Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2855: The bell rang

The first appearance is to attract the attention of countless strong people.

Because Ao Xue is the princess of the White Feather Dragon clan, after entering the Dragon Gate to practice, she is the first beauty in the Forbidden City.

Ao Tianyan put her at the end to shake the dragon bell, her talent may also be extremely strong.

And that Ao Xue, just like her name, remained silent, walking up to the dragon bell, and raising her hand sensibly, it was a palm that landed on the dragon bell.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The terrible sound wave trembles in the eardrums of everyone, and many people even have an illusion that their bodies are about to be torn apart.

After she took the shot, five consecutive bells rang again.

It turned out to be the Five Ways!

After the lonely stunned waves, in the team of the Forbidden City, there was another arrogant who shook the dragon bell.

This, the combat power of the Forbidden City is really too powerful.

"Sister Xue is really amazing!"

This time Ao Tianyan exclaimed.

"The princess of the White Feather Dragon Clan!? It's really not easy for your family to have such a arrogant talent as you. If you show it well, you should be able to enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm to practice."

Ao Chen also said.

"Thank you for your praise."

Ao Xue nodded slightly, then stepped back.

In the end, Na Ao Tianyan himself finally took the place.

Now, in the Forbidden City, he is the only one left, no longer shaking the dragon bell.

"Tianyan, your sister once shook the dragon bell three years ago. This time, Dad won't force you, just six rings!"

The Lord of the Forbidden City smiled.


Ao Tianyan nodded and shook his shoulders. The next moment, the crimson dragon phantom behind him appeared from behind.


There is a dragon's soul, roaring in the sky.

Before this breath, at the moment it appeared, it changed the color of the people present.

Ao Tianyan hasn't shot yet, but this aura is much stronger than the talented Ao Xue!

"Ha ha!"

Ao Tianyan gave a faint smile, punched out, and hit the dragon bell.

Clang clang...

A series of explosions, like thunder rolling away, the sound of the six bells also made all the warriors present take a deep breath.

Finally at this almost final moment, the most talented person of this Longmen Conference appeared, not beyond the expectations of others.

It is this much-anticipated son of the Forbidden City Lord, Ao Tianyan!

Although it was a lot worse than Ao Jinzhi, the six ringing of the dragon bell was already extremely terrifying.

"Brother Tianyan, I know your talent, so this time the Ancestral Dragon Pill will definitely have you."

"Your opponents are those guys."

The corners of Ao Chen's mouth curled up, but he was looking at the Tianjiao of the other five-color dragon clan, and Ao Baiying was among them.

The face of those five-color dragon clan Tianjiao changed upon hearing this.

Although they didn't want to compare their talents with the dragons outside the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, the strength of Ao Tianyan could not be ignored by them.

Just like Ao Jinzhi back then, after entering the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, he was also quite dazzling and powerful.

"Well, our warriors in the Forbidden City have all finished shaking the dragon bell, and there are five in total to enter the finals. Next, let's prepare for the qualifiers!"

Ao Chen said lightly and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

However, before Na Ao Chen turned around, Ling Tian behind Ao Zishuang spoke.

"Masters, have you forgotten, I'm waiting, I haven't shaken the dragon bell yet!"

But this sound made Na Ao Chen startled.

After that, on the mountain of Wendao, the strong men of the Eight Dragon Gates looked at Ling Tian, ​​Ao Zishuang and others.

There are complex colors in his eyes.

Among them, there are doubts, ridicules, and surprises.

Now, after the stunning Dragon Bell in the Forbidden City, how many guys in Shenglong City haven't given up yet?

After the warriors in the Forbidden City, shaking the dragon bell, isn't this waiting to be mocked? ,

"Oh!? I really forgot, there are still a few dragons left in Shenglong City. Okay, then you can come up!"

Ao Chen turned around, but there was no other look on his face.

Compared with the disdain and contempt of Dragon Gate warriors such as Aolongcheng, Ao Chen would naturally not regard Shenglongcheng, this fourth Dragon Gate, and supervising the shaking of the dragon bell is just his task.

"You, who will come first?"

Ao Chen looked at Ling Tian and others.

Rising Dragon City sent the least warriors this time, and now there are only three remaining.

"Hehe, I don't think you guys will linger, hurry up!"

"Even if you can shake the dragon bell, you still can't enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain. This is a waste of time!"

Ao Kuang said helplessly from the side.

"Don't speak, no one treats you as dumb! We can't enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain, so can you?"

Ao Zishuang said coldly.

But at this time, Ling Tian and the three people, ignoring the cynicism of others, Qi Qi came to Long Zhong.

And this scene made other Longmen powerhouses look suspicious.

What, is it possible that the several dragons of Shenglong City are going to shake the dragon bell together! ?

No need! ?

Na Ao Chen and the Lord of the Forbidden City also looked thoughtfully at the three dragons in front of them. I don’t know why they acted like this.

"Who will come first?" Kwai Cailin asked lazily.

"Whatever you want." Ling Tian said, and Rose walked a few steps up. In an instant, the silver dragon came out of the body, with prestige in the sky and the earth. He raised a finger, and suddenly the blood of thousands of dragons The force is to follow the fingers forward and hit the dragon bell.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The crisp sound flows along with Ross's power, resounding through this space.

Five bells!

And just after Rose took the shot, he asked Daoshan up and down, and he remembered the sound of continuous inhalation.

This level of talent is also not under the children of Longmen City Lord!

When did the team of Shenglongcheng become so tyrannical?

However, do not wait for these powerhouses to speak in surprise.

Ling Tian and Kui Cailin raised their hands almost at the same time!

"Let's be together, then." Ling Tian said with a smile, and he also took a step forward, and the bell hadn't dissipated yet, he, like Rose, shot out with one finger.

"Dangdangdang..." Another series of oscillating bells came out, rushing like sword energy.

Kui Cailin shrugged, and golden dragon light gleamed on her body, the next moment, her eyes. Suddenly opened, with a flick of his arm, thousands of killing dragon Qi penetrated the void.

The dragon bell rang for the third time, and the resounding echo vibrated between heaven and earth.

Boom boom boom!

The extremely dull dragon bell resounded almost endlessly on the top of Wendao Mountain.

And just under these bells, it seemed to be able to stack up layer by layer.

Even under the sound of this bell, dragon martial artists who are thousands of miles away can clearly hear the buzzing of the dragon bell.

The bell is trembling! ?

After a long while, the buzzing of the dragon bell has not yet dissipated, and he asked the powerhouses on the mountain, and then he reacted.

But at this time, their faces were already full of surprise.

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