Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2838: Dragon ancestor soul

"Indeed, although this space is also independent, it is not a bit worse than Taoyuan. It can be said that it is different from Yunni."

Liu Yao also said.

"Cut, you don't tell me what this Taoyuan is."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes.

"It's useless to tell you now, and you don't understand."

Tao Yaoyao snorted.

"Tell me, I'm not listening, let's take a look first, what is the way in this so-called Dragon Ball World!"

Ling Tian looked forward and found that there was no heaven and earth, no four directions, like a purple-red chaotic world. At a glance, there was no end.

Not only that, even if you search Ling Tian's divine mind, you can't find out the whole picture here. Everything is particularly mysterious.

"Haha, it's interesting."

In Ling Tian's heart, he became more and more curious. Indeed, this dragon ball was indeed the first time he had seen this dragon ball.

Slowly stepping forward, Ling Tian walked slowly in this chaotic world.

Raising his hand, the smoke was filled with smoke, but Ling Tian discovered that these purple smoke clouds seemed to be alive.

Moreover, after touching Dao Lingtian's breath, these clouds of smoke faded like an electric shock, as if they were frightened to the point, hiding Ling Tian from a distance.

"Hey, I'm not so evil, don't you need to be so afraid of me!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, wondering in his heart.

Perhaps, is this the principle by which the dragons can sense their own abnormal aura?

According to Na Ao Zishan, this purple cloud is the world of Dragon Ball. If you don't want to be discovered by Dragon Ball, you must integrate with this world.

"How to tolerate?

Ling Tian frowned, the smoke cloud hitting himself, just like hitting a ghost.

"Is it possible, are you going to chase?"

Ling Tian thought for a while, and it seemed that there was such a way, and immediately, Ling Tian's figure suddenly moved, and he rushed towards the cloud of smoke.

With Ling Tian's body style now, it shouldn't be a problem to catch up with the smoke and clouds of these districts.

However, what Ling Tian never expected was that no matter how fast his body skills were, he just couldn’t catch these clouds,

It's like the air in a parallel world, as fast as the sky is above the sky, as fast as these clouds of smoke.

"Hey, I don't believe it, I can't catch you stuff!"

And this made Ling Tian interested. If he doesn't catch these things today, he vowed not to stop.

In this way, Ling Tian urged his body skills to the extreme in this chaotic space, turned into a ray of light, and shuttled through the clouds of smoke.

He has become a young man who chased the wind.

At this time, outside of Dragon Ball, Ao Zishan and others could vaguely see a light spot, swimming in it quickly.

"Father, is Ling Tian really inside? That spot of light is him?"

Seeing that the photoelectric was constantly chasing the purple dragon soul in the dragon ball, Ao Zishuang asked for a while.

"Well, that's right, it's Ling Tian. As long as he is recognized by the dragon soul in the dragon ball, then he won't be found abnormal by other dragon balls."

"However, Ling Tian's method is the most unwise, because he will never be able to catch up with the Dragon Soul."

Ao Zishan sighed.

Kui Cailin and Ao Zishuang looked at each other.

But Na Ao Zishan said again, "Of course, it's still early, let's wait and see."

In this way, a month has passed from the outside world.

And within Dragon Ball, Ling Tian also chased those smoke clouds for a whole month!

However, within the space of Dragon Ball, Ling Tian couldn't feel the concept of time at all.

However, in the past month, although he still failed to catch up with the smoke cloud, Ling Tian found out that his body speed had taken a qualitative leap!

These clouds, seeming to have half of the spiritual wisdom, flash and move, and are simply masters of the body.

Ling Tian discovered the essence of many physiques from the trajectory of these clouds.

In this way, Ling Tian actually allowed his own magical body technique to evolve!

Similarly, everyone guarding outside the dragon ball can also see that the speed of the dragon soul within the dragon ball has reached its limit at this time, but the light spot behind it has never given up, no matter how much the dragon soul swims. Quick, that light spot, never gave up, the distance is extremely close.

"Interesting and interesting, I really didn't expect that His Majesty Ling Tian would be able to insist on saying that now, among the Dragon Balls, His Majesty Ling Tian actually sublimated the body technique first. If he comes out, he wants to wait for the body technique, even if it is If you rank Immortal Venerable, there is no way to take your Majesty!"

Seeing this scene, Na Ao Zishan had a beard and suddenly laughed.

"Wow, this is a surprise!"

Ao Zishuang also said in surprise, "Ling Tian is really a genius!"

"He has always been great, I think he should be about to succeed."

Kwai Cailin smiled slightly, for Ling Tian, ​​she has always been very confident.

But at the moment its voice fell, that light spot suddenly plunged into the dragon soul.

"Go in, go in!"

Ao Zishuang exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Ling Tian caught up with the dragon soul, but he still has to let the dragon soul accept it. Only when he truly integrates, Ling Tian will not be rejected."

Ao Zishan's eyes stared at the dragon ball, motionless.

In the Dragon Ball space,

Ling Tian swims among these purple smoke clouds.

Feeling the terrifying speed that seemed to swim in the void, at this moment, Ling Tian couldn't help but want to raise the sky with a roar.

Come to discover the joy in my heart.

Now his body speed has been completely achieved.

"No, it's not the time to be happy yet, I want to try to blend in with these clouds!"

Ling Tian swam among the smoke clouds, trying to grab those smoke clouds.

Only then discovered that these clouds are actually extremely pure dragon energy.

Although it is not a dragon bloodline, it is Ling Tian, ​​who has never been in contact with it.

"Haha, yes, this is indeed a rare dragon ancestor soul!"

But at this time, Liu Yao in Taoyuan suddenly spoke. ,

Ling Tian didn't know what these were, but there were also well-informed senior Liuyao.

"Dragon ancestor soul? What is it, is it precious?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Ancestral soul, it sounds mysterious and powerful.

"Um, it's okay, it's just rare and rare, but by itself, it doesn't have much effect. At least for the dragons, the greatest value of this thing is that it is sealed in the dragon ball. These dragon souls , Is the level of the dragon's ancestral soul, they can sense any existence that is not the dragon, and there will be almost no error.

"However, other than that, the ancestral souls seem to have little effect. In fact, this is also because these ancestral souls are very thin, just a breath!"

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