Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2967: Qin Mingyue's first battle [thanks to Jiangsu Kete]

Dao Bone is present in this world, and the younger generations of all races, including those of the Tianjiao, are all in the eyes.

After all, all of the younger generations present here are all in the realm of Xianzun, and in the future, they will inevitably attack the Emperor Zhun.

With this source of truth, there will be a 50% chance of success. How can this not make them hot.

"In addition, the first teams in the three divisions will also reward me with three thousand years of ingredients and two thousand years of ingredients. As a reward, I also hope that the younger generations from the fairy world can go all out in the event."

"Our descendants, we will do our best!" All Tianjiao also bowed and bowed to the concubine.

This is the gold master.

The so-called method of that other person's mouth is short, and Ling Tian is also among them.

After all, these treasures are all prepared for their human race.

"Okay, now, Duo Wentian, you will host the event!"

The voice fell, and Heavenly Concubine disappeared on the throne without a trace.

There is no breath left.

Only the original bones, suspended in front of the throne.

"Well, in that case, I announce that the Celestial Race will officially open!"

"First of all, the third competition area first, and finally, the first competition area!"

"The team leaders of all races are requested to submit the team's distribution list. After the competition starts, no changes will be allowed."

Duo Wentian stood before the throne and announced the start of the event. ,

Then, Tianjiao of Seven Races branded the assigned quota of the team in the jade slip and presented it.

Duo Wentian watched them one by one, and at first, his face remained as usual.

The team configuration presented by Xianzhou is basically the same as they had previously expected.

But when Duo Wentian saw the last jade slip, his face changed abruptly.

Immediately, he looked in the direction of Human Race.

The team configuration in this jade slip completely exceeded his previous expectations!

He even felt that this was nothing but humiliation.

"Why, Duo Wentian, are you stupid? Everything is presented to you, so hurry up!"

Yang Lin'er said impatiently.

"Okay! The third competition area first, let's take the stage!"

Although Duo Wentian was astonished, he could only continue to host.

After that, the Tianjiao of all races got up one after another and climbed onto the platform.

Among these arrogances, the cultivation base is generally around the seventh level of the immortal, the heavenly clan is one level higher than the other Xianzhou, and many of them have reached the eighth level.

The Shura clan directly abstained because Lu Bu was alone.

However, when the Terran group came up and down the high platform, there was a series of surprises.

At this time, outside the imperial palace, all Xianzhou warriors who watched the battle in Xiling City also cried out in exclamation.

Because, among the ten arrogances on the human side, there are Qin Mingyue, Dugu Shocking, Ouyang Yuner and Pound, Mo Yuan, Luluo and others from that academy!

Among them, there are two Tianjiao who have reached the ninth-level existence of the Immortal Venerable, Qin Mingyue and Ouyang Yuner!

That Dugu Storm, Pound and Luluo, their cultivation bases are also at the eighth level of Immortal Venerable!

This kind of existence, but surpasses other Xianzhou, and even the third team of the Laitian clan, there is no existence of the ninth rank of Xianzun.

Besides, Qin Mingyue can definitely enter the first division team.

But now, it appears in the third division, what is the situation! ?

In an instant, all the juniors looked at the leader of the human race, Ling Tian!

How did this guy divide! ?

"No, this guy seems to have done it deliberately!"

Suddenly, Zhu Bingyi of the Feng clan frowned.

She was born smart, and at the first time, she thought of Ling Tian's purpose of doing this, "He transferred the top combat power to the third division, in order to get the first in the third division."

When Zhong Tianjiao heard it, his face changed slightly.

In this way, the combat power of this human race on the card is indeed extremely strong, and it can even compete with the heavens.

But soon, You Tianjiao began to shake his head.

The Ghost Race’s Li Chenfeng sneered, “I thought it was a trick, but it’s the case. It’s only the first in the third division, so what can be done, in this case, did they give up the first division?”

"What can I do if I don't give up? Could it be that other people still want to really compete with me?" Among the arrogance, the big demon son of the Fei Lian demon clan snorted coldly.

With that said, the other Tianjiao were not surprised.

It's only the third division. They didn't care about it before.

On the contrary, Ling Tian did this, making them even more contemptuous.

Terran has given up the competition for the first division.

This is the act of the weak.

"Huh, do you want the first place in the third division? Human race, you guys think too much!"

But on the high platform, those descendants of the heavenly race were slightly angry.

Regardless of the division, the Celestial Clan is bound to win.

Today, this human race still wants to operate.

It's just wishful thinking.

"Fairy Mingyue! We can be considered familiar."

"Since I met on this ring today, then this first battle, Xing Feng, will challenge you!"

"Please, enlighten me!"

The competition system of the event is that the seven races come out to challenge one by one. As a challenger, each Tianjiao can only challenge once.

But it can be challenged and played repeatedly.

After five rounds, it was a team battle.

This also means that in the first five rounds, all races should eliminate the strong from other races as much as possible, and use this as a team battle to establish an advantage.

As the host, the Celestial Clan comes out to challenge first, and the order of the latter is in the order of opening the sky.

Now, the first to appear on the stage of the Celestial Clan is the captain of the Celestial Third Division, Xing Feng.

Although he is not the son of heaven, he is also in the top 20 in the ranking of Tianjiao in the heavenly clan.

Fifty years ago, his combat power was higher than that of Qin Mingyue.

Therefore, when he learned that Qin Mingyue was relegated to the third division and wanted to compete for the first place for the human race, he sneered in his heart.

This is absolutely impossible.


Since the opponent came to challenge, Qin Mingyue, as the captain of the third regiment, naturally had no reason to refuse.

And this battle, as the first battle of the heavenly event, is very important to the human race.

She not only wants to win.

Also win cleanly!

"You are a human and a woman. I will let you go. Let's do it first!"

Xing Feng is filled with a touch of noble temperament from the heavens. After all, the person he challenges is an extremely beautiful woman, and she is already famous in the imperial palace. Even in the face of that alone, he must be courteous. .

Qin Mingyue glanced at the other side calmly, and without being polite, the Wuhun Soul of the Beginning was sacrificed.

The top Immortal Venerable Yinyue, this is the will of the Immortal Venerable Qin Mingyue has used since his ascension to the Immortal Realm.

Compared to Ling Tian’s God of War Killing Heaven, although this primordial will was only a top immortal venerable, it was cultivated by Qin Mingyue in the Four Elephant Pagoda for thousands of years. Now, the strength of his will is faintly close to the real quasi emperor. will.

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