Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2944: Retreat for five thousand years [large

At this moment, Ling Tian turned around in front of the hall, smiled slightly, and looked at everyone.

"Everyone, I've found the Realm of Outer Space for you, so there should be nothing missing in the Taiji Academy."

"Everyone has to worry about the matter of the palace."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will wait and do my best to do my best!" Everyone bowed their heads.

"Well, in that case, I'll leave it to you here!"

After all, Ling Tianyin went away.

In this way, the matter has all been resolved, and he should also retreat.

Taoyuan, in front of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Ling Tian, ​​Qin Mingyue, Zhao Min, Ji Jiuyou, Kui Cailin, Lin Yanyan Liu Yiyi Cui Tuoer and others all entered Taoyuan.

It's just that the women are all sitting around the pond, having fun with Senior Liu Yao and others.

Playing cards and playing mahjong, it seems that Taoyuan has been so busy for a long time.

However, if it were not for Qin Mingyue, Ling Tian would be a bit big.

The cultivation bases of the women are different. Qin Mingyue Kui Cailin and Lin Yanyan have the highest cultivation bases, but the cultivation bases and combat strengths of Cui Jiu'er and Zhao Min are relatively low.

Taking advantage of this time, let them rush forward.

Fifty years later, even if they couldn't all participate in the war, Ling Tian still had to take it.

"Well, ladies, we are going to retreat, you have to play, and there is time!"

Looking at the endless twittering girls, Ling Tian was also really embarrassed.

"Oh, I just left the customs, so what anxiousness is it, isn't it fifty years old? You don't know how many years it is in the Four Elephant Pagoda for fifty years outside the world!?"

"Five thousand years!"

"For five thousand years, I think about it, my scalp is tingling!"

"Let's take this opportunity and have fun in time!"

Lin Yanyan said while rubbing his mahjong without looking back.

"That is, you have been in retreat for fifty years, Ling Tian, ​​you can bear this kind of loneliness, don't delay us playing mahjong, if you want to retreat, go quickly!"

Senior Liu Yao also urged.

"You really can't help it."

Ling Tian shook his head. Now, he really can't control these women.

"Let's go, brothers, now, we can only retreat."

Ling Tian turned around, in the peach forest, Ling Tian's three clones stood there.

The technique of Sanqing Clone is one of the top techniques Ling Tian is now practicing. It is at the same level as the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon and the Burning Heaven forever.

However, it is even more difficult to get together the five avatars.

Now the Three Dao is already Ling Tian's limit.

Moreover, nowadays, the cultivation base and combat power of these three clones are also different.

The first gold avatar, the strongest combat power, and also has his own name, that is Taiyi.

Nowadays, the combat power of its clone is almost comparable to that of the top Immortal Venerable, while the wood clone and the water clone are much different.

But now, the clone can practice on its own.

This is what other clones of the fairy world do not possess.


The three avatars nodded, followed Ling Tian's body, and entered the Four Elephant Glass Pagoda.

Nowadays, cultivating the clone and the body separately is still the most efficient method.

Ling Tian's body was closed in the Four Elephants Liuli Pagoda, meditating and practicing, but the resources for cultivation were naturally the candle of Yingtian that had not been fully refined.

This flame is a thousand-layer divine fire.

Even if Ling Tian is now in the realm of the Immortal Venerable, and on the way back to the big man, he has survived the Tribulation of the Immortal Venerable, but he still only refines a small part.

On the one hand, it was too difficult for this Yingtian Candle to refining, and on the other hand, after entering the realm of Immortal Venerable, the speed of cultivation became extremely slow.

Moreover, after the realm of Xianzun, the potential that can burst out is not as exaggerated as before.

In other words, after Ling Tian, ​​it will be more and more difficult to increase the strength of the entire hierarchy.

The three avatars use the vitality in Taoyuan to practice.

Today's Taoyuan is no longer the same as before, and even its inner vitality is more pure than the imperial palace.

Ling Tian didn't know why, but felt that the big peach tree outside was more lush than before.

A thousand years.

Two thousand years.


Five thousand.

The sun and the moon are like shuttles, and the time is like an arrow.

Fifty years from the outside world passed by in a hurry. In the Four Elephant Pagoda, time passed, five thousand years have passed.

For five thousand years, if it were in the outside world, there would be countless arrogances shining like meteors, and countless geniuses would fall.


Fifty years later, Taoyuan is indeed as Ling Tian said, like a small world.

Even the gray color in the sky turned blue.

That's because, now Taoyuan, which has a radius of one million li, has a vast ocean around it.

Only the sky was left, and the big sun was still grayish white.

In front of the Sixiang Pagoda, a small stream has flowed around the Sixiang Pagoda forty-nine years ago.

In the stream, a huge golden boulder fell quietly in the water. It has been washed by the river for decades, but now it is still the same as before, and the color of the body has not changed in any way.

There are a few small fishes surrounded by fairy lights wandering leisurely in the stream, but at this moment they seem to be suddenly frightened and their eyes widened and swim out. At the next moment, a light flashed slightly, and a figure of a Tsing Yi warrior pushed out the door.

Standing in front of the Four Elephant Pagoda, I took a deep breath. Now Taoyuan has a particularly strong atmosphere of immortality.

This green robe warrior is naturally Ling Tian.

Fifty years outside, within the Four Elephant Pagoda, it was five thousand years.

In front of the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian carried his hands on his back, and the corners of his mouth showed a faint smile. At this moment, he did not use any magical powers, but his body was firmly standing in the void, giving people a feeling of blending into the void, if not personally See, even if the Emperor Zhun's divine consciousness swept through, he couldn't detect his figure.

Xianzun 7th order!

In these five thousand years, Ling Tian has gained tremendously, not only has he completely refined the Candle of Yingtian, he has also increased his cultivation base from the first level to the seventh level of the Xianzun.

The physical body is slowly nourished by the power of the blood in the body, and the degree of tyranny has increased by more than several times. It is simple and simple to throw a single punch, even without the slightest magical power, you can also blow a city with one punch.

The Eternal Burning Heaven Jue had already cultivated to the stage of the late Dacheng stage, and the fire to be absorbed next time was extremely demanding, as long as it had to be more than two thousand layers.

Ying Long Bian is also completely complete, the next nine true dragon changes, the blood needed will be even more difficult, at least for now, Ling Tian has no clue.

In addition to the exercises, all Ling Tian's magical powers and martial arts have also been cultivated to the extreme. The Divine Sword Yulei True Art has all reached the point of proficiency.

The Prajna Palm was particularly pleasantly surprised by Ling Tian. After five thousand years, Ling Tian spent almost a thousand years to cultivate the Prajna Palm, which had already reached the bottleneck.

Because Ling Tian knew that after the palm of the Prajna God, there was still Prisoner Tianyi said.

Finally, after thousands of years of continuous tempering, Ling Tian's Prajna palm has finally undergone a qualitative change!

He slowly stretched out his hand, under the palm of the Prajna god, above the palm, the candle of Yingtian slowly burned, and then slowly faded away, but the big hand that faded from the flame suddenly turned into the color of mysterious jade, exquisitely clear!

Ling Tian had tried, even if it was the Dragon Slashing Sword that had been upgraded heavily, he would never want to leave a trace on this palm.

This may be the prisoner after Prajna.

In addition, the cultivation results of the three clones are also very gratifying.

In Taoyuan, there are five elements that are extremely pure and close to morality. After 5,000 years of cultivation, the cultivation base of the three clones has also reached the fifth level of the immortal.

Taiyi had even reached the seventh stage of the immortal venerable same as Ling Tian's body.

Let his combat power have completely reached the rank of quasi emperor.

This was something Ling Tian had never thought of.

Now, the three clones are gathered in the body, making Ling Tian stronger again.

Ling Tian's mouth bends slightly.

Five thousand years later, he has been reborn.

Although the cultivation base of the seventh-order Xianzun is nothing to the top descendants of the major ethnic groups.

After 50 years of retreat, Ling Tian's cultivation base skyrocketed, and so did other Tianjiao.

But there is no way, who made Ling Tian's breath look like a galaxy, and Shenhuo just made Ling Tian's realm rise six steps.

Today's Ling Tian is infinitely stronger than before the retreat. If he faces the Kuroshio quasi-emperor again, Ling Tian has the confidence to fight with his strength and is undefeated.

The quasi-emperor below the Kuroshio level, kill with one hand!

At this moment, his dark eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered: "The time is almost the same, ladies, you should all come out too."

When the voice fell, Qin Mingyue and others walked out of the Four Elephant Pagoda one after another.

"Huh, it's finally out!"

"Yeah, I have missed my girl for thousands of years!"

"I miss my little girl too!"

However, when Kwai Cailin and Lin Yanyan came out, their faces were anxious, and their figures flashed and disappeared into Taoyuan.

In Zhao Min's arms, he was holding a baby who was still swaddling.

In the past fifty years, Kui Cailin and Lin Yanyan gave birth to Ling Tian a daughter, and Zhao Min gave birth to a baby girl a year ago.

Ling Tian finally had time in the ascending immortal realm to open up branches and leaves.

"Hey, he said it was a retreat. It was really good. I had my third daughter."

In the golden boulder in front of the Four Elephant Pagoda, a humming sounded.

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