Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2970: First place in the second division [thanks to Jiangsu Kete for unblocking]

But more, it is envy.

Above the realm of Xianzun's ninth rank, although even the blessing of combat power that Extreme Xianyuan can bring, it is not extremely obvious and terrifying.

But having this source of power means that if they can comprehend the power of the Great Dao and enter the realm of Quasi-Emperor, then their combat power will be a real leap.

Therefore, for the Celestial Clan and the Dark Demon Clan, having a source of extreme immortality is enough to make people eye-catching.

Under the ring, Ling Tian also looked at Ji Jiuyou's nine-layer lotus with great interest.

It was not long ago that he knew that Ji Jiuyou possessed the original power of such top quality.

Today, Tianjiao Human Race has a lot of extremely immortal sources.

Nalan’s blossoming flawless lotus, Ji Jiuyou’s devil’s lotus, the colorless origin of faint sorrow, the origin of thunder sound of Ouyang Yuner, the origin of lonely turbulent waves, and the origin of shining shining of Lin Yanyan.

Nowadays, even if it is not the disappearance of Yunyang and the origin of Shan Ting swallowed by Xiao Lei, there are as many as six origins among the big men.

Occupies one-third of the eighteen sources.

At least, more than the Celestial Clan.

Now, under the blessing of this demon lotus, Ji Jiuyou's play can be comparable to the primordial martial soul of the quasi-emperor's will, and it is even more powerful.


The void was torn apart by the black light, and a huge pitch-black sickle appeared in Ji Jiuyou's hands.

The blade pointed towards that Zichuan.

"You are dying."

The sharp voice made that Zichuan feel as if he had been carried on the head of a ten thousand year demon.

"Damn it, a human woman, who dares to look down upon me, the sage of Zichuan!?"

"Don't you know, our Celestial Clan, specialize in killing you such evil spirits?"

Zichuan was furious, and the light surging from behind, from his hand, the purple divine light condensed into a long spear.

"You are too weak."

But now, Ji Jiuyou doesn't want to talk nonsense with this Zichuan God General.

The demon shadow behind him shouted angrily, the nine-layer magic lotus bloomed in an instant, and Ji Jiuyou danced the sickle in his hand and cut it down suddenly.

On the sickle, it turned into nine lotus leaves, condensed into the shape of a lotus, strangling towards the purple magical general.

In an instant, the void was shattered by the sharp edges and strangulation of these nine sickles.

The black lotus blade has skyrocketed to the height of ten thousand meters, and its momentum is astonishing, and it instantly shocked the arrogances of the great Xianzhou.


That Zichuan was locked by the blade, and it could feel the weirdness and power of the lotus blade.

However, as the son of heaven, it is impossible for him to admit defeat.

"Do you think that you have the Extreme Xianyuan!?"

God General Zichuan was furious, his face flushed, and the light behind him shook, and a dazzling golden edge burst out from the light.

"It's another extremely immortal source, it looks like one of the eighteenth immortal source of Gengjin origin!"

"However, although this source is good, it does not seem to be as powerful as the Demon Lotus!"

Everyone took a breath as they looked at the origin power that Zichuan offered.

At that time, when the golden spear light fired by the **** Zichuan was crushed by the blade of the lotus blade, the warriors were even more shocked.

It looks like Ji Jiuyou's supernatural powers are even stronger!

The nine lotus blades shattered the golden spear light, ignoring Zichuan's roar, and directly strangling his body to pieces.

It wasn't until the nine lotus blades dissipated on the ring, and the surrounding exclamations abruptly!

Zichuan's body was destroyed.

Only Xianzun Lingying was left and escaped.

But even so, this Zichuan is tantamount to being abolished.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian in the direction of the Human Race, and the broad-eyed Heavenly God General of the Celest Race.

Just now, the Son of Heaven who Ling Tian said to destroy Guangmu Tian, ​​now it seems that it is not a rant!

"Nine Demon Lotus Blade, these supernatural powers seem to have been around for thousands of years and have never appeared before."

However, at this time, the **** of Duo Wen Tian frowned slightly.

He looked at Ji Jiuyou's phantom that was slowly falling behind him, frowning his brows, and from the primordial will, he felt the familiar smell.

"Are you supernatural powers ten thousand years ago!? My son, I didn't lose injustice."

The Guangmu Tianshen will put away the immortal spirit infant in Zichuan, but when he looks at Ling Tian before the human race, the corners of his mouth are twitching.

He has already had two sons in succession, destroyed in the hands of the human race. If this hatred is not reported, he is not a **** general!

But in any case, Ji Jiuyou won the first game smoothly, not only that, but also got a Gengjin origin.

This is a good thing.

Putting away the source, Ji Jiuyou flew back to the team.

However, the major Xianzhou Tianjiao who came up afterwards, but no one dared to challenge the human race.

Ji Jiuyou, who had never shot before, was so powerful, God knows what abnormality is hidden in this human race.

However, they do not challenge the Human Race, and it does not mean that the Human Race let it go.

In the second round, Kwai Cailin directly challenged the captain of the monster race, and also won with ease.

The third person in the Terran race was Lin Yanyan. As a Tianjiao with Extreme Xianyuan, Lin Yanyan also possessed the Promise Sacred Fire for the first time. With fierce combat power, he swept the ghost race's captain as soon as he played.

In the fourth round, Zijin played and fought with the captain of the Feng clan for dozens of rounds, narrowly winning.

In the fifth round, Gao Xing faced the captain of the Celestial Clan, losing three moves, and was the first defeat of the Human Clan.

But in the team battle five rounds later, the captain of the clan that day was besieged by the four girls of Kwai Cailin and was seriously injured and eliminated.

The ghost tribe and the demon tribe were the Feng tribe and even wanted to join forces, but they were all crushed one by one by the human tribe.

Finally, when only the four daughters of Kui Cailin, Ji Jiuyou, Lin Yanyan and Liu Yiyi were left on the arena, the Tianjiao of Xianzhou couldn't help swallowing.

The first place in the second division has also fallen into the hands of the human race!

Stronger than the Celestial Clan, in the second team, but two sons of the sky were stuffed in, but in the end, it was defeated!

This, the strength of this human race is really outrageous!

"Hahahaha, refreshing, refreshing! Heavenly clan, you juniors are not as good as five years ago, too weak, too weak!"

Dragon hunter Yang Lin'er was overjoyed, not forgetting to sarcastically smell the sky.

Hearing the sky and pursing his lips, he naturally knew that he had nothing to say.

From the three daughters of Ji Jiuyou, he had already seen the shadows of Yingcha Xianzun, Shenghuo Xianzun, and Miaoyin Xianzun.

And these three, but ten thousand years ago, followed behind that terrible guy, and swept the entire fairy world!

Even he was only able to make a draw with these three immortals.

Ten thousand years later, the descendants of the Celestial Clan naturally cannot be opponents.

"Counting that Qin Mingyue, so many familiar wills of the Immortal Venerable, it is definitely not a coincidence!"

Suddenly, Duo Wentian looked at the indifferent Ling Tian.

"Could it be you!?"

I was shocked, as if the storm was swept across.

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