Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2899: Thousands of Dragons


Ling Tian suddenly retracted his hand, his whole body aura condensed in front of him, looking at the back that was shrouded in bright light.

At this time, the aura of this back figure was indeed not as powerful as the Tianfeng Zhun emperor in Qingchen Emperor's Palace, but it was still terrifying.

Ling Tian asked himself, if he wants to defeat this dark tide quasi-emperor, he needs to do his best.



However, the back shrouded in the halo suddenly smiled up to the sky.

Although the aura on his body was strong, it was really not at all, it was aimed at Ling Tian.

This made Ling Tian puzzled.

How does this Kuroshio look so strange! ?

Is it confusing yourself! ?

"It's the Kuroshio, let you wait in the Dragon Tomb!?"

However, that figure suddenly got up, and the bright halo on his body, like crystal snowflakes, fell in pieces.

In this way, Ling Tian finally did a little bit, seeing that figure clearly.

However, Ling Tian's pupils slowly shrank.

In the end, I couldn't help taking two steps back.

In the light of his eyes, there is a color of unbelief.

"No, it's impossible!"

"You, you are Tianfeng Zhundi!?"

With an exclamation, Ling Tian couldn't believe his eyes.

The figure in front of him turned out to be the Tianfeng Zhundi who had crossed with Ling Tian before!

Moreover, this figure is not only exactly the same as the Tianfeng Zhundi in the imperial palace in appearance, but also, even the breath is generally the same!

If only the appearance is the same, then Ling Tian's divine will will definitely not be concealed.

But now, this is undoubtedly Tianfeng Zhundi!

But what is going on! ?

Could it be that Emperor Feng Zhun also entered the Dragon Tomb that day! ?

But what Ling Tian thought was wrong.

Staring at the Tianfeng Zhundi in front of him, Ling Tian couldn't wait to see through his bones.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's okay, you don't have to be surprised, the reason for doubt is because you are deceived by illusions. If you can see the sun, you will be clear."

That figure held his hand, although outside the formation, Long Xuan and Na Ao Chi and other arrogant people were killing them with enthusiasm, but this'Tianfeng Zhundi' was still talking and laughing.

This kind of tolerance is rare.

"An illusion!?"

"You mean, the Tianfeng Zhun emperor in the imperial palace outside, is it fake?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "No, how can I believe you! If you are Emperor Tianfeng, what about the Kuroshio!?"

Tianfeng Zhundi smiled and said nothing.

Ling Tian's expression also slowly changed again.

"You mean, the guy I saw in the imperial palace is the real Kuroshio!? He never entered the Dragon Tomb from beginning to end?"

At this moment, Ling Tian finally thought of something.

When he saw Emperor Zhun Tianfeng release the breath of the dragon before, he already felt a little strange.

Moreover, that day when Emperor Feng Zhun made Ling Tian come to this dragon tomb in such a way that Zhao Ji did make Ling Tian doubtful in his heart.

So just after entering the dragon tomb, he asked Long Xuan about the Kuroshio quasi-emperor dragon genus.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian's suspicion would come true so quickly! ?

"No, I want proof, how do you prove it?"

Ling Tian looked at the'Tianfeng Zhun Emperor' in front of him.

"Hehe, Kuroshio Zhundi's combat power is originally the strongest in Qingchen Imperial Palace today. How could he risk his life and abandon the will of the Great Dao and enter this Dragon Tomb without his Majesty Wu's return?"

"Furthermore, if he is afraid of the return of Emperor Wu, he can go to the imperial palace dojo and destroy the shadow of Emperor Wu. If the shadow of the emperor is broken, then even if his majesty has not fallen now, he cannot return to the imperial palace."

Emperor Zhun Tianfeng looked at Ling Tian and slowly said, "Maybe you don't know yet, what kind of dragon is the Emperor Zhunzhao Kuroshio?"

"I don't know. I heard that in the imperial palace, only Emperor Zhun Tianfeng and Emperor Wu know the true identity of Kuroshio, you know?"

Ling Tian nodded.

"Naturally, the dragons of the Kuroshio are indeed extremely rare in this world. Moreover, his rank is also higher than mine. It is the pinnacle of the fourth-rank Tianlong. It is not far from the fifth-rank Nine Heavens Shenlong clan. How far is it?"

"The Kuroshio Jundi is a Thousand Changed Dragon Clan!"

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian frowned, "Thousand Changed Dragons!?"

"Ling Tian seems to have heard of this dragon clan for the first time."

"Yes, this secret is indeed only my Majesty Emperor Wu and I. There are many clones of Kuroshio, not just the so-called Tianfeng Zhundi outside. It is very likely that you have seen him long ago." Tianfeng Zhundi laughed. Laughed.

The Thousand Changed Dragons are born with the ability to change. That is their talent. Under his quasi-emperor's cultivation base, only Emperor Wu can clearly see his transformation skills, so you didn't see it, and it is normal.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, "This is just your own words."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter whether he is Kuroshio or I am Tianfeng."

"The key to this is always you."

"The Kuroshio let you enter the Dragon Tomb just to kill me, but he might not have thought that there really is a grave of Emperor Qingxiao's existence here."

"And this suspicion, Emperor Qingchen Wu once came, and also placed the Nine Dragon Pearl of my dragon clan in the coffin of this great emperor. Only the destined can break this formation with a hundred thousand swords and shadows. ."

"Moreover, you have seen the passage corresponding to the Nine Dragons, haven't you?"

Emperor Feng Zhun looked at Ling Tian that day.

The latter's face changed.

"Haha, don't be surprised, at that time, I was already here, waiting for you to come."

Tianfeng Zhundi smiled, "Don't worry, the reason why the Kuroshio Zhundi didn't kill you in the imperial palace is because he needs to use you to get rid of me, and I will naturally not touch you, otherwise , You are already dead."

"Hehe, it's actually nothing. It doesn't matter who you are the Kuroshio and the Tianfeng."

"The important thing is, what can I get in this Qingxiao suspicion!"

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

Anyway, with his current cultivation level, he really couldn't tell the truth from the fake when he couldn't open Taoyuan and ask Taoyaoyao and Liuyao for help.

However, since neither of these two quasi-emperors killed him, then he didn't think about it.

Just knowing what you can get is enough.

"Yes, you are still awake enough."

"This is the Dragon's Nine Dragon Pearl, except for Emperor Wu, only I know."

"Back then, when His Majesty Wu left the imperial palace, he placed this Nine Dragon Pearl in the emperor's suspicion grave. He had long expected that he might never come back once he left. "

"The Dragon Clan will be in great chaos. Only this Nine Dragon Pearl and the destined can solve the danger of the Dragon Clan!"

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