Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2835: The lord comes

Obviously, under the condition that Kwai Cailin sacrificed such dragon souls, her combat power was stronger than Mu Ya.

"Hehe, it's useless things, just you, want to clamor with my man!? You deserve it too!"

"Get down!"

Kwai Cailin looked at Mu Ya who was like a dead dog and sneered.

"Dare you humiliate me!?"

Mu Ya wept blood, but still got up from the ground staggeringly.

"Hehe, what about humiliating you!? How proud of you just now?"

Kwai Cailin stepped forward, and Mu Ya shuddered with that terrifying evil spirit.

Indeed, he was really scared at this time.

But now, with so many dragons watching, how could he give up?

Get out of the ring, then he will also get out of Shenglong City.

He can't afford to lose that face.

"Don't you go!? Then I will send you away!"

Kwai Cai scales landed in front of Namuya, kicking it towards Namuya's chest.

"Younger dare!?"


But at this moment, a sharp shout sounded in the distance, accompanied by the breath of the great monster that was as strong as the sea.

Ling Tian frowned slightly and turned around, but he found two figures, following that Ao Zishuang, coming together.

The leader, with a breath of the Jairan clan, but it is far more tyrannical than Namuya!

Don't think about it, this is Namuya's grandfather.

However, how could Kui Cailin care about the old man's anger, and when she fell, Mu Ya was kicked out of the ring.

Fuchsia blood spattered in the sky.

Mu Ya's chest shrivelled in an instant.


It fell in the next instant, and it was in the air, holding Mu Ya in his arms.

However, when he checked Xia Mu Ya's body, his face was suddenly cold!

Today's Mu Ya, although his cultivation hasn't been abolished, but the chest bones are all shattered by the shock, and the dragon veins are damaged.

It takes at least a month to recover at the peak. It is not certain whether it can catch up with this Longmen Conference.

"You're so cruel, kill me!"

The old man was furious. His grandson was brought up in one hand. Under his knee, Mu Ya had never been bullied so much. How could he bear it this time! ?

The cultivation base of this old man is extremely tyrannical and has reached the peak of the 9th-order Immortal Venerable. Even if it is not the top Immortal Venerable, it is extremely terrifying!

It shot in an instant, and the dragon martial artists around the ring were turned on their backs in an instant.

And under this terrifying aura, the enchantment of the entire arena roared and violently shook in an instant, and in the next moment, it was bound to collapse!

And if the barrier is shattered, no matter how strong the Kwai Cai scales are, they will be suppressed to death in an instant!

The gap between the two is still too big!


Under the ring, Ling Tian stood still in the frantic whistling, and saw the old man taking action against Kui Cailin at this time, he also sneered in his heart.

It is impossible for a woman who wants to hurt herself in front of him!

The next moment, Ling Tian raised his hand, and he also wanted to make a move in an instant.

I can't control that much, even in the city of Thang Long, the dragon clan has strict rules, but he won't let Kwai Cailin suffer any accidents.

However, just as Ling Tian was about to make a move, a big palm suddenly stopped in front of the old man.

Just an understatement of the grip is to directly crush the old man's breath.

A figure manifested in front of the ring, "Senior, what are you doing?"

This figure followed behind Ao Zishuang before, and appeared in front of the ring at this time. It was dressed in purple gold armor and a golden crown. It was full of the majestic breath of those in power. Its appearance was similar to that of Ao Zishuang. similar.

Don't think about it, this is the master of Thang Long City.

Although it looks like a middle-aged dragon clan, its realm is a bit more powerful than that of the old man.

Once he made a move, his combat power was so strong that he directly crushed the old man.

Worthy of being the eight gatekeepers of the Wanlong Domain.

The battle power of this city lord is already very close to the top immortal venerable.

"Nephew, I still want to ask what you are going to do!? Are you going to stop me for an outsider?"

The old man's supernatural power was shaken away, and he immediately yelled at the Lord of Shenglong City.

He was very angry when he saw it, and he didn't expect that the city lord would take action at this moment.

"Senior calm down. This is Shenglong City. Any dragon must be here and abide by the rules of the Dragon Gate. I am the guardian of Shenglong City, and there is no way. Please also seniors to take back your breath."

The city lord slightly arched his hand towards the old man, but there was no soft color on his face, and his face was cold and selfless.


"Okay, it seems that you don't want to give my face anymore, do you?"

The old man was ashamed.

How could he be embarrassed in front of so many Dragon Warriors at this age.

"Senior please calm down again, the dragon rules are insurmountable."

The city lord, toward the old man, once again gave his hand.

"Okay, well, I understand, my old brother is gone, now your Bauhinia dragon family, you don't look down on my Mu's family, that's fine, I won't be ashamed of Mu's family in Shenglong City!

"let's go!"

"Ao Zishan, let's wait and see!"

The voice fell, and the old man glared fiercely at Kwai Cailin and the city lord before leaving the city of Shenglong.

The breath dissipated, and countless warriors around the ring took a long breath. Fortunately, at a critical moment, the city lord took action, otherwise, they would all suffer.

"If you don't have any serious problems, just go back!"

The voice of the city lord fell, and the surrounding martial artists hurriedly dispersed.

The coercion of the city lord in the city of Shenglong was unshakable.

"Girl Cailin, are you okay?"

Ao Zishuang flew onto the ring and took down the Kwai Cailin who was slowly kneeling down.

"I'm okay, it's just a little weak."

Kwai Cailin shook her head, but at this time, she was all over her body, as if she had been hollowed out of energy.

"Cai Lin, next time I tell you to stop, be obedient."

Ling Tian took Kwai Cailin from Ao Zishuang's hand and said softly.

"Well, don't worry, I have my own measures."

Kwai Cai nodded.

"Father, these two are what I told you, how about my new teammates?"

Ao Zishuang stood in front of Ling Tian, ​​looking at the Ao Zishan Road falling from the sky.

"Well, yes, they are all heroes of my dragon clan, especially this girl. You released the golden dragon breath just now, right?"

Ao Zishan had his hands on his back and looked at Kwai Cailin kindly.


Kwai Cailin faintly replied.

Today, this can no longer be concealed.


The city lord seemed to want to say something, but after a deep groan, he said: "This is not a place to talk. Let's go back to the mansion with us. I have something to tell you."

Finally, Ao Zishan's gaze fell on Ling Tian.

"Can it?"

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