Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2905: Quasi-emperor's weapon

In the distance, Liu Yiyi spoke to Ling Tian.

And this kind of sound transmission, naturally, can't hide the quasi-emperor Kuroshio.

Quasi-Emperor Will! ?

Kuroshio's heart shook slightly, he really didn't know what quasi-emperor's will Ling Tian possessed.


And Ling Tian, ​​it was like being empowered by Taigu.


Today, he has entered the Dragon Clan Imperial Palace, possessing almost the strongest combat power under the quasi-emperor.

Even if the news of his quasi-emperor's will spreads out, what can it be! ?


In the huge pit, Ling Tian suddenly widened his eyes.

On the Qihaidao foundation, thousands of rays of light converge in the light and shadow on the foundation.

And the bright light and shadow sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up, the eyes of the gods opened and closed, and the sword in his hand surged to the sky!

God of War Killing the Sky!

In an instant, the vast sea of ​​Qi in Ling Tian's body, under the blessing of the will of the beginning, suddenly boiled.

The sea of ​​qi set off a huge wave, sweeping over Ling Tian's limbs.

And Ling Tian in the huge pit, his whole body was also instantly enveloped by the rich cyan fairy fire, and the terrifying aura burst out, rushing into the sky!

"It's not that easy to kill me Ling Tian!"

"Emperor Zhun, then I'll fight you, so why not!"


A wing of light suddenly bloomed from behind Ling Tian, ​​and a sacred light and shadow of ten thousand meters high appeared on Qingchen Mountain.

Ling Tian was bathed in the will of the God of War to kill the sky, and his big hand suddenly stretched out.

Prajna palm, lifted from the sky!


Two magical powers were regretful again, but this time, the entire Qingchen Mountain was shaking.

Long Xuan and the others, who had been hiding hundreds of miles away, could still feel the terrifying coercion of that supernatural power against regret, sweeping over them.

At this moment, not only Kuroshio, but also Long Xuan and Kui Cailin and the others, they were also astonished looking at the phantom under the Qingchen Mountain.

"This kind of will!"

"Human quasi-emperor!?"

"Unexpectedly, Ling Tian still left such a hole card!"

Everyone took a deep breath.

The human race can be blessed by the will, which neither the demon race nor the dragon race possesses.

In the entire fairy world, it seems that only the Celestial Race, Human Race, and Dark Demon Race possess these abilities.

And this kind of will is similar to the origin.

But unlike the source, this kind of fighting will can directly give the martial artist a corresponding strong aura.

The higher the level of fighting will, the more rare it is.

The will of the Immortal Venerable ranks, among the three clans, is nothing at all.

But this kind of fighting will, once it reaches the top Immortal Venerable, it is quite rare.

After all, this kind of fighting will can only be formed after the strong sages who once possessed this kind of cultivation base fell.

Then the quasi emperor is even rarer.

After all, there are not many such powerful existences in the entire history of human ancestors!

The supernatural bang of regrets shook for a long time, but it never dissipated.

And this time, what everyone could not think of was that Ling Tian not only was not shocked by the dark tide's supernatural powers, but the dark tide's supernatural powers dissipated directly.

The Kuroshio shook his whole body even more, being caught by the aura of the will of the quasi emperor, he took a half step back!

The quasi-emperor Kuroshio was actually shaken!

"Which quasi-emperor will of the human race is this!?"

At this time, the Kuroshio was also surprised.

Maybe others don't know.

But this Kuroshio has seen too many quasi-emperors and quasi-emperor wills in the human race, almost all of them.

But now Ling Tian sacrificed this will, he had never seen it before, and had never heard of it!

Not only that, the sudden appearance of the will of the quasi emperor could give him an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Otherwise, even if the prajna palm just now is a real quasi-emperor, he wouldn't want to shake him easily!

"Hehe, Kuroshio, do you still despise me Ling Tian now!?’

At this time, Ling Tian, ​​who was blessed by the God of War Killing Heaven, rose into the sky again.

Although Ling Tian was still injured at this time.

But under the blessing of the will of the **** of war, Ruyi let Ling Tian insist on a cup of tea.

Within the time of this cup of tea, Ling Tian's combat power will be infinitely close to the Emperor Zhun.

"Tsk tsk!"

"The younger generation is the younger generation, so you can't hold back your breath?"

But Kuroshio gave a sneer, waking up from the will of the God of War to kill the sky.

Ling Tian suddenly sacrificed such a powerful quasi-emperor's will. Although Kuroshio was slightly surprised and confused, it was nothing more than that.

The laughter fell, and from the hands of the Kuroshio tide, a huge black giant sword suddenly appeared.

At the moment when this giant sword appeared, Long Xuan, Ao Guang and others in the distance exclaimed.

"Hey, it is the Kuroshio sword! This is the natal dragon sword of the Kuroshio quasi-emperor. The rank is higher than that of the emperor's weapon, and it is the quasi-emperor's weapon!"

The weapon of quasi-emperor!

Other people were shocked when they heard it.

They knew that the rank of this quasi-emperor's weapon was higher than that of the emperor's weapon, and at the moment when the black tide giant sword appeared, the entire Qingchen Mountain seemed to be shrouded in boundless darkness.

In the void of the riots, everything seemed to become sticky.

Just a sword can affect the surrounding space in this way. It is enough to see the abnormality of this quasi-emperor weapon.

Ling Tian's eyes also narrowed slightly,

The sword of the quasi-emperor, an existence that once again exceeded his cognition.

Although Ling Tian was in Taoyuan, he had an emperor to drink blood.

But now, Ling Tian couldn't use it yet.

Although the Dragon Slashing Sword is strong, it is only the best of the emperor's weapons.


On the Dragon Slashing Sword, Xiao Lei wrapped around the sword body, and also roared towards the Kuroshio giant sword.

Although Xiao Lei's fighting spirit was still in his heart at this time, he was full of jealousy.

Obviously, this Kuroshio Great Sword had already given him tremendous pressure.

"You can force me to use the Kuroshio Sword, and it's your good fortune. If this is spread out, you will be famous for the entire fairy world!"

"But, it's just the name after death!"

"Under the Kuroshio Sword, none of the cultivation bases of the emperor will be cut!"

Kuroshio sword pointed directly at Ling Tian.

Any time, Ling Tian noticed that the surrounding air was chilling in an instant.

As if being stared at by death, it made him very uncomfortable.

The weapon of the quasi emperor was the weapon of quasi emperor's life, and it was a bit terrifying indeed.

"Very good, just let me see, can you, the quasi-emperor weapon, kill me?"

Ling Tian's face suddenly fell sorrowful.

Since he was going to face this dark tide, even if he tried everything, he must not be timid!

The voice fell, the God of War behind Ling Tian killed the sky, urging the immortal vitality aura in Ling Tian's body to boil, and then he stretched out his hand, and on top of it, 800 layers of immortal fire surged, vortexes emerged, and madly sucked in those within a thousand miles. breath.

At this moment, Ling Tian could only sacrifice his strongest supernatural powers.

Sword and finger unity!

The palm of the Prajna **** reappeared on the sky.

After the Kuroshio quasi-emperor watched it, he shook his head.

"Is this supernatural power again!? Although the supernatural power is good, it is still too weak under my Kuroshio sword!"

"Really!?" Ling Tian sneered, and the Dragon Slashing Sword turned into a huge sword, which was held in the palm of that Prajna god.

Then, towards the Kuroshio, suddenly cut down.

At this moment, Kuroshio Zhundi's face finally changed.

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