Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2857: The spear of the imperial weapon

But soon, their faces became hot.

Wanlong domain, ancestral dragon pill.

Fifteen places, the Longmen Conference that has been waiting for three years is finally here! ?

However, Ling Tian and others would naturally not care much. After shaking the dragon bell, they were taken back to the Forbidden City by Ao Zishuang.

After passing the hurdle of Shaking the Dragon Bell, it is equivalent to passing the hurdle of the Forbidden City Dragon Ball, and the rest is the final of the Dragon Gate Conference.

Thang Long Cheng didn't care about the results of the qualifiers. After all, they only had four people, and they all made it to the finals.

Within Taoyuan.

Ling Tian and Kui Cailin stood inside the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Ling Tian raised his hand and kept looking at his palm.

"What? You mean!? That senior dragon hunter, above the dragon bell, left a chance?"

After hearing Ling Tian's words, Kwai Cailin was also astonished.

"Yes, I was also in front of the dragon bell, and only then discovered that the handprint on the dragon bell was definitely not left by the senior dragon hunter at will."

"So, under the pretence of stopping the bell, I touched the handprint."

"Fortunately, my guess is correct. There is indeed a record of magical powers on it, and besides our human race, everyone else should never know the truth."

Ling Tian nodded, above the dragon bell, he did get the magical power given to him by the senior dragon hunter, it was just a fist.

But it is extremely powerful.

It's just a mark, it's so profound that it can't be added.

Even Ling Tian has been dizzy even when he glances at that punching technique until now.

The rank of this class of exercises is definitely the same as the pure Yang Zhi, the existence of the same level.

"The time is good. At the Longmen Conference, I couldn't use my previous magical powers. In these seven days, I will fully understand this boxing technique."

Ling Tiandao.

"Well, when the time comes, I will call you!"

Kwai Cailin left.

Ling Tian crossed his knees on the bed and began to comprehend

This method of fist is called Shaking Dragon Fist.

It should be the name of the dragon hunter, who had a whim before the dragon bell.

Its boxing technique is extremely difficult, with Ling Tian's current divine mind, it is extremely expensive to comprehend it.

But once he first got a glimpse of the doorway, this fist technique was enough to allow Ling Tian to perform his fists and kicks at the Longmen Conference.

In addition, when Ling Tian left Shenglong City, he also obtained several dragon clan secrets from Ao Zishan.

These days, Ling Tian has been cultivating for the sake of the Dragon Gate Conference.

In this way, seven days' time went away in a blink of an eye.

Ling Tian's boxing technique has only cultivated to the realm of the first loss.

But the Longmen Conference had already begun, and Ling Tian could only go out.

Together with Ao Zishuang, before coming to Wendao Mountain again, they discovered that there are more warriors under this mountain than seven days ago!

Because they had already qualified for the finals, the four Ao Zishuang went straight up the stairs to the top of Wendao Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the warriors of the eight dragon gates, according to the direction, took their seats.

This time, it was still the last arrival in Shenglong City. When Ling Tian and the others appeared on the top of the mountain, the dragon clan powerhouses cast their eyes over.

Complex complexion.

Seven days ago, Shenglong City snatched most of the limelight from Ao Tianyan in the Forbidden City.

Nowadays, no one can ignore the combat power of this Shenglong City.

However, Ling Tian had just taken a seat in the place belonging to Shenglong City, when he discovered that the sisters of the Li family, and the third brother of the Wang family, walked up and stood silently behind Ao Zishuang.

"The three of them were beyond my expectation. They came from the qualifiers. Among the more than 1,000 warriors in Shenglong City, there are only three of them." Ao Zishuang laughed.

"That's pretty good too."

Ling Tian pursed his lips and looked in the direction of the other Longmen cities. Except for the Forbidden City, which had slightly more people, few other Longmen made it to the final from the qualifiers.

This shows that the combat power of these three human races cannot be underestimated.

"Thank you for your praise, and we also want to thank you for his life-saving grace in the Piaoxianglou."

Then Li Ruoli suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, it's just a small effort."

Ling Tian waved his hand, carelessly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of dragon drums rang into the sky.

On the top of Wendao Mountain, all the dragon races became solemn in an instant.

At this time, there was a dragon chanting above the sky, and then a dragon came from outside the sky, and the golden chariot was shining in the sky, and the green dragon chariot in the middle was sitting on a gorgeous cyan golden chariot. The figure in the robe, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void, just sitting there quietly made people feel like worshipping.

On both sides of the chariot, the fourteen Tianjiao of the five-color dragon clan followed closely behind.

These arrogances are all five-colored armor armors, with dazzling weapons in their hands.

"The Tianjiao of the five-color dragon clan, all are here at this time!" "Many people trembled. Today's Qinglong clan prince Ao Chen is not the same as before.

Today's Ao Chen is dressed as a royal family, with compelling extravagance.

Not only that, Ao Chen, who was on the chariot, carried a azure spear in his hand, just with the splendor of a spear, soaring straight into the sky, covering the entire Wendao Mountain.

"This spear? Is it the imperial weapon of the Qinglong clan?"

"Yes, this must be the weapon of the emperor, the gun of ruling!"

"Unexpectedly, Prince Ao Chen, even the spear of the ruling, brought him!"

"It is most obvious that the senior management of Wanlongyu attaches great importance to this Longmen Conference!"

After seeing the long spear in Ao Chen's hand, the dragon clan on the mountain also became serious.

The imperial weapon of the Azure Dragon tribe, the spear of the verdict, this weapon, can almost represent the entire Azure Dragon tribe.

Before such imperial weapons, all the dragons in the Forbidden City could only bow their heads.

Holding the ruling spear in his hand, Na Ao Chen stepped down from the chariot and slowly landed on the peak of Wendao Mountain.

Ao Chen's gaze turned to his side, squinting in all directions.

Indeed, there is only Ao Chen among the dragons on Wendao Mountain now, who is the most powerful, not one of them.

Not even the Lord of the Forbidden City.

"Since the Eight Great Dragon Gate's Tianjiao have all arrived!"

"Today, I hold the spear of the ruling and announce on behalf of Wan Longyu that the Longmen Conference has officially begun!"

The sound fell, Long Wei shocked the sky.

The triennial Longmen Conference finally opened.

The atmosphere of the vast and endless space seems to have changed, no longer the randomness before, but a sense of solemnity.

The eight dragon gates gathered together.

Who can enter the top 15?

Who can claim the first place in the Longmen Conference?

Countless warriors look forward to it.

"Since Prince Ao Chen has announced the start of the Longmen Conference, the players in the first battle of the Eight Longmen, let's go out!"

Ao Chen is just the overseer of the Ten Thousand Dragon Regions, and the presiding officer of the Dragon Gate Conference is still the lord of the Forbidden City.

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