Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2986: Donghuang Taiyi

"Liu Dao**, it looks like the avenue projection of the previous six reincarnations. Tsk tsk, I never thought that the ghost tribe, who has been pursuing the source of the gods of the Tibetan realm for tens of thousands of years, appeared on a human race."

"In fact, it is not surprising that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva back then was also a human race?"

Other quasi-emperors talked a lot, but when they mentioned the Jizo Bodhisattva, all the quasi-emperors changed their expressions slightly.

Don't say it anymore.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva abandoned himself ten thousand years ago and stabilized the entire underworld.

"Hmph, Yan Luo, why, I want to hit the idea of ​​the **** of the human race!? Tell you, if I'm here, you just don't think about it!"

Dragon hunter Yang Lin'er said coldly.

In an instant, all Zhundi looked at the ghost master of Yama.

"Hehe, I'm the quasi-emperor of the ghost clan, how can I do that kind of grabbing and arrogant things!?"

The Yama Ghost Lord suppressed the turmoil in his heart and sat down again.

But in his heart, he had already begun to figure out how to plot the source of the gods in the Tibetan realm.

In any case, the source of the gods in the Tibetan realm must return to the ghost clan.

The outside world has been bombarded by the bloodlines of Su Jiu'er and Jiuwei, and the source of the gods of the Tibetan realm of Ross, causing a huge uproar.

And among the bubbles in the Jade Lake, all the arrogances were once again dumbfounded.

It was completely shocked by the endless and powerful trump cards of the human race.

A nine-tailed bloodline is not enough, and now there is another source of God from the Ksitigarbha realm?

Human race, what kind of luck did it hit? There is such a good fortune! ?

In any case, under the divine power of the Ksitigarbha realm, whether it is the ghost clan or the Shura clan, they are all suppressed.

Now, under Ross's underground power, not only Li Chenlan, but also Li Chendan and Lu Bu who were fighting each other, each shook back each other, looking at the huge Falun behind Ross.

My heart is full of turmoil.

Now, they can already feel that under the power of this **** source.

Their combat power was faintly suppressed.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, Li Chendan, you didn't expect it, your ghost race has been chasing the source of the gods of the Ksitigarbah realm for thousands of years, unexpectedly fell into the body of a human race!"

Lu Bu suddenly laughed.

"Hmph, so what!? As long as the source of God is born, it must be my ghost clan in the end. Lu Bu, I will solve it first. You are talking!"

In Li Chen's eyes, there was also a dark Hell Nine Nether aura surging, killing Lu Bu.

"I'm afraid it won't happen!?"

With a long roar, Lu Bu's blood rushed into the sky, and he fought with that Li Chendan.

The rest of the battle group, although not shocked by Su Jiu'er and Rose's blood and divine origin.

However, the combined strength of Long Xuan and Xiaolongnv is also powerful, and the two Phoenix Tianjiaoes, Zhu Bingyi and Zhu Fengling, can only parry.

The same is true for the two sons of heaven on the side of the clan that day.

Although Ren Dukun was defensively tyrannical, he was severely injured by the emperor Qin Yu before, and he has not recovered yet.

Although the son of Ju Luotian is also good at fighting strength, Ran Hongfu is an authentic fire phoenix, and his fighting strength is strong, only under the emperor of the Feng clan. Now, with one enemy and two, the fire is blazing, and he has never fallen. below.

Ren Dukun and Gu Sheng simply couldn't bear the power of Ran Hongfu's flames.

In short, the complete fight in the space has become a group, but without exception, no matter which battle group, the human race has an absolute advantage.

Although, the monsters of the ghosts and the Fengs of the heavens have more Tianjiao in terms of number.

Suddenly, above this Fang Yaochi, the quasi-emperors of the major Xianzhou provinces had different expressions.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful! Today's scene reminds me of the time when my human race smashed the immortal world under the leadership of the lord Donghuang Taiyi ten thousand years ago!"

"I think back then, how mighty my human race was. How do you hear the sky, do you remember when you were beaten by those violent murderers from the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty ten thousand years ago? How miserable you are!"

Yang Lin'er suddenly looked at Duo Wentian and said with a smile.

"Emperor Taiyi!"

Sure enough, when he heard this name, Duo Wentian trembled all over, and his eyes were full of fright.

Obviously this name, even after ten thousand years, still scared him.

All the quasi emperors present looked over, obviously not knowing why this Duo Wentian was so scared.

Moreover, they seemed to have never heard of the name of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"Emperor Taiyi!? That is the legend, the lord of the Great Qin Dynasty of Human Race thousands of years ago!? Is that the existence that can even crush Yuxu Wudi?"

"It turns out he was called by this name."

Zhu Zihuan, Zhu Zihuan, the quasi-emperor of the Feng clan, frowned.

All the Zhun emperors present were also puzzled by all the strong, except for the Princess Dragon and the ghost master of Yama.

Because, in the ancient books of their ethnic group, only some scattered records of the Great Qin Dynasty can be found, but many of the deeds of the characters have disappeared mysteriously.

Even if the quasi emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty was called, they didn't even know.

I just know that the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty ten thousand years ago was extremely terrifying.

The reason why the Great Qin Dynasty did not establish an imperial palace was because the lord of the Immortal Dynasty failed to prove that he was emperor in the end, but his fighting power was terrible, and the emperors of the various immortal states were very jealous.

In the end, the existence and the many quasi-emperor immortals under him were all killed by the Black Demon Wudi of the Dark Demon Race. Therefore, the Human Race was completely defeated and almost extinct.

"Yang Lin'er! Don't you know, this name is banned by the immortal world!? You are not afraid of the curse of the heavens, my heavenly clan is a nobleman of the heavens, I don't want to be implicated by you!"

"If you dare to say this name in public, don't really blame my Celestial Clan, you're welcome!"

Duo Wentian is rare to be serious.

"Hehe, don't say it if you don't say it."

And Yang Lin'er seemed to think of something, and there was some regret on her face, so she didn't say anything anymore.

"Everyone, this name is banned by the Dao of Heaven. If it is spread out, it will be condemned by the heavens. Don't blame my heavenly clan. I didn't remind you."

Duo Wentian looked at the other quasi-emperors. The latter also nodded, as if they had never heard the name, but the four characters of Donghuang Taiyi were deeply imprinted in their hearts.

The once powerful quasi-emperor of a human race was banned by heaven! ?

This is really fantastic.


However, behind Yang Lin'er, Qin Mingyue, Kui Cailin and others all heard it.

"This name, don't mention it in the future, it's not yet time."

Yang Lin'er said solemnly.

"Yes! The junior knows."

Qin Mingyue nodded.

But she and Kwai Cailin glanced at each other. What surprised them with this name was that Ling Tian had a clone called Taiyi.

And that name was given by Luo Yan, is it just a coincidence! ?

"It's over, Human Race, too strong!"

However, after half a cup of tea, Princess Suolong looked at the space on the Yaochi and suddenly turned off the topic.

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