Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2952: Emperor Nine

"This deer is good!"

Ling Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's... This is Master's mount. This time I use this five-color auspicious cloud deer to pick you up. Others thought it was Master's father!"

Mo Yuan smiled.

"Senior Yuan is really the master of the academy?"

Ling Tian frowned and asked.


"Then what method did he use to get the Kunlun Ruins from Emperor Wutian Wu's hands?" Ling Tian asked.

"Haha, I don't know this secret anymore, and I don't think there is a third person who knows except for Master, his old man and Emperor Wu."

Mo Yuan shrugged, "So, don't embarrass me. When the time comes, you will know by asking Master directly."


"How have you been in the college these years!? Is Zijin okay?"

Ling Tian knew that he couldn't get anything useful from Mo Yuan's mouth, so he greeted him.


The car drove to Kunlun Ruins and entered Kunwu Mountain, but it still kept going straight to the palace of the academy.

At this time, before the palace, there were already several disciples standing at the end of the mountain road.

The woman of heaven, who had been to Chaoge City before, was impressively listed.

In addition, there are one woman and three men, all covered in fairy light, their clothes are graceful, and their bearing is extraordinary.

Moreover, his cultivation base and aura are all concealed on Zijin.

The worst, it has reached the level of the seventh rank of Xianzun, although it is not comparable to Lingtian's seventh-level, but it is also scary enough.

"Junior Sister Zijin, looking at your eagerly awaited look, can it be that Ling Tian is really a dragon and a phoenix among people, and it wouldn't be like this for you, right?"

Seeing Zijin standing in the forefront, looking out from her feet, the woman behind her suddenly pursed her lips and said, "Aren't you just looking at him?"

"So, I am also very curious!"

After the woman finished speaking, the faces of the men beside her changed in unison.

Looking at the car driving towards the top of the mountain, his eyes were gloomy.

"Oh, Senior Sister Luluo, why are you still teasing me!? Ling Tian is my friend. It's been a long time since I saw him."

There was a blush on Zijin's face.

"By the way, why hasn't the big brother come out yet? Didn't the master let us all come out to meet him?"

Zijin glanced at the hall at the back.

"Big Brother is still in retreat, unable to come out."

"I'm talking about a big man's lord, and a senior brother worth personally greeted him? I really can't figure out why the master is so caring about this big man.

Behind him, the seniors were unhappy.

The master called them out of cultivation, and his heart was unhappy. Now that Zijin and Luluo are so attached to Lingtian, there is even more sour waves in their hearts.

I also want big brother to come out to greet you! ?

Their big brother is the emperor! Even the four major shrines must give face.

Had it not been for the absence of Emperor Wu of the Human Race, senior brother Qin Yu would have been qualified to enter the outer battlefield in advance three years ago.

Now, Ling Tian of this human race is also worthy to let Qin Yu go out to meet him! ?

"Huh, really can't come out!?"

Zijin snorted coldly, and screamed at the hall behind him, "Big Brother! Di Jiuge is coming soon, if you don't leave the pass, you will miss it!"

Sure enough, its voice fell, and a breath rose from the back mountain.

The other seniors' expressions changed.

Qin Yu really left the customs.

At this time, Ling Tian and Mo Yuan's car also fell in front of the main hall.

Walking out of the car, Ling Tian saw Zijin under the brocade clothes at a glance.

"Haha, girl Zijin, long time no see!"

"Hey, long time no see, Ling Tian, ​​you really have a hard life, you are not dead now!"

Zijin greeted him.

"Girl Zijin, curse me to death when you meet!"

Ling Tian pretended to be unhappy.

"It's okay, we have a good relationship, and this is what I said in my heart. You haven't offended the big people in the past few years, but in the end, we got to Kunlun Ruins. It's really fateful!"

Zijin stuck out his tongue.

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​do you still remember me!?"

Just as everyone was chatting, the void in front of the hall suddenly tore apart, and two figures walked out of it.

"One of them is a mysterious magic stick that Ling Tian hasn't seen for a long time, Yuan Tiangang!"

And the other one, as soon as he appeared, an icy breath filled the entire Kunwu Mountain. He was dressed in an ice-blue battle armor and held a dark ice-colored staff in his hand. His figure was enchanting, but his complexion was cold.

It turned out to be that Emperor Jiuge!

Ling Tian turned around and looked around. For a moment, he was really dumbfounded.

Di Jiuge also came to Xiling City, and came so quickly.

It still appeared with Yuan Tiangang.

what's going on! ?

"Ah, Master, you said you were going to pick up someone, so you were going to pick up Di Jiuge!"

Zi Jin said in surprise.

Ling Tian shook his head, "Senior Yuan, it seems that Ling Tian is in your heart and it is not very important!"

"Hey, you kid, don't worry about it at this time, but I let my mount and Mo Yuan go down to pick you up, and I have enough face. The entire Celestial Clan in Xiling City has seen it."

"Are you not satisfied yet!?"

Yuan Tiangang blew his beard.

"Senior Yuan, he, this is a bastard, don't pay attention to him!"

Di Jiuge hugged his shoulders and looked at Ling Tian with a provocative look.

"Hey!" Ling Tian tilted his head, and said to his heart that a guy whose body had been completely seen by him was dragged.


But at this time, in the direction of the hall, a figure came slowly.

After two steps, he was in front of everyone.

Ling Tian looked over, but even his pupils shrank.

Emperor Yi!

Because he was armed with the God of War Killing Heaven, and the blood drink of the imperial instrument, Ling Tian was no stranger to the imperial intent.

Moreover, after Di Jiuge became Emperor Wu, he also had this imperial meaning in his body.

However, the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, the imperial intent on his body, was even stronger than the Emperor Jiuge!

His figure was completely manifested, his face was like a crown, his eyes were star-like, his black hair was like a waterfall, and his divine light was surging, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

Under the surging of the emperor's will behind it, every hair of this Tianjiao was shining with crystal light.

He was truly the world's arrogant Tianjiao, Ling Tian had never seen this kind of aura.

It's no wonder that the guy who can be compared to the Celestial Clan who can act alone, the emperor's name is well-deserved!

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