Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2929: Reinforcement arrived【Protect yourself】

This figure is particularly strange.

But the breath is particularly powerful and arrogant.

In the roar of these tens of millions of demon armies, they can still traverse the entire battlefield.

This undoubtedly surprised the warriors of both races.

Qin Mingyue, Ling Nian and others looked back at Yumen Pass.

That voice came from inside the pass.

And when all the sights converged, everyone discovered that, at some point, a large formation in the gate lit up.

On it, there was only one figure.

One wore a pale armor with a suona in his hand.

Behind it, a silver dragon soul faintly manifested.

For a while, Ling Nian could not tell whether this was a human race or a dragon race.

But no matter what the details are, everyone can feel that this guy's cultivation has reached the realm of a half-step immortal, and the aura of combat power is enough to surpass the top demon!

But who is this! ?

They have never heard of the existence of such a human race in the human race!

However, that figure rose directly into the sky, floating above Yumen Pass.

Looking at the dark demon army that is about to come under the city, the corners of his mouth suddenly cocked.

"Yes, it's just right!"

Immediately, in the astonished eyes of the martial artists of the two races, he slowly raised the suona in his hand!

Da Da Da ~ For a while, the sound of the sky-shattering suona trembled the world.


That dragon chant also resounded through the sky.

The soul of the silver dragon is ten thousand feet long. It surrounds the battlefield and rolls over with power, but it makes the warrior of the dark demon clan, I don’t know why, fear inexplicably, repeatedly in the invisible, with boundless lifelessness, on the earth. Below, spread.

Although this breath does not cause substantial harm to them, it is very uncomfortable.

"Look, everyone, look! The formations, the formations are all cold!"

"Formation, who can open hundreds of formations at the same time!?"

"Reinforcement, it must be reinforcement!"

But at the moment when the Dark Demon Race's army was shrouded by the sound of suona and stagnated, hundreds of formations in Yumen Pass were lit up at the same time.

In the next moment, towering warships rushed out of it directly.

Moreover, it is continuous, as if it is endless!

All are battleships!

This class of warships can hold thousands of warriors without saying a word.

How much is this! ?

Hundreds of teleportation arrays flickered one after another, and after not more than three breaths, there were nearly ten thousand battle armors appearing on top of the human army.

After that, the weather was rested and the sky was stirred.

The densely packed warriors rushed out from the warlord.

Formed into an endless array, before Yumen Pass.

In the end, the number of warriors has reached tens of millions!

Moreover, they are all true human races!

"Human, Terran warrior!?"

This scene not only surprised the opposing Moji Palace powerhouse.

Even Ling Nian and the others who closed at Yumen had an unwilling look on their faces.

Because the aura of combat power surging out of these five million human races is even more terrifying than the tens of millions of troops in Yumen Pass!

From it, they actually felt the aura of no less than a thousand Immortal Venerables.

Even the combat power of the top immortal venerable level, there are nearly ten!

Even, the aura of some top immortals is simply unfathomable, and it is absolutely comparable to the existence of the nine great guardians of the Moji Palace.

However, when did the human race have such powerful forces? ?

This is simply incredible!

"Ascension Alliance, Qingchen Human Race, Hidden Family!"

"Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the great man, is here to help Yumen Pass!"

"From now on, this battlefield is handed over to us!"

Among the five million human race army, that Li Ruochen also soared into the air. The anger was high, the sword in his hand was held high, and with an order, the five million army, countless immortals were in front, and killed the dark demon army!


In an instant, swords, lights, swords and shadows, arrows flew horizontally, and supernatural powers filled the sky.

The war, that's it, started!

"Ascension Alliance, Qingchen Human Race, Hidden World Family, what is going on!?"

However, when Yumen closed, Ling Nian and other tens of millions of people were still in shock.

Except for the Ascension Alliance, the remaining two forces have never heard of them.

"The old man once heard that when the human race was in turmoil ten thousand years ago, many big families went to Qingchen Xianzhou to escape the war. It's hard to say that these human races came from Qingchen Xianzhou tens of millions of miles away. Came to support!?"

In the army, there is a respected and respected immortal Dao.

"But in any case, the strength of this five million army seems to have surpassed the magic palace!"

Everyone sucked in a cold breath one after another.

And the fact is exactly the same.

These tens of millions of human races that dare to come include the Qingchen Hidden Family, the five million elite human races in Rocky City, and the five million elite human race members selected from the Ascension Alliance.

Among them, the Feisheng Alliance is slightly weaker, but the level of combat power is much higher than that of today's big men.

The five million elites in Rocky City are even stronger.

As for the twenty thousand strongest members of the Qingchen Hidden World Family, although the number is the least, it is the Xianzun with the most. There are even more than a dozen top Immortal Venerable combat powers!

The combination of these powerhouses is only one quasi-emperor palace owner inferior to the magic palace!

"Then this battle is already evenly matched!"

Ling Nian took a deep breath, and his heart began to vibrate faintly.

"No, it's not evenly matched!"

But Dugu Hanshan shook his head, "Don't forget the tens of millions of fellows of our big man!"

"Although we are not strong, we are not afraid of bleeding!"

"Dahan warrior obeyed the order, and handed over the front battlefield to the reinforcements. We flanked from both sides. We can kill as much as we can. Don't let people take us lightly!


After all, Dugu Hanshan led a large army and rushed out of Yumen Pass.

"Hahaha, Uncle Hanshan is right, kill all these dark demons!"

Ling Nian let out a big laugh, and led the people, and rushed out of the closed door.

For a while, the realm of 10,000 li in front of Yumen Pass was flooded with endless magical powers and martial arts.

The battle destined to be recorded in the historical annals of the immortal world broke out completely today!

30,000 miles outside Yumen Pass.

In a deep mountain canyon.

Ling Tian completed the layout of the last formation.

Immediately, the array light surging one after another.

A group of figures manifested from it.

The leader is surprisingly Kwai Cailin, as well as the patriarchs of Celestial Snake and Jubi.

The two big monster races even reached the human border earlier than the Ascension Alliance.

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