Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2892: Kuroshio, what kind of dragon is it?

Wudi Ao Qingchen's dojo was actually built on this dragon tomb.

Ling Tian was under this mountain, and he didn't feel any breath of the dragon tomb.

It can be seen that this dragon tomb is closed and mysterious.

"Here is the entrance of the Dragon Tomb."

Emperor Zhun Tianfeng stood under the mountain, looking at the dark pool at his feet.

"This is the entrance to the Dragon Tomb!?"

Ross and others were surprised.

"Well, now, I will open the Dragon Tomb. Don't worry, the previous Kuroshio has changed the rules in order to enter the Dragon Tomb. Moreover, he has also abandoned the will of the Great Dao. His combat power may not be much stronger than you."

Standing in front of the water pool, Tianfeng Zhundi said something that made the grim-faced disciples relax a lot.

Otherwise, if the Kuroshio quasi-emperor had a complete victory, how could they be opponents.

"In that case, Master Tianfeng will open the Dragon Tomb, and we will directly enter it now."

Ling Tian took his gaze back from the top of the mountain.


Tianfeng nodded, opening the Dragon Tomb.

"Master Tianfeng, we also want to enter the Dragon Tomb!"

But at this moment, Na Ao Chi and Ao Jinzhi and other disciples also flew down.

"Ao Chi, don't you want to give up now, want to wait with me and do it right?"

Ao Guang frowned.

The face is not good.

"Haha, what Senior Brother Ao Guang said is wrong. In the final analysis, this dragon tomb is also the public place of our imperial palace. Moreover, if you say that my master is plotting bad things, then you are going badly? Master is not good!"

"So, if you entered this dragon tomb, we can also enter, are you right, Master Tianfeng?"

Ao Chi suddenly looked at Emperor Feng Zhun that day.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, since you want to go, I think I have no reason to refuse."

Tianfeng Zhundi.

He didn't even refuse.


Ao Guang frowned, wondering why his master was so tolerant to their disciples under the Kuroshio quasi-emperor.

It should have been killed long ago.

"It's okay, brother, just let them in together. If you want to die, you can't stop it."

Long Xuan sneered.

He naturally doesn't care.

In this way, Tianfeng Zhundi opened the Dragon Tomb directly.

A terrifying black whirlpool appeared in the huge pool.

There is an infinite and irresistible gravitational force that seeps out from it.

Even with the combat power of Tianjiao such as Ling Tian and Ao Chi, he couldn't completely control his body.

"Dragon Tomb I can only open three breaths, fast forward!"

Emperor Tianfeng shouted loudly.

"let's go!"

Ling Tian took the lead and jumped down the vortex first, and disappeared in a flash.

Long Xuan and Kui Cailin followed closely behind.

In the end, it was Na Ao Chi and Na Ao Jinzhi who sat down with the black tide disciples.


After just three breaths, the vortex returned to calm again.

That terrifying gravity also disappeared in an instant.

Below the mountain peak, the aura of Xianyuan stopped surging, and calm again.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at the calm water surface in front of him, Tianfeng Zhundi smiled faintly, and then his whole body was tumbling, and he headed towards the dojo of Emperor Qingchen Wudi above his head, but after a moment, he disappeared without a trace. .

Dragon Tomb.

When Ling Tian and others fell, they were surprised by the sight in front of them.

Although Ling Tian had already been before, from the influence of Emperor Tianfeng Zhun's projection, he had seen the scene inside the dragon tomb.

But when he really came here, he was still shocked by the pervasive breath of death in the air, and the desolation and gloom around him.

Ling Tian just took a breath of air here, his face changed, and he suddenly raised his hand, "Hold your breath, everyone, the air and Xianyuan here are very strange, don't absorb it into your body!"

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly held their breath, and at the same time stopped the mental method in the body to absorb the immortal origin from the outside.

But if this goes on, the energy of the sea of ​​air they can use becomes extremely limited.

If it consumes too much, it can only be replenished through some special pill and dragon crystal.

That way, it's quite troublesome.


The next moment, Na Ao Chi, Ao Jinzhi and other Kuroshio students sat down and all descended one after another.

However, after seeing Ling Tian and others, those disciples disappeared in the deadly air of the Dragon Tomb in a hurry.

Now they also knew that head-to-head with Ling Tian so many Tianjiao would not have good fruit.

They need to wait for opportunities.

"Ling Tian, ​​what should we do now!? The breath here is so weird, and my spirit can only spread to the surrounding dozens of miles. How can I find the Kuroshio quasi-emperor!? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Long Xuan frowned.

"Don't worry, it is really weird here. It is not easy to find the Kuroshio quasi-emperor. In this way, everyone will be divided into groups and look for it. However, they all have the transmission token in their hands. , Wait for others to send support!"

Ling Tian palmed his hand and took out a dozen tokens from it.

These tokens were all made by Ling Tian himself. In this dragon tomb, the teleportation array can also be used to gather everyone together.

Although the distance is not very long, it is enough in this dragon tomb.

"no problem!"

The Tianjiao was divided into three groups, Ling Tian, ​​Long Xuan and Ao Guang, each leading a group.

Ao Guang led the dragon martial artist to leave, and Long Xuan wanted to leave, but he was suddenly called down by Ling Tian.

"Why, is there a problem?"

Long Xuan frowned.

"Do you know, what kind of dragon is your master?" Ling Tian asked.

"I know, it's the ancient Yinglong!? What's wrong." Long Xuandao.

"Oh, that's right, no problem." Ling Tian nodded and let Long Xuan leave.


However, before that Long Xuan left, Ling Tian seemed to have thought of what it was, and then asked, "Master Tianfeng is an ancient Yinglong, what about the Kuroshio Jundi!? What kind of dragon is he?"

Ling Tian asked, but Long Xuan frowned, and said after a long while: "You really asked me. To be honest, I don't know what Dragon Clan the Kuroshio Jundi is."

"Do you not know what dragon clan?"

But Ling Tian was surprised at this.

Long Xuan has been cultivating in the imperial palace for so long, how can he not know about this?

"Ling Tian, ​​we really don't know, and it's not just us, even Ao Chi and other black tide disciples sitting down."

"The origin of the Kuroshio Jundi is mysterious, and I am afraid that only Master Tianfeng or Emperor Wu knows his details."

Xiaolongnv also explained.

"Well, maybe I'm worrying too much, go ahead!"

Ling Tian nodded and didn't ask anymore.

Seeing that Long Xuan and other Tianjiao leave, Kui Cailin stepped forward and said behind Ling Tian: "Why, did you find something unusual?"

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