"

Kwai Cailin didn't care.

The three of them found their mansion and settled down.

Just as the Dragon Clan Immortal Venerable said, half a month later, it will be the Dragon Gate Conference jointly held by the eight dragon gates, but before that, they need to pass the assessment of their respective dragon gates.

However, even though the legendary Miss Zishuang might have been offended because of the mansion today, Ling Tian and Kui Cailin were confident that, by virtue of their own strength, even if Zishuang used Kizuna to succeed.

However, seeing Rose standing by the lake in front of the mansion and staring at the lake in a daze, Ling Tian rolled his eyes and walked over.

"Brother Luo, what's the matter, since I came to Thang Long City, I see you have been depressed. Could it be that I miss your appearance?"

"No, you don't have the right to miss her." Rose chuckled and turned around.

"Brother Ling, I have always wanted to ask you a question. If you like a person, but if your presence will cause a lot of obstacles to the other person, would you still like her? Or, leaving is the best accomplishment?"

"This..." Ling Tian was startled, Rose's question really stumped him.

Because Ling Tian thought for a while, it seemed that he had never experienced such a situation.

However, as Rose's elder brother, and Ling Tian admitted that he was definitely emotionally authoritative, he thought for a while and said, "Brother, I can only tell you, don't let yourself regret it."

"If you feel that the other person still has feelings for you, then don't be the one who gives up first."

"If you feel that what you like will cause a lot of obstacles to the other party, then try to make yourself stronger and let this obstacle cease to exist."

"Brother, after all, you are still not confident enough!"

Ling Tian smiled and patted Rose on the shoulder.

"Yes, I am not confident enough."

"Before I met Brother Ling, I thought that I should be confused, but in this life, I will come and leave alone."

"As for Ao Xue, she is destined to enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm, and we are not in the same world."

"So, that time I personally sent her to the Forbidden City, I just gave up on us."

"Even when I left, I didn't dare to look back at Ao Xue for the last time."

"Brother, you are such an emotional idiot!" Ling Tian punched Rose in the chest and said, "I'm afraid, that girl's heart is so cold!"

"Yes, I'm an idiot, I'm stupid, I'm not good enough!"

Rose clutched his chest, distraught.


Ling Tian shook his head, "You are a man, don't blame yourself too much, it's useless."

"Now, didn't you meet me Ling Tian!? As a brother, I will support you no matter what!"

"What you lost, we can get it back for you!"

"Come, stand up like a man!"

Ling Tiandao.

At this time, he finally understood why this Rose's rhythm is always so sad, and feelings are a tragedy!

"Brother Ling, me, do I really still have a chance?"

Rose's eyes were red.

"Brother, if you ask me about this, I don't know, and no one knows except Ao Xue, if you still have a chance."

"But what I can tell you is that if you really give up like this, then you really don't have a chance, understand?"

"Okay, I understand, I will do my best to enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Region for the Human Race and Ao Xue!" Rose clasped the Suona in his hand.

"Well, this is like my Ling Tian's brother!"

Ling Tian chuckled. Ling Tian had absolute confidence in bringing Rose into the Ten Thousand Dragon Region.

No one can stop them.

And as long as he entered the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, if Ross could save Ao Xue, it would depend on his own ability.

However, what Ling Tian didn't expect was that it hadn't been long since he moved into the mansion.

In the evening, the legendary daughter of the city lord arrived.

Kwai Cailin retreats in Taoyuan.

Rose is also practicing in the room.

Ling Tian was originally refining a brand-new Meteorite Sword in Taoyuan, but he came out when someone touched the formation of the mansion.

"You are Ao Lingtian?"

Ling Tian just walked out of the mansion.

I saw that a group of dragons had surrounded his palace gate.

And the leader is a slender, beautiful-looking dragon woman with long purple hair.

One of the amethyst battle armor looks, among the delicate and beautiful, there is no lack of heroic atmosphere.

That's right, this dragon woman stunned Ling Tian with a halberd in her hand.

Behind him stood a group of menacing warriors, most of whom were dragons, but there were also monsters.

But whether it is a monster or not, these Tianjiao's cultivation bases are all above the eighth rank of the Immortal King, and they are very powerful.

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