Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2984: Me, nine-tailed celestial fox

Both the Ghost Race and the Feng Race Tianjiao looked at each other, and they were obviously moved by the son of the Heaven Race's Ghost Chariot.

What the son of the ghost car said is not unreasonable. The human race is too strong now. Although Ling Tian was injured, he was not eliminated, and it was always a threat.

Di Jiuge is even more so, not to mention that Human Race still has two Su Jiu'er and Ross who have not revealed their true combat power.

"Okay, I agree!" Zhu Bingyi nodded a white chin, and Zhu Fengling stood on the side of the monster race.

"In that case, we will send the Terran out first!"

Li Chendan also nodded and agreed.

Finally, they all looked in the direction of the Celestial Clan.

After all, the Celestial Clan is also extremely powerful.

At the very least, it is necessary to ensure that this Celestial Clan does not interfere in this process.

Hua Xiaoyun still squinted his eyes, without any intention to speak.

"The two of us also give priority to the human race."

However, Ren Dukun and Na Ju Sheng are right.

Hua Xiaoyun and the others couldn't count on it. Now, Ren Dukun and Gu Sheng also wanted to send the Terran out first.

"Hahaha, so good, enough!"

The son of the ghost car is overjoyed.

In this case, they now have as many as nine arrogances on their side.

"Hehe, if you want to besiege the human race, you have to ask me Long Xuan first, and promise or not!"

Nothing said, Long Xuan and Little Dragon Girl stood before Ling Tian.

The same is true for Ran Hongfu.

But even so, Ling Tian's party, including Ling Tian himself, had only seven people.

Among them, Ling Tian is still recovering and cannot make a move.

There are six who can fight.

"Hehe, even if you add the three of you, it's not like me waiting for your opponent."

The son of the ghost car and others sneered, and gradually surrounded the people of the human race.

These six people, even the son of Jiuying and Li Chendan, were confident of winning.


But at this moment, a blood beam fell from the sky.

Lu Bu, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, appeared in front of Long Xuan and the others.

"You really bully people, I can't stand it, Lu Buke."

"Furthermore, Li Chendan, you are mine. If you want to bully these human races, you have to ask me first, do you agree?"

Lu Bu's suddenly appeared, causing the children of the ghost car and others to change their expressions.

They almost forgot, there is such a monster.

In this way, this Lu Bu kicked in, but all the arrogances were unhappy in their hearts.

After all, Lu Bu's combat power is terrifying enough.

Li Chen became angry and looked at Lu Bu and said angrily: "Lu Bu, you idiot, if you want to trouble me, when I solve these human races, I can fight with you!"

"Now, you better not intervene!"

Lu Bu is here, the variables are too big,

If he fights with Lu Bu now, he will have to lose both.

If the Human Race was first decided, he could join forces with the Demon Race Feng Clan to send Lu Bu out together.

This is also the calculation in Li Chen's heart.

"Hehe, stop talking nonsense, I'm not used to you, today, with me here, you must fight me!"

But Lu Bu did not retreat half a step.

"Lu Bu, my human race, thanks!"

Ling Tian opened his eyes and said, looking at Lu Bu's back.

"Don't thank me, you are capable of fighting alone, I respect you as a man. Moreover, this Li Chendan is my opponent, as for the others, I can't control it!"

Lu Bu never looked back.


Di Jiuge stood up, holding the Bingling Realm Sea Rod in his hand tightly, his eyes squinting, looking at the Tianjiao of the various races around him.

"There is really someone who is not afraid of death to provoke my human race. It seems that you guys have to be cleaned up before solving that Hua Xiaoyun."

"Everyone, choose someone!"

Its icy voice fell, and the children of the ghost car and others felt that they were locked in by the breath.

That breath, like a hunter, looking for prey.

"Son of the Nine Infants, take care of it for me."

No one thought that Su Jiu'er was the first person to choose.

Moreover, as soon as Su Jiu'er shot, he looked at the first big demon son of that demon clan, the descendants of Jiuying!

The latter held his shoulders, and he suddenly saw a strange breath in Su Jiu'er's eyes.

Not unusual.

Rose did his part and walked out the second, "Leave me for the rest of the dust!"

Long Xuan and Xiaolong Nv both sneered, "I've heard the name of Feng Clan Shuangjiao for a long time. Today, my husband and I want to ask for advice."

After this, the opponent has four remaining.

Ghost car Fei Lian, Ren Dukun, and Goo Sheng.

Ran Hongfu and Di Jiuge looked at each other. Now, Ling Tian can't go to the battle. On their side, there are only two of them left.

"Ren Dukun has been injured, and the Heavenly Clan is not to be afraid. I will take care of the two evil creatures of the Monster Clan, and the Heavenly Clan, leave it to you." Di Jiuge said.

"Haha, it's easy to say, it will be resolved soon."

The crimson war halberd in Ran Hongfu's hand was very confident.

"Damn, wait, when we are the fish on the chopping board!?"

But Di Jiuge and the others were doing this, but it made the crowds of arrogances furious.

Obviously there are more of them on this side, so why is the other party so arrogant! ?

"Yes, you are really the fish on the chopping board, the ghost car, and Fei Lian. You two of the beasts of ancient times are the remnants of the fierce beasts and beasts, and they are also worthy of claiming to be the queen of the great demon!? Can you hold a few rounds under my hand!?"

Di Jiuge shrugged. Although there was not much expression on his face, these words were too bad.

A beast one bite.

"court death!'

The ghost car and the son of Feilian were immediately furious, and they couldn't help but slammed directly towards Di Jiuge.

The Yaozu moved, and the other Tianjiao almost shot at the same time.

At the two ends of this space, only Ling Tian sitting cross-legged, and Hua Xiaoyun of the day clan, stood still like a mountain.

And the two of them are the same, both closed their eyes tightly and never opened their eyes.

It seemed that everything in front of them had nothing to do with them.

Of course, spectators in the outside world are naturally interested in watching.

On the human side, it seems that it is obviously disadvantaged.

But on the human side, he is full of confidence.

This makes them very strange.

Jiuying descended across from Su Jiu'er.

"I don't know, how confident you are to challenge me."

"Although I can see that you are not an ordinary person, do you know how much I exist!?"

"I am the number one fierce beast in ancient times, after the nine infants!"

When the voice fell, the younger generation of the son of the nine infants suddenly appeared with the shadow of the nine-headed dark beast, suspended above the surface of the Jade Lake, rising and surging, extremely hideous.

And under the full aura, this monster race's first arrogant also showed that it was able to match the power of the top arrogant of the generation such as Li Chendan and Lu Bu.

"Di Jiuge has one sentence that is correct, you, but after all the fierce beasts and evil beasts, what a big monster!"


"Then look, who am I!"

Su Jiu'er's gentle expression also became cold at the moment when the Nine Infant's fierce shadow was born.

The next moment, in Su Jiu'er's eyes, there was a scarlet rising from above.

The soaring demon gas shook the sea of ​​Yaochi.

There is a phantom of the nine-tailed celestial fox, standing proudly between the sea and the sky.

The tails of the nine white celestial foxes are like auspicious clouds, dancing with ten thousand feet of sunshine!

At this time, Su Jiu'er before the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Phantom looked like an ancient demon god!

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

At this time, after Su Jiu'er had released his nine tails, no matter it was all the Tianjiao in the space, or all the warriors inside and outside the Yaochi, Xiling City.

All sat up in shock.

Nine-tailed Tianhu, this is the emperor of the monster race!

That Hua Xiaoyun, also at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes!

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