Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2842: Piaoxianglou

The cultivation base of the Immortal King's Tier 3 was already very high outside, but in this Forbidden City, it was nothing.

"Oh, we just need a guide, you can lead the way."

Ling Tian gave a light cough, and then threw out a few dragon crystals.

This dragon crystal is the currency of the dragon race, and its material is similar to the spirit stone of the human race. The dragon can also absorb the energy in the dragon crystal to cultivate.

However, Ling Tian made the shot, but the top grade Dragon Crystal, which is quite a lot for a Tier 3 Immortal King.

"Oh, these adults are really generous. Don't worry, there is no place in this Forbidden City that I don't know, Ao San'er!"

The dragon immortal king patted his chest and said proudly: "You adults are looking for a flower street..."

However, before the immortal king finished speaking, he felt the murderous aura of Kui Cailin behind Ling Tian, ​​and immediately turned his eyes: "Hey, no, no, I don’t know where you sir, do you want to go? Go to Taobao? Or drink?"

"Our cuisine in the Forbidden City is also a must, topping the entire Eight Dragon Gates!"

"Um... then find a restaurant with a better view. Let's also taste the deliciousness of this Forbidden City!" Ling Tian thought for a while and said.

Because, since leaving the Human Race, passing by the Monster Race, and now in the Dragon Race Qingchen Xianzhou, Ling Tian's taste buds have never been satisfied. It is because the cooking skills of the Monster Race and Dragon Race are too bad.

Bai was blind to those superb foods.

"Hehe, talk and talk, sirs, please come with me!"

The immortal king gave a grin and started to lead the way.

Sure enough, the professional guide was different. Ling Tian followed the immortal king through the prosperous Forbidden City, and finally came to a seemingly inconspicuous three-story building.

This is a quaint three-story pavilion, with vermilion walls and green tiles, and above the gate, there are three characters: Piaoxianglou.

Although the reputation is not very elegant, but the pen power is particularly powerful. At first glance, you know that it is from the hands of the strong.


However, at the moment when he saw the plaque, Ling Tian's face changed slightly.

"what's happenin?"

Kwai Cailin asked.

"The words on this plaque are from the hands of the human race."

Ling Tian said lightly.

He can't read it wrong, because he is a little familiar with this handwriting, but he can't remember it for a moment.

"Hey, my lord really has good eyesight, even this font can be distinguished, yes, this Piaoxianglou is indeed opened by a human warrior!"

That thought of Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Human race!? No wonder, the style of this building is quite different from that of the dragon race, but this human race restaurant..."

Ling Tian groaned.

"My lord, don't worry about this. Although this restaurant is run by the human race, behind it is the property of the lord of the Forbidden City. It is because the craftsmanship of this human race is so good. The entire Forbidden City cannot be compared This one!"

The guide's expression changed, thinking that Ling Tian was not satisfied with this restaurant.

"Oh, it's okay, humans are also okay, go and have a look!"

"Go upstairs!"

"Okay, please!" The immortal king took Ling Tian and the three into the restaurant.

After that, Ling Tian and the three people realized that even though the Piaoxiang Tower was not very noticeable from the outside, the space inside it was huge.

The first floor is basically overcrowded. It is said that the dishes here are expensive, and one time consumption is enough to be like the dragon crystals needed by such immortal kings to cultivate for a year.

On the second floor, the number of warriors is obviously much less.

But it is basically impossible to find a good position, and here are basically dragons or descendants of dragons, and there are very few warriors of other ethnic groups.

"Isn't there another layer?"

Standing on the second floor of the restaurant, Ling Tian frowned.

He didn't want to eat in this noisy place.

"Yes, there are, but the requirements of the third layer are extremely high. It is not only necessary for Dragon Crystal to go up."

The little king said cautiously.

"Oh!? Really!? Why isn't this Piaoxiang Lou opened for making money?"

Ling Tian raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"This son is right. We do make money, but the third level is not."

"Go down, these adults, I'll receive them."

But just here, from the stairs on the third floor, a graceful woman came swaying from the wind.

Kuicai frowned, and when she saw that this was still a human beauty, her face suddenly became gloomy.

The fairy king's guide obediently retreated, and then the Human Race girl arrived in front of Ling Tian and the others, "Masters, are they from other dragon gates?"

"Well, Thang Long City."

Ling Tian nodded.

"That's right, Thang Long City is the last to be in the Forbidden City. It should be the first time you have come to my Piaoxianglou, so I don't know the rules of our Piaoxianglou."

The woman smiled softly, without the slightest humility of the human race facing the dragon race.

This made Ling Tian a little curious.

"Haha, rules?"

Kwai Cailin sneered.

"This lady doesn't laugh. In fact, our human race is just the operator of this restaurant, and the boss behind the scenes is a big man in the Forbidden City. This is no secret. All, we are just following the rules."

"Like these three floors, only the strong who conform to the rules of the Forbidden City will be allowed to go up, and they must be dragons."

"Of course, you are all Dragon Clan Tianjiao, you can try."

The woman stepped aside the stairs.

"any request?"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders, and the three of them smiled at each other, but became curious.

Eating a meal is really not easy.

"Bloodline, only when the bloodline reaches a certain level can you enter the third level."

"Before that, those who were able to go to the third tier to eat were the top players from the Eight Longmen, that is, the seeded team players."

Follow before the human woman came to the third floor gate.

Ling Tian also saw the bright pearl standing in front of the wall.

The size of a watermelon, inside, there is dragon soul energy surging.

Some are similar to the dragon **** in the hands of Ao Zishan before, but they seem to be imitations.

Come to think of it, the role is only to be able to identify a certain level of dragon bloodline.

"However, I believe that this requirement is not difficult for you adults. Only if the blood of an adult is enough to require, it will be fine."

The woman stood on the side of Mingzhu, bowed slightly and smiled: "Please, come that adult?"

"Uh...I'll do it."

Rose stood up straight, stretched out his white palm, and landed on the pearl.

In an instant, the Pearl burst into bright light.


However, looking at the light that bloomed, the Human Race girl frowned slightly.

Something unexpected.

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