Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2894: Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable

Although Xiao Lei's soul energy has advanced to become the existence of the Emperor's weapon, he has not reached the peak after all.

Xiao Lei had already struggled forward for his goal of being a quasi-emperor weapon.

Ling Tian blocked nearly half of the impact of these bone dragon army.

But the remaining army of bone dragons is still terrifying.

Kui Cailin and the others made an all-out effort, and suddenly burst out extremely astonishing lethality, magical powers can kill countless bone dragons, but such a loss can only be regarded as a drop in the whole army of bone dragons. And the most important point is that in this space, the power of the princes such as Kui Cailin can be used less, but in this battlefield environment, I don’t want to use the pill or the dragon crystal to keep it for a long time. Combat power.

It's okay for Ross and the others to say, but in the team, the three human races such as Li Ruoli are even more unbearable. They can only use supernatural powers desperately to ensure that they will not die under the impact of these bone dragon army.

Once you relax, you will die immediately!

At this moment, they realized what a terrifying place this dragon tomb is.

No wonder, for thousands of years, there has never been a dragon tianjiao alive who walked out of the dragon tomb. This is really terrifying!

Supernatural powers roared, spiritual light gleamed, and the tyrannical and cruel roars of bone dragons echoed between the world and the earth, endless death energy swept in like a stormy sea, desperate to annihilate all creatures in it and completely wipe it away.

A large number of bone dragons fell, the rock-like bones collapsed, and the flames of the soul scattered.

Shaking the sky!

Cover the ground!

Lingtian magical powers shot continuously, the divine sword guards against thunder, earthshaking, the three magical powers are repeatedly used and superimposed, but its power is becoming stronger and stronger, and the coverage continues to increase, and the lethality continues to skyrocket at an astonishing speed. Gradually he became the person who killed the most bone dragons here.

Ling Tian also understood that now he was the core of the entire team, as long as he killed enough bone dragons, then the others would be safe enough.

Ling Tian's face was calm and did not show the slightest expression. He seemed to be unaware of this, but at this moment his pupils suddenly shrank sharply, and a feeling of extreme danger lingered in his heart. The next moment, Ling Tian exclaimed. "Everyone, be careful, step back quickly!"

Immediately, Ling Tian Qinglong's hand was filled with a terrifying dragon-shaking fist, surging up, and then blasted out a punch in the direction of the mountains ahead!

He hurriedly shot, but he was always cautious, and he had done his best with this punch without reservation.

Because he knew that the breath that suddenly appeared was really too powerful.

If you don't do your best, Kwai Cailin and others may die instantly!

Sure enough, at the moment Ling Tian made his move, a shriveled black and purple dragon claw stretched out from the rocky mountain in the direction of the mountains ahead.

The dragon claws are extremely huge, as large as hundreds of feet. Although they are made of bones, they are surging with pitch-black metallic luster, as if they were cast from the gods of the underworld hell!


Ling Tian’s Dragon Shaking Fist and the outstretched dragon claws shook hard in the air, and a loud noise suddenly erupted. Ling Tian snorted, and there was a crackling noise in his body. The figure retreated faster, and his face instantly became extremely ugly. .

Although Ling Tian shot this punch in a hurry, he almost used all his strength.

But despite this, he actually drew with each other! ?

Even, I was shocked!

In this scene, not only Ling Tian, ​​but Kui Cailin and others, who were shrouded in Ling Tian's sword intent, couldn't believe their eyes.

At this moment, they all looked at the mountains and discovered, but they were shocked to find that a huge bone dragon, which was as big as eight thousand feet, had climbed out of the mountains!

"This, what the **** is this!"

Ao Zishuang exclaimed.

"Hey, eight thousand feet in length, even if this guy didn't reach the rank of quasi-emperor before he was alive, he is still far more powerful than that of the Azure Dragon King. Once, he was definitely the top powerhouse in the imperial palace!"

Ao Baiying said.

The cultivation base and combat power of the spirit race are directly related to the size of the dragon race's body.

Like the quasi-emperor-level dragon clan, the body is nine thousand feet or even more than ten thousand feet.

As for the legendary Wudi Ao Qingchen, his body was even as large as one hundred thousand feet.

But in any case, the fighting power of the huge bone dragon of eight thousand feet in front of me is definitely not trivial. Moreover, under the silence of this dragon tomb, the fighting power is heavily blessed.


The bone dragon is also shaking the dragon.

It was generally the same as the first dragon chant that Ling Tian and others had heard before.

Not only that, in the exclamation of everyone, the eight-thousand-meter bone dragon suddenly turned into a storm of dust.

When the storm dissipated, a Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable ten feet tall appeared above the sky.

This deceased dragon can actually be transformed into a human form in the body of a dragon bone! ?

This, this scene, makes everyone incredible!


Before everyone reacted in shock, the Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable's figure flashed before disappearing in place.

"not good!"

Ling Tian's expression changed, a sword light cut off from the sky.


The flames flew, and even though the bone dragon was swallowed by Ling Tian's sword light, it didn't stop its movement at all.


A mark of dragon claws descended from the sky, and its target turned out to be Kwai Cailin and others!

This Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable is definitely not low-minded!

"Full defense!"

Ling Tian yelled, he actually stopped playing with his keel.

The Excalibur Yulei Sword Array blocked the heads of Kwai Cailin and others.

And Ao Zishuang and others also gathered all their magical powers on top of their heads.

However, they were not sure whether they could block this Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable's supernatural powers.



Ling Tian's sword formation retreated directly under the dragon's claws.

And the magical powers of Kui Cailin and others only resisted the weakened dragon claw, and took three breaths.

Then, everything fell apart.

Kui Cailin and the others were all shaken out. The worst was the third king of the human race, whose combat power was the weakest. In the midst of these regrets, the meat burst directly and fell instantly!

Ross and others were all injured.

The combat power of this Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable is really too terrifying, and it is a blessing to survive.

"Hmph, the creatures rushed to my dragon tomb, looking for death!"

The Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable, uttered words.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with his successive shots, and only killed one human race.

His figure flashed, escaped into the void, and wanted to shoot again.

"You, really treat me as if I don't exist!?"

Finally, Ling Tian was angry.

This Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable actually destroyed a human race in front of him.

This Ling Tian, ​​can't bear it!

Although Dragon Bone Immortal Venerable was tyrannical, Ling Tian was still confident and beheaded him.

"Xiao Lei!"

With a roar, Ling Tian summoned the soul-swallowing Xiaolei back to the Dragon Slashing Sword, and then, as the Azure Dragon was transforming, the breath of Yinglong erupted.

At this time, Ling Tian had already fully deployed his combat power!

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