Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2965: Ji Guotian, also a woman [Thanks to Lu Bu for the reward]

"Dragon Hunter!?"

The woman self-reported her identity.

All the quasi-emperors on the rooftop were shocked.

They have naturally heard of the dragon hunter who made trouble in the dragon palace five hundred years ago.

However, no one has ever seen it before.

After all, the two quasi-emperors Kuroshio and Tianfeng fought against the dragon hunter.

Princess Long has never seen it, nor has the dragon Tianjiao present.

They were also the same as Ling Tian. They did not expect that this legendary dragon hunter was a human woman! ?

This is simply incredible.

Not only that, the aura on this dragon hunter is particularly powerful, even faintly above the ghost master of Yama.

Even if Duo Wentian looked at it, his face became serious, and his heart was jealous.

This woman is not ordinary. The Human Race has been silent for nearly ten thousand years, and there have been signs of revival in the past hundred years.

But I didn't expect that even these powerful quasi emperors appeared today! ?

It is really unbelievable.

"you you!"

And the educated quasi-emperor Chixiao flushed, and he was so insulted in the presence of almost all the powerhouses in the immortal world, as the first quasi-emperor of the demon clan, he was almost crazy.

However, when she saw the killing intent on Yang Lin'er's face, she couldn't help but shut her mouth.

Indeed, this dragon hunter is much stronger than her.

This time, she could only swallow the humiliation into her stomach.

"Human race, the sky opens!"

Yang Lin'er was very satisfied with the expressions of these quasi-emperors, and immediately snorted. From the direction of Kunwu Mountain, a nine-thousand-layer golden ladder appeared at the feet of Ling Tian and the others, and went straight to the platform that day.

"Human children, go up!"

Yang Lin'er looked back at this time.

This made the astonished Tianjiao of Human Race awakened.


Ling Tian took a deep breath, followed behind Yang Lin'er with a group of Human Race Tianjiao, and walked towards the rooftop step by step.

As the last human race to reach the rooftops, their hearts were suffocated.

It is really not easy for the human race to come to the heavenly event and compete with the geniuses of the entire immortal world.

Finally, everyone boarded the rooftop.

The Tianjiao of the monster race, the heaven race and the ghost races looked at the human race who came up, and although their expressions were disdainful and sarcasm, they didn't dare to laugh openly now because of Yang Lin'er's appearance.

Otherwise, they are not sure what this powerful dragon hunter can do.

After all, this dragon hunter dared to fight even Chi Xiao.

"Haha, Duo Wentian, now that the Seven Clan Tianjiao has arrived, can we start!?"

"Open the gate of heaven!"

The dragon hunter looked at Duo Wentian.


Duo Wentian took a deep look at the dragon hunter, but still couldn't see through.

He didn't know when this Emperor Zhun appeared in Xiling City. He hadn't even noticed it before.

Even the Shenbao Mitian Seal that shrouded Xiling City did not react at all.

This is really strange.

Perhaps, the Emperor Tian and Emperor Wu in the imperial palace can see some clues! ?

"Tianmen, open!"

Duo Wentian was dragging the Heavenly Seal in his hands, and a ray of light surged directly into the Heavenly Gate behind him. In a short time, the earth-shaking giant gate roared again.

The magnificent heavenly gate slowly opened.

"Comrades and Tianjiao, please!"

Duowen Tianshen raised a proud smile on his face and gave way to the road.

Zhu Zihuan, Zhu Zihuan, the first quasi-emperor of the Feng clan to climb the roof, took the arrogances of the Feng clan and entered the gate of heaven.

Other quasi emperors from Xianzhou also followed suit.

Ling Tian and others entered the Tianmen last.

He fell behind, side by side with Yang Lin'er.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I've seen seniors."

Ling Tian leaned slightly.

"Oh, I know you."

"Do you have something to ask?"

Yang Lin'er glanced at Ling Tian from the corner of her eye.

"Yes, the junior wants to ask, when I was in the lower realm, I saw a dragon hunter, he is also called Yang Lin, I don't know, what is the relationship with the senior!?"

At this time, Ling Tian was able to confirm that the dragon hunter in front of him was not Yang Lin from the lower realm.

This is very different from Ling Tian's previous guess.

"Oh, what you saw should be the descendants of my Yang family, our dragon hunters, everyone is named Yang Lin, which is not surprising."

"You saw the boxing skills you left in Longzhong before, and your savvy is pretty good. It's not worthless that I took the task of leading the way."

Yang Lin'er smiled.

"Senior is also a guide!?"

Ling Tian's heart was shocked.

"Yes, but it's just a substitute. The magic stick has run away. Ask me to help."

Speaking of Yuan Tiangang, a look of anger suddenly rose on the face of the dragon hunter.

"Where did Senior Yuan go!? We said yes before, so how did he leave?"

Yang Lin'er should be the guide of Tianzun's line, but Ling Tian couldn't think of what Yuan Tiangang would run.

"I don't know, his whereabouts have always been secretive. However, I think that the Lord gave him a new mission before he had to leave. But don't worry, in this heavenly race, with me, no one will oppress him. you guys."

"However, the event is prepared for your generation of arrogant talents. I can't help much during the competition. I will take this part of the road. You have to fight for it yourself."

"Don't lose face to Human Race, otherwise, I will be angry."

Yang Lin'er's pretty face was cold.


"Junior, I will do my best."

Ling Tian bowed.

Although Ling Tian and others had expected the grand scene of the imperial palace a long time ago.

But when they entered it, they couldn't help being shocked by the scenery of the Vast Sky Emperor Palace.

Entering the Tianmen of the imperial palace, the first thing you see is a huge lake.

In this lake, the spiritual peaks surround the aura, the auspicious soil is accompanied by colorful clouds, and the beautiful lake is steaming, and the scenery is picturesque.

Everyone looked in the distance amidst the exclamation, and there was no lack of majestic atmosphere in the beautiful scenery of the imperial palace, with strange peaks and emerald green waterfalls, high-hanging silver waterfalls, magnificent and magnificent, like a towering god.

In the imperial palace, from time to time, there are heavenly clan descending on auspicious clouds, there are gods flying with imperial weapons, and there are ancient creatures entangled in demonic energy, of all kinds.

And above this lake, everyone saw a white jade platform suspended there.

A figure shrouded in a hundred thousand feet of light, with a sacred halo behind it, sits on the throne in the middle.

Before the breath, press down all the quasi emperors present!

Emperor Wu! ?

All Tianjiao took a deep breath.

This Celestial Clan powerhouse, they can't really see it, but the quasi-emperor aura is really terrifying.

It is the strongest one they have ever seen.

"Here is the Jade Lake in the imperial palace, and that one is Chi Guotian."

Qin Mingyue said solemnly.

"Chiguo God General, is it a woman?"

However, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

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