Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2887: Ao Jinzhi【Fifteen】

"Senior Brother Long Xuan is back. I didn't expect that you completed the task assigned to you by the master so quickly. This is a great achievement. I am envious of waiting for the senior brother!"

As soon as everyone fell, before the gate of the imperial palace, several dragons manifested and greeted them.

After seeing these dragons, everyone secretly took a breath.

Although these dragons did not seem to have any arrogant colors, their auras were extremely powerful, and they all reached the realm of the first-order immortal!

Moreover, they are all juniors.

The combat power that it can explode is definitely not under Long Xuan!

Although its bloodline is not as good as Dragon Profound's Tianyao Spirit Race, it is also above the Five-Colored Dragon Race.

Sure enough, he is the cultivator in the imperial palace, is he even the one who looks at the door so powerful?

"Haha, Senior Brother, Fourth Junior Brother, don't be jokes, if you hadn't been in retreat before, these errands would not fall into my head."

"Is the master here?"

Long Xuan humbly smiled.

"Don't be humble. Who doesn't know. Master's favorite is you. Even if we don't retreat, we won't take our turn to do things for Master."

"Master already knows that you are back, so just wait inside. No, let us brothers and sisters come over to welcome you."

The headed Dragon Race laughed.

Although they are joking, they don't have much jealousy, because Long Xuan's action this time was not sudden, but the reason why Tianfeng Zhundi had let Long Xuan go outside the imperial palace for a long time.

This matter of destroying the five-color dragon clan is destined to be Long Xuan's credit, and no one can take it away.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Long Xuan was in front, but Ao Zishuang and others behind Ling Tian stopped.

Because they are really not sure whether they are qualified to enter this imperial palace.

After all, this is a holy place.

"Hehe, you don't have to be cautious, Master said, as long as it falls in front of the gate of the imperial palace, they are allowed to enter the imperial palace, so please!"

The big brother of the dragon clan smiled.

Suddenly, Ao Zishuang and others looked happy, and they were about to move forward.


But before the smiles on everyone's faces fell, a few figures suddenly emerged from the giant gate of the imperial palace.

That tone is even more unkind.

And the moment it appeared in front of everyone, the dragons including Long Xuan, Ao Zishuang and others frowned.

"Ao Jinzhi!"

Ao Zishuang stood behind Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​you have to be careful, this **** is ​​Ao Jinzhi, Ao Tianyan's sister, that terrifying guy three years ago!"

Ling Tian's gaze also fell on this figure.

He has a good figure, a dark red dragon race armor, with a very strong aura, even above the Dragon Profound!

At this moment, she wore armor and looked bad, with a flame battle axe in her hand, sweeping across everyone aggressively.

"Which is Ao Lingtian!?"

The voice fell, and the killing intent was hardly concealed.

"Sister Jinzhi, what are you going to do!? These are all the guests invited by my master!"

"Can't tolerate you yelling here!"

The big brother under Emperor Feng Zhun said coldly that day.

"Haha, Senior Brother Ao Guang, is it possible that now in this imperial palace, Master Tianfeng said it was forgotten!?"

"Don't forget, my master is also a quasi emperor!"

"These people have to get permission from my master if they want to enter the imperial palace!"

That Ao Jinzhi's temper looked extremely hot, and he even didn't give the face of this big brother.

"Ao Jinzhi, these are all brought by my Long Xuan, you'd better not interfere!"

Long Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face gradually became cold.

Ao Jinzhi stopped Ling Tian and the others at the gate of the imperial palace, but he was hitting Long Xuan in the face.

"Hehe, what!? Threatening me!?"

"Tell you Long Xuan, they are afraid of you, but I am not afraid!"

"Moreover, I have no problem with other people wanting to go in, but Ao Lingtian can't do it. Today, I must avenge my brother!"

"eye for eye!"

"Who is Ao Lingtian, stand up for me!"

However, Ao Jinzhi didn't care about the coldness on Long Xuan's face at all, and was still roaring.

"Ao Lingtian does not exist, I am a human race, Ling Tian, ​​I killed your brother Ao Tianyan!"

Ling Tian finally stood up.

He had also thought that when he came to Qingchen Imperial Palace, he would inevitably meet this Ao Jinzhi, but he didn't expect that it would be so fast.

"Human race!?"

"You are still a human race!"

When Ao Jinzhi heard it, he was even more angry.

Her younger brother actually died at the hands of a human race, which made her even more unacceptable.

"Yes, I am just avenging the thousands of human races who died outside the Ten Thousand Dragon Territory, not just your brother, your dragon race in the Forbidden City, I will not let it go, including you!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly. If this Ao Jinzhi doesn't give up, he doesn't mind, killing this woman in the imperial palace.

Anyway, the current Ling Tian really wanted to fight the quasi-emperor-level existence.

"Oh, you still want to move me?"

Na Ao Jinzhi didn't get angry but laughed, and behind him, the disciples of the Dark Tide Zhun Emperor couldn't help but laugh at each other.

This foreign guy, wouldn't he be a fool, before this imperial palace, he wanted to kill the disciple of the Kuroshio Jundi! ?

Are you tired of living crooked? ?

"Well, today, I will give you a chance, Ao Jinzhi!"

"Long Xuan, Ao Guang, don't stop you, he found this by himself!"

"Kill your guests, don't blame me for being cruel!"

When the sound fell, that Ao Jinzhi suddenly burned with terrifying dark red flames all over his body, shaking his feet, and disappearing without a trace in a moment.

"You wait to step back!"

Long Xuan was shocked and took everyone behind Ling Tian directly away.

Ao Jinzhi's combat power was also extraordinary. The two of them were fighting each other, and they were all about to be affected.

"That Human Race Ling Tian, ​​quickly retreat, you are not Ao Jinzhi's opponent!"

Senior Brother Na Ao Guangda exclaimed, but he knew that Ao Jinzhi's combat power.

Under the black tide Zhundi, apart from the big brother Ao Chi, this Ao Jinzhi is undoubtedly the strongest.

Even if he shot, he couldn't easily take this woman down.

What's more, what Ao Jinzhi held in his hand seemed to be the weapon of the emperor, the axe of Cinder Flame, which had just been given by Emperor Black Tide!

The injury of this imperial weapon in Ao Jinzhi will be even more powerful!

"Hmph, with this ability, do you want to avenge your brother too!?"

"Go away!"

However, Ao Guang might not know how tyrannical Ling Tian is now!

In an instant, Ling Tian's Azure Dragon Transformation opened directly, and he never used the Dragon Slashing Sword, but directly shook the dragon fist and killed it.

The current Dragon Shaking Fist, after Ling Tian's two months of cultivation in the Four Elephant Pagoda, was enough to enter the hall.

Coupled with the transformation of the Azure Dragon in the realm of Ling Tian Dacheng, its power is terrifying!

What about the royal weapon! ?


Sure enough, there was an explosion between the electric light and flint.

The deafening roar made the gates of the imperial palace tremble wildly.

The storm swept over, blowing everyone's armor.


But soon, a figure flew upside down and fell in front of the imperial palace gate.

When they saw the figure spit out a mouthful of blood, Ao Guang and the dragons were shocked.

Because, the one who was blown out by a punch and was injured is surprisingly, Ao Jinzhi!

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