Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2903: Ling Tian vs Kuroshio

"It's okay, I can't prove myself."

"Don't blame yourself, you are now my Tianfeng, the benefactor of my entire dragon clan!?"

"Senior Yang Lin is right, you are the fateful person, and you will eventually rise."

Emperor Zhunfeng smiled and said, "However, you still have to face the Kuroshio."

"You shattered his plan, Kuroshio, and will never let you go."

"Fortunately, I blew the dragon's body and destroyed one of his master clones, which would greatly reduce his combat power."

"Otherwise, you still can't get out of this dragon tomb."

"Now, your destiny is still in my own hands, and I can no longer **** you."

"You juniors, cherish it."

The heavy voice fell, and Tianfeng Zhundi completely disappeared in this world.

"Master Tianfeng!"

Ao Guang and others exclaimed.

But here, the breath of Tianfeng Zhundi was completely gone.

"Ling Tian, ​​what should we do now?"

Kui Cailin and others held the dragon ball in their hands and looked at Ling Tian one after another.

Tianfeng Zhundi was right.

They completely shattered Kuroshio's plan, so if they returned to the imperial palace, Kuroshio would never give up.

But now they can use the power of Dragon Ball to return to the eight dragon gates and fly far away.

But in that case, they would completely abandon the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain.

"Naturally return to the imperial palace!"

"Otherwise, everything we did will be wasted!"

"Master Tianfeng, also died in vain."

"Kuroshio quasi-emperor."

"Today, let me Ling Tian and meet him!"

Ling Tian opened up the connection between Taoyuan and the outside world, then raised his hand and threw the coffin and the Nine Dragon Pearl from the Great Emperor's Suspicious Tomb into Taoyuan.

Then, skyrocketed.

The faces of Long Xuan Ao Guang and others were also so cold, and in the end, they all put away the dragon **** one after another and followed them.

Lingtian Tier 1 human races, they still don't give up the Ten Thousand Dragon Territory, how can they fade away as the real dragon race?

Wanlongyu imperial palace.

Qingchen Mountain, before the Wudi Dojo.

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at the beam of light coming straight from all directions, the shadow of Emperor Wu on the dojo was completely sealed off.

The figure of'Tianfeng Zhundi' was finally slowly filled with black mist.

Then, a handsome and fair-skinned dragon quasi-emperor, dressed in black armor, walked out of it.

"Yes, Tianfeng, my Kuroshio really lost to you this time."

"Hi, that's fine, I wanted to use the quietest way to take charge of the entire dragon clan."

"But now, you are trying to force me to kill these peerless arrogances of the dragon race!"

Kuroshio Zhundi sneered, looked at the Qingchen Dojo that was shrouded in Shenghui in front of him, and then slowly turned around.

At this time, from under the Qingchen Mountain, nine radiant rays of light rose into the sky.

Those rays of light fell, and in the sky, a figure appeared.

It was Ling Tian and others who had returned from the Dragon Tomb!

"Kuroshio, you lie to me!"

Ling Tian hovered in front of everyone, his eyes sharp.

After he entered the Emperor's Palace of the Ten Thousand Dragons Domain, he was actually fooled by the Kuroshio's talent for thousands of changes.

This was the first thing Ling Tian felt after he soared to the immortal realm, the feeling of being played around.

This made Ling Tian intolerable.

"Hehehe, I am the dignified Kuroshio quasi-emperor, I deceive you, and I also value you."

"It's just that you are still a waste. You can't even deal with the wind of the day!"

"Furthermore, it turned on this breaking formation, bad my good deeds!"

The tone of Kuroshio gradually became gloomy and cold.

"Now, since I can't completely destroy Ao Qingchen's shadow of the emperor, then I will kill you guys, so that my Thousand Changed Magical Art will be completely accomplished!"

"At that time, even if Ao Qingchen returns, I will become the new martial emperor of the dragon clan!"

"Long Xuan, you, all retreat!" Ling Tian whispered, noticing the strong killing intent emanating from the black tide quasi-emperor.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is my Dragon Clan quasi-emperor. How can you be his opponent by yourself!?"

But Long Xuan and others frowned.

They can't look at Ling Tian and fight alone.


But Ling Tian shook his head, just said a word, then raised his big hand, and the terrifying wave of air sent everyone out.

"Fine, let's not step forward. With our combat power, even if the combat power is fully deployed, in the eyes of the Kuroshio, it is nothing but ants."

Kui Cailin stopped Long Xuan and the others.

"Then what should we do now, watching?"

Long Xuan gasped.

"Make yourself stronger."

Kwai Cailin picked up the dragon ball in her hand.

"I can feel the energy in this dragon ball and the power of the ancestral soul. If we can absorb it and believe in my bloodline rank, we can improve a lot again. Although I don't know if we can help Ling Tian, ​​we can do it. Yes, there are only so many."

"Okay." Long Xuan also picked up the Spirit Orb in his hand, pursed his mouth, and then began to refining cross-legged.

On the Qingchen Dojo, Kuroshio's face became cold, and under the frantic roar, he slammed his palm straight to Ling Tian's place.

Ling Tian's face was gloomy, and his eyes were fierce. Now this dark tide is bound to kill him.

Therefore, within this imperial palace, Ling Tian had no second choice.

If you want to survive, you can only wipe out this Kuroshio.

Now, seeing this Kuroshio make a move, Ling Tian's mouth curled slightly and a faint cold expression appeared. He suddenly discovered that the aura of the Kuroshio was far less tyrannical than before.

Although he has never used the power of the Great Dao, he has also suffered some damage in the realm of cultivation.

It seemed that Emperor Feng Zhun was right that day. After he exploded the dragon body, he completely killed one of Kuroshio's main clone, which weakened Kuroshio's combat power a lot.

Therefore, facing the dark tide in front of him, Ling Tian had a certain degree of assurance in his heart.

Now facing the palm of the Kuroshio tide, Ling Tian's big hand stretched out from his robe, bent his arms, straight fists, and blasted out!


Between the flesh and blood, the dragon-shaking power burst out, like a stormy sea, gathered along the meridian surging surgingly, making a low and muffled sound, like a river and raging sea, with a terrifying momentum. Under this power, it looks like the entire imperial palace. The immortal breath of his was all shaken.

Regardless of whether the Kuroshio shot with all his strength, Ling Tian had no reason to have reservations.

Supernatural powers, Shake Dragon Fist!

Shaking the Dragon Fist was when Ling Tian got the supernatural power of the dragon hunter from the dragon bell.

The strength of its rank is originally at the same level as the pure Yangzhi.

Now, after being cultivated by Ling Tian for so long, he has already entered the hall and tends to become a success!

With a punch, the power of shaking the dragon turned into a monstrous trend, swallowing towards the big hand of the dark tide.

This was the strongest method under the circumstance that Ling Tian didn't use the Dragon Slashing Sword and the palm of the Prajna God.

Especially for the dragon clan, this Shaking Dragon Fist has a miraculous effect!


The whole world shook fiercely, and the big hand that shook the dragon fist and the Kuroshio directly faced each other.

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