Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2859: Instant kill

The Piaoxianglou incident has made Aolongcheng warriors unable to raise their heads until now.

Just need to win this battle, then Proud Dragon City can be proud of it!

"Why give it to you?"

However, Ao Yao, there is no reason to give face to a human race.

"I won her, how about you fight me again?"

Xia Yun walked to the center of the ring and said lightly.

"Haha, well, as long as you lose in my hands, then I, Ao Yao, will still be the strongest!"

Ao Yao thought about it, and agreed.

"Okay, Ao Cailin, you are mine!"

Na Xia Yun slowly walked towards Kuicai Lin, but from the moment she got up, she began to bloom with the light of the origin, which is also a kind of origin power, although it is very strong, but it is still a bit short of the extreme immortal origin.

However, after getting up, he drew out a very bright and slender knife.

This knife is proud of the ancient spirit, and the light is so bright. When you look at it, you know that it is a heritage and it is of good grade.

The dragons present are very powerful in their flesh, and ordinary weapons can't help them with their dragon scales. However, the battle swords of the Xia family have made many dragons strong, their faces changed.

The sharpness of this knife is enough to split the dragon body.

Not only that, the Xia family clan sneered, and with full combat power, it was like a killer god, holding thousands of swords light, flying towards Kwai Cailin.

This source of power brought a terrifying coercion on the body of the Xia family clan.

Suddenly, the human race suddenly disappeared into the void, and the next moment, it was on the top of Kui Cailin's head, and the sword shone sharply, slashing down!

With the arrival of the blade of the Xia family clan, the sword intent became stronger and stronger, and the sword light appeared in the sky, and the space around Kwai Cailin's body was shrouded in it, as if it turned into a world of swords.

"The sword intent of this human race seems to be so powerful that it can indeed magnify the advantages of the human race a lot!"

"Yes, but why doesn't this girl from Shenglong City leave?"

The other Longmen warriors all looked at Kwai Cailin.

Under such a terrifying sword light, that Ao Cailin was still there, is it waiting to die?

Seeing this scene, the Xia family's face turned sullen. If this Kwai Cailin is not stupid, then she is despising him.

Do you look down on your own swordsmanship?

The Xia family clan screamed, and suddenly exerted force in his hands. Under the source of infusion, the blade's aura skyrocketed again, shattering thousands of void fragments.

With this knife falling, a gap of knives appeared in the air, as if a straight line, the light of the sword fell from the sky, as if to split the entire ring in half.

But even so, the Kwai Cailin in the storm remained motionless.

"Is she crazy?" Many people couldn't help exclaiming. The woman hadn't moved yet, watching the knife cut.

How fast is the knife of the Xia family's clan?

Many people couldn't bear to look at it, as if they had foreseen the next moment when Kwai Cailin was directly cut into two pieces, and the fragrant jade died.

But at this moment, a golden light burst into the sky suddenly from the body of Kwai Cailin, and her left arm was raised to block the trajectory of the knife.

The knife didn't stay, the killing thoughts of Xia's family were terrible, this knife would break Kui Cailin's arm first, and then split her into two.

A sharp and piercing voice came out. The Xia family did not feel the knife cutting off the flesh and blood, but felt an extremely powerful force blocking his knife. Looking down, he saw Kui Cailin's Dragon Claw, no, is a weapon blade similar to dragon claw, blocking the blade, a cold biting knife, not as easy as imagined to smash all the defenses and kill Kwai Cai Lin on the spot.

The golden light on Kwai Cailin's body was circulating and permeating her body. At this moment, the golden dragon scales on her body were also manifesting one by one. The tyrannical energy surged above the sword in her hand, and the golden light was dazzling.

This made Na Xia's family's knife unable to move any more.

Many dragon martial artists' hearts trembled violently. At this moment, the dragon aura erupting from Kwai Cailin's body was really tyrannical, and that strength was terrifyingly strong.

Moreover, the rank of the weapon she sacrificed was not below that of the Xia family.


Ao Yao, who was fighting with other Longmen martial artists, changed his face.

This Xia family can't even break the opponent's defense, so there is no suspense in this battle.

However, after thinking about it, Ao Yao doesn't matter anymore. If the Xia family loses, then he will take the shot himself, that's it.

In the void, the Xia family who was stunned by a slash also understood that the self-confidence and frivolousness just now was destroyed in an instant, staring at the scene before him, only feeling that his heart had been hit by an unprecedented shock.

He understands his sword skills, even if it is the Dragon Clan, even if it is that Ao Yao, it is impossible to take his sword so easily, right?

How did this woman do it?

Just when he was stunned, Kui Cailin's arm slowly lowered, and a very faint smile was raised in that cold face.

The golden blade on the palm of the hand burst into golden light instantly, and then turned into a golden light, killing the past!

Its speed is so fast that it rubs in the air except for a terrifying sound of swords.


Without the slightest suspense, Kui Cailin's sharp blade fell on the chest of the Xia family almost instantly.

The speed of Kwai Cailin is right! ?

If Ling Tian is not within the Dragon Ball and his body skills have evolved, then its speed, that is, the Kui Cailin, is in the middle of nowhere.

But even though it was incomparable with Ling Tian, ​​dealing with this Xia family's human race was like hitting a child.

When the sharp blade fell, the knife in the hands of the Xia family was too late to block.

The armor was cracking, and the sound of torn flesh and bones was exceptionally clear. Everyone just saw a golden light, accompanied by the fall of blood, the body of the Xia family clan stood in the void in a daze.

After two breaths, the sound and shadow suddenly split into two halves and fell from the air.

Kwai Cailin, who had reached the back of the Xia family, coldly raised the sharp blade in his hand and slowly lost the blood on it.

"Dead, dead?"

It wasn't until the heart of the fairy king in the Xia family clan escaped from the body to ask the dragon clan powerhouse on Dao Mountain, that a loud noise sounded.

The Xia Family Tianjiao, who once shook the dragon bell four times, was so vulnerable that he was beheaded by this mysterious dragon woman as soon as he met him?

Is it so easy?

Even this method of killing is so simple, it seems that there is no need to use any magical powers and martial arts at all!

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