Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2916: Tianzhu Mountain collapsed

"Hehe, don't worry, they dare not do anything to me, after all, there is no Emperor Wu in his Ten Thousand Monster Emperor Palace."

"Human race, follow me!"

Immediately, Ling Tian soared into the sky, and led the five million human race troops in the fleet into the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou.

Seeing Ling Tian leading the fleet away, the Great Demon Immortal Venerables all came behind Qingyi Zhundi.

"His Royal Highness, just let him in? Do you want us to bring the army to follow?"

There is the main way of the great demon.

"Follow!? Do you dare?"

Azure Wing Immortal sneered, the Lord of the Great Demon suddenly stopped speaking.

How dare they.

Ling Tian now doesn't even give the Qingyi Zhundi the face.

"Where's Lei's!? That day, the Snake Demon Venerable and the Snake Demon Venerable are not enough. He covered the sky and the Lei Peng clan as the mainstay of the demon clan, why is there no garrison here?"

Azure Wing Zhundi swept across the demon lord, and suddenly asked.

The monsters looked at each other, and then the monster said: "Lei's, with the talents of the Lei Peng clan, he is heading to the Tianzhu Wonderland."


"Went to Tianzhu Wonderland?"

However, after that Demon Venerable finished speaking, Azure Wing Zhundi was startled.

Then secretly angrily asked: "What did he go to Tianzhu Wonderland, and also bring the army of his clan?"

"Yes, I took hundreds of thousands of troops there. As for why, we don't know."

"But thinking about it, it shouldn't be to destroy the Tianzhu Wonderland."

Those demon gods falter.

Before, Tianzhu Wonderland and the Ascension Alliance were nothing in the eyes of these great monster masters, even if they were destroyed.

At most it was punished by the imperial palace.

But now, it looks different.

This Ling Tian brought a large army to the Monster Race, and also went straight to the Tianzhu Wonderland.

"His Royal Highness, or we also go to Tianzhu Wonderland, I'm afraid that something will happen to him!"

There is a master path of the Great Demon that has friendship with the Zhetian Leipeng clan.

"Don't you think it's messy enough?"

But Zhundi Qingyi's face was gloomy.

After pondering and hesitating for a moment, Azure Wing Zhundi still shook his head, "No, it is an eventful autumn, in the imperial palace, your Majesty Wu, who has not yet returned, and that fellow Chi Xiao doesn’t know where he has gone. We can’t talk to this yet. Ling Tian clashed."

"You are not allowed to go anywhere, just here, show me the dragon army."

"In addition, if the order continues, where Ling Tian led the tens of thousands of troops, all the monster races that he saw will seal up my mouth. If it is revealed, I will kill you without mercy!"

Although both he and Ling Tian took a half step back, for the Yao Clan, being crossed by the army of Xianzhou was still not a glorious thing.

"As for the Lei Peng Clan that covers the sky, huh, let it go!"

With a cold snort, Azure Wing Zhundi disappeared above the sky.

Tianzhu Wonderland.

Since Ling Tian left the Tianzhu Wonderland, the Ascension Alliance has entered a short period of calm.

And Ling Tian's water system clone has also been practicing with Shen Biyuan in the Feng Family.

Although there is no such thing as the time flow rate of the Four Elephant Towers, the Feng Family, as one of the four major families of the Ascension Alliance, sometimes has empty chambers within the family, which can provide forty times the time flow rate.

Ling Tian cloned himself in the secret room, and it took almost twenty years to finally cultivate the Tianfu Baojian to the realm of Dacheng.

After that, Ling Tian clone had been studying the formation that Tao Yaoyao left behind.

However, the calm of the Ascension Alliance did not last long.

A roar that shook the entire Tianzhu fairyland suddenly sounded in the dark night, causing all the human races in the fairyland to be alarmed out of the secret room one after another.

However, when they saw that the sky-reaching pillar in the distance was slowly collapsing, they all took a breath.

His face changed to the extreme.

Tianzhu Mountain is the symbol of Tianzhu Wonderland.

But now, Tianzhu Mountain has collapsed.

This is almost the same as the sky collapsed!

Tianzhu Mountain collapsed, and the entire Tianzhu Wonderland was like a land sinking.

Even at the edge of Tianzhu Wonderland, human martial artists can feel the great changes in this fairyland.

And around Tianzhu Mountain, within the territory of the four great families, those scenes were as terrifying as the end of the world.

"what happened?"

Ling Tian's water system clone rushed out of the secret room, first glanced at the Tianzhu Mountain that collapsed behind him, and frowned.

Then, turning around, Shen Biyuan, the daughter of the Shen family, was already outside the secret room.

"I don't know, Tianzhu Mountain suddenly collapsed from its foundation. Looking at that location, it seems to be a Tianzhu secret realm!"

Shen Biyuan shook his head, he also didn't know.

"The catastrophe, it's still here."

At this time, Shan Zun Shen Congfeng and Na Qin Zun also manifested in front of them.

"Father, is this what you call the Great Tribulation?"

Shen Biyu frowned, but now, apart from the collapse of Tianzhu Mountain, there seems to be nothing.

"It should be."

"Moreover, I have been observing secretly. Over the past six months or so, the Lei family and the Gongsun family have collaborated very secretly. Many powerful people from outside have been recruited by their two big families."

"Of course it doesn't have to be stated clearly what it wants to plot."

Shen Congfeng sneered.

"Why, could it be possible that his family can't do anything against us!? Here is the Tianzhu Wonderland, it is the Ascension Alliance, and the leader also..."

Shen Biyuan pointed towards Tianzhu Mountain, but the next moment, his face changed, "The Tianzhu Mountain collapsed, their purpose is the leader!?"

Ling Tian's water system clone also changed slightly.

They might not know, but Ling Tian knew it.

The current leader of the Feisheng Alliance, Ranxiang, was practicing on Tianzhu Mountain.

It's just that the power of dyeing incense is not strong now.

If the Gongsun family and Lei family really wanted to deal with Ranxiang, they might not be unsuccessful.

"They are testing the leader, they are already suspecting that the leader is no longer in Tianzhu Wonderland."

Shen Congfeng frowned.

Now, the catastrophe he was waiting for has arrived, but Ling Tian has never returned. Can the Shen family survive this catastrophe just by relying on a water system clone?

Below Tianzhu Mountain.

Gongsun Yunyang and the lord of the sky-shielding Leipeng stood on the Tianzhu platform.

At this time, the thundering battle axe in the hand of the guardian of the sky-shielding Lei Peng, sneered again and again, "It's just a stone pillar, and it can't stop me."

"The predecessors are brave. In this way, Tianzhu Mountain has collapsed, but the leader of my Ascension Alliance has not yet appeared. It seems that, as I guessed, our leader is either not in the territory of Tianzhu Immortal, or is I didn't dare to show up after the incident."

Gongsun Yunyang smiled.

"Hehe, I can feel that there are two auras on the top of Tianzhu Mountain, but they are not strong. With your combat power, you can go up and get them down!"

Master Lei Peng said: "You really don't have to let me come over this time. You alone are enough to handle this little Tianzhu Wonderland."

"However, you have to keep your promise. After this, you will give me the Lei Peng clan."

A gleam of golden light flashed in Gongsun Yunyang's eyes, and the golden light turned into the shape of phoenix trees and golden crows, and disappeared in a flash.

"The younger generation will keep their promises."

Having said that, Gongsun Yunyang rose directly into the sky and went straight to the slowly collapsing peak of Tianzhu Mountain.

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