Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2877: Defeated by Ao Chen【five】

Let the Yinglong aura that Ao Chen poured down in an instant, collapsed into pieces!

At this time, Ling Tian used the power of the ancient dragon soul to completely break free from the suppression!

And this is what Ling Tian himself had never thought of!

"Why is this dragon breath so mysterious? How come I have never felt it!"

Ao Baiying and other dragons were shocked.

The dragon breath that burst out of Ling Tian's body at this time was really weird.

But Ao Zishuang was different, she was more surprised than Ao Baiying and other Dragons.

Because of this dragon soul breath, he is not unfamiliar, and he is also very familiar.

Isn't this the dragon ball aura that she guards in the city of Rising Dragon! ?

Although Ling Tian had entered the dragon ball, how could he still possess the breath of this dragon ball at this time! ?

"It's interesting, it seems that I still underestimated you, but I can feel that this dragon breath is not yours, so you are still not my opponent!"

Ao Chen stepped forward and only stepped forward. As the weather breathed, the gun of judgment bloomed with cold light, stirring thousands of sharp edges, turning into the sharpest storm, like silver light, strangling down towards Ling Tian's body.

"Ruling, Qinglong burst!"

Ao Chen took the lead, dancing with his spear, and swept down towards Ling Tian.

At this time, Ling Tian, ​​the purple dragon ray all over his body, was even more dazzling. The dragon wings suddenly trembled, cutting the void, and stepping forward in the face of the ruling storm. Then the Dragon Slashing Sword in his hand blasted out, with only one sword. There is the power of earth-shaking, the void trembles violently, and the endless sharp blade collapses and shatters.


Ao Chen continued to move forward, a stronger will bloomed, Ling Tian felt that his body was difficult to move, but his movements still did not stop, he continued to wield the Dragon Slashing sword, and the second sweep forward, a majestic force. Penetrating into the void, blasting towards Ao Chen.

Ao Chen glanced at the powerful Dragon Slashing Blade, then the spear of judgment was clenched tightly, and it instantly cut out to face Ling Tian's blade.


With a blast, the two powerful supernatural powers finally came together.

Same as the weapon of the emperor.

Both are top supernatural powers.

The same is the peak of breath.

Under such strong opposition, the shock wave generated was all the water in Mingjing Lake that evaporated in an instant. ,

Even the enchantment that shrouded thousands of miles around it shattered in an instant.

High above the sky, the dragon boat was shaken out.

Rao is Ao Baiying and other Tianjiao desperately controlling the dragon boat, but they can't do it.

It was terrible, and the battle between Ling Tian and Ao Chen was definitely a terrifying battle between the top immortals.

But at this moment, Ling Tian's body became more and more dazzling. The third and fourth swords shot out in succession. It was completely natural. The surrounding world was swept and shattered. Ao Chen felt the power, and his body turned into A ray of light disappeared, and actually penetrated through the sky full of sword shadows. He could affect the flow rate of heaven and earth's spiritual energy, thereby affecting the speed of the opponent's attacking force and finding the weakest place.

Relying on the terrifying speed and physical body, Ao Chen, who wielded a spear, finally approached Ling Tian's body.

Facing the approach of Ao Chen, Ling Tian seemed to have never seen him.

When successive sword shadows swept out, Na Ao Chen finally appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​the gun of ruling, how terrifying! ?

Wanzhang spear light manifested in the shadow of the sword, directly manifested, and chopped down.

At this moment Ling Tian frowned slightly, even now he had suppressed Ao Chen on the offensive.

But this shot of Ao Chen was still terrifying.

Not only found Ling Tian's only weakness, but also extremely powerful and extremely fast.

No matter what Ao Chen said, he was a rather tyrannical opponent.

But that's only the case.

Unfortunately, it was Ling Tian that he encountered.

Seeing Ao Chen's cold and bone-thin ruling gun coming, Ling Tian glanced at him indifferently, and let out a cold voice: "Ao Chen, it's over.

"Excalibur Yulei, cut."

As the words fell, the origin of the sword bloomed, and the space seemed to be frozen. Ao Chen felt that the space he was in seemed to be frozen. Not only that, there was a terrible kendo pressure in the surrounding world, and his body suddenly bloomed. The spear light shattered everything, and at this moment, Ao Chen felt all the power of the entire world oppressed, accompanied by Ling Tian's sword.

How tyrannical this sword was, it was the strongest attack under Ling Tian's hole cards.

The Dragon Slashing Sword was too strong, and Ling Tian urged Ling Tian to the extreme.

The sword came out, and the cold light slashed out. Although the arrogant ruling spear light was terrifying, it was all shattered. Then everyone heard a dull sound, and the next moment Ao Chen's body fell towards the sky, crashing down. A loud noise hit Mingjing Lake fiercely, and a huge tsunami-like wave was actually smashed.

The loud noise caused everyone's hearts to tremble, and they looked at the fading figure of Ao Chen in shock.

Ao Chen and Ling Tian are the top talents of the dragon and human races.

However, in the case of both possessing the Emperor's Weapon, Ao Chen still lost to Ling Tian in the frontal battle.

The latter, with an absolutely strong posture, proved the strength of the current human race!

"It's over, Ao Chen."

Ling Tian descended from the sky and landed on Mingjing Lake.

At this time, Ao Chen was hit by Ling Tian's sword, and he no longer had the ability to fight again.

The duel between the strong is so cruel, either you die or I die.

"No, Ao Chen, how could I lose to you!?"

"I, I am the Azure Dragon, the most noble Ao Chen!"

In Ao Chen's heart, he was very unwilling.

His cultivation base is already close to the Immortal Venerable, as long as he spends a little more time, then he can run wild in this immortal world.

But now, he lost to a human race in such an embarrassing manner.

Some, like bubbles, burst into pieces in an instant.

"Nothing is impossible, you are not the first genius to be defeated by me."

Ling Tian held the fallen ruling spear in his hand.

This emperor's weapon is still quite powerful

Just before Ling Tian, ​​I was still worried and wanted to give Long Xuan something as a meeting ceremony.

Now, there is.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I advise you, it's best not to touch me!"

"You have to remember that this is the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, the chassis of my dragon clan, and I, the noble prince of the blue dragon clan, if you dare to move me, not only will my five-color dragon clan not let you go, it is the imperial palace. It will definitely kill you!"

"After entering my Ten Thousand Dragons Domain, you can never go out again!"

Bloody, Na Ao Chen stared at Ling Tian fiercely.

He can't die.

He still has a lot of things that he didn't do.

He is the ultimate arrogant of the dragon clan.

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