Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2980: King Kong Realm God Source

Ren Duxing's expression was indifferent, and he couldn't break Ling Tian's defense when he saw Shengguangzhan.

"It actually blocked Ren Duxing's sword, this Ling Tian's defense is so strong!"

"Yes, the tenacity of his physical body is far higher than that of Ren Dukun. It is terrifying!"

"Don't worry, Ren Lixing is just a test, he hasn't used the quasi-emperor's will yet!"

Amidst the discussion of the Tianjiao, they saw the lone line stretch out his arms, and immediately in front of him, the power of the holy light gathered frantically, blooming with an extremely dazzling brilliance, and a phantom appeared behind him.

That is Ren Duxing's quasi-emperor's will.

Inherited is a Guangming Zhun emperor of the Celestial Clan in ancient times.

There was a big sun's light floating behind the phantom's head, holy Haojie.

No wonder this lone liner has a soft spot for Qin Mingyue.

The latter cultivates the power of Yuehua, and this solitary walk is the body of the sun.

The two are a match made in heaven!

Someone saw the clue.

"Holy light kills!"

Sacrificing the will of the quasi emperor, he let out a cold voice, the voice fell, and the second fairy sword turned into a sword light and penetrated the void, the next moment, it slashed on the shadow of Yinglong in Ling Tian. The light shone down, the sword kept cutting down, and cracks kept appearing.

Finally, there was a loud noise, and the shadow of Yinglong burst, and many people's hearts trembled. Naturally, the Heavenly Clan was so confident that they had their reasons.

This lone liner integrated the light of the day into the sword. The power is simply terrifying. What's more terrifying is that this kind of attack can't be avoided at all. Who can beat the light faster?

Only by colliding with him with defenses and attacks against the sky can it be resolved, otherwise it will be defeated.

The Celestial Clan is hailed as the number one in the immortal world, which naturally makes sense. What he got by himself is the top inheritance of the immortal world.

The holy light sword is still the same, a sword penetrates the shadow of Yinglong, and many people are dark in their hearts. Will Ling Tian be defeated in this battle?

Bang, at this moment, the shadow of Ying Long behind Ling Tian collapsed under the holy light sword.

Ling Tian, ​​lost! ?

This is just the second sword!

Bang bang!

Ling Tian took two steps back.

He also has to admit now that he is not weak as he is alone!

When he didn't use his full strength, he was still shocked by it.

"Haha, kendo is good, but is it just these powers!?"

In the exclamation of the crowd, Ling Tian stepped forward, his shoulders shook, and there was another dragon chant, the cracked Yinglong light and shadow, unexpectedly condensed again!

Although Yijian was cut to pieces, it did not seem to have much impact on Ling Tian.


"what's the situation!?"

This scene finally made the other Tianjiao slightly surprised.

This Ling Tian is only the seventh-order cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, but how does the transformation ability of the dragon clan look more powerful than the dragon clan! ?


That lone traveler frowned slightly, and neither sword was able to help this Ling Tian! ?

"I don't believe it."

"The third sword, Holy Guangyao Heavenly Kill!"

Ren Duxing yelled angrily, his eyes were cold, and his body was dazzling. He didn't believe that he could not kill Ling Tian.

This was the last sword of the three swordsmanship behind Ren Duxing.

He originally wanted to use these three swords to directly defeat Ling Tian.

This last sword was the last sword in Ren Lonely's Holy Light Sword Art.

He is about to defeat Ling Tian!


The holy light broke through the sky and fell on Ling Tian's Yinglong phantom again. This time, the light and shadow instantly collapsed.

The sword light turned into a four-foot long sword, and with a puff, it penetrated Ling Tian's body.

Moreover, it is entering through the chest!

This sword directly broke Ling Tian's physical defense!

Even the fleshy dragon scales couldn't resist!

Qin Mingyue and others stood up suddenly.

It seemed that Ling Tian couldn't stop this acting alone.

"Hehe, let me just say, how can Ling Tian be the opponent of Ren Lonely!? Three swords, blocking the three swords is actually pretty good."

Li Chen Fengdao of the ghost clan.


However, the first Mingzi Li Chendan suddenly shook his head.

"He didn't retreat, and was there any blood left on his body, which was penetrated by the three swords of the Holy Light, but this flesh did not break?"

Li Chenfeng was startled, and immediately discovered that the many quasi emperors present were also frowning.

Obviously, he didn't think that Ling Tian was defeated.

Sure enough, Ling Tian on the ring suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and held the lightsaber that pierced his chest.

"Tsk tsk, it can break my body, this sword is sharp, but it's just that."

"This swordsmanship is weak!"

It was just a one-word evaluation, and then Ling Tian clenched his big hands and smashed the lightsaber with a bang.

And his physical body, under the naked eye, recovered as before.


After a dragon chant, the shadow of Yinglong unexpectedly reappeared, and not only did it not appear weak, but on its body, after burning, Yingtian divine fire.

After Ling Tian took over this lonely three swordsman, not only was he not injured, but he was even stronger!

"What's going on!?"

Li Chenfeng couldn't believe his eyes.

This Ling Nian could actually ignore Ren Duxing's Three Swords?

"His physical body is weird, not only defensively tyrannical, recovery ability, but also terrifying."

The son of the ghost car of the monster race frowned: "If the supernatural power is not strong, this Ling Tian is equivalent to immortality."

"Immortality is immortal."

Hearing this, many Tianjiao swallowed.

What the hell, how come there are so many monsters in this human race!

"Ren Duxing, it's just beginning now. I gave you a chance, but you are really too bad!" Ling Tian burned the Yingtian candle.

"Really!? Try again!?"

The holy light was dazzling, and the three swords of Ren Lone disappeared, his big hand shook, and it turned into a big sun.

At this time, Ling Tian stepped into the void, his arms pierced through the air, and in an instant, there was an earth-shaking palm condensed, covering the sky and the sun, covering the ring.


"Holy Fist!"

Ren Duxing seemed to attack with his holy lightsaber and use it on his fists.

Many people looked at this gorgeous picture in shock, allowing the holy light around the body to bloom wildly, punching into the sky, as if to blast through the sky.


Fists intersect.

The two supernatural powers are both top-level, and their strength has also urged them to a terrifying state.

The ring broke apart, but everyone saw two figures and flew out at the same time.

Falling on the barrier of the ring.



The tip of the needle is to the awn.

After landing, Ling Tian and Ren went alone, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The two who did not evade, chose to face off in such a cruel way.

It's purely a confrontation between the flesh and energy.

But in the end, it turned out to be... a tie!

Although blood flowed across Ling Tian's arm this time, the recovery speed was extremely slow, which obviously exceeded the recovery limit of the wood clone clone.

But the golden armbands of Ren's lone traveler also shattered.

The same embarrassed.


All the Tianjiao onlookers were amazed.

How can they survive if they are under such supernatural powers! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​you forced me to do this!"

"I won't give you another chance, one sword will destroy you!"

That lone walker slowly got up, Yingwu's face was full of coldness.

He stretched out his hand, a sword appeared in his palm, and then, the golden sword-shaped mark on the center of his eyebrows suddenly burst into tens of thousands of divine light.


Almost at the moment when the mark appeared, the barrier above the ring was suddenly broken, and Jin Mang, with a sword intent, oscillated on the Heavenly Divine Seal, if it hadn’t been prepared for it, at this time the ring Tianjiao of all races around will suffer.

"It turned out to be the source of the Diamond Realm God!"

Yang Lin'er said solemnly.

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