Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2989: All imperial weapons

Tianfu Baojian is a fragmented scroll. If you want to use it to suppress Hua Xiaoyun, you must at least complete the remaining exercises.

Or, he used the will of Emperor Wu and the source of mystery.

"This Heavenly Talisman Formation is really interesting."

"You really annoyed me."

When Ling Tian's Di Jue Array blocked the attack, Hua Xiaoyun finally showed a trace of anger on his face.

These guys in front of him had already wasted a lot of his magical powers.

Although his sage realm divine power is strong, like burning emperor blood, he can't use it for a long time.

If these guys can't be solved yet, and the divine power of the sage world disappears, he can only burn the emperor's blood.

But that is his dignity as an emperor, facing such a group of guys, let him burn the blood of the emperor, even if he wins, it is a shame.

Therefore, he is now ready to make a full shot.

"Jiu'er, Ross, Brother Lu Bu, you can withdraw."

Ling Tian said in a deep voice without looking back.

"Brother, how can we escape?"

Rose frowned.

"Yes, look down on me, Lu Bu?" Lu Bu frowned, "If it weren't for the physical body of the Emperor Zhun to be used here, how could I be bullied by him like this?"

"No, there are imperial instruments among the nine singers, and they can still protect themselves. I'm afraid you will have an accident."

"Exit first, here, leave it to me and Jiuge."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Get out first, Ling Tian is also doing well for you, this Hua Xiaoyun is not an ordinary character."

Di Jiuge also had a grim expression.


Su Jiu'er and Rose looked at each other and had to step back.

However, Lu Bu has not left yet.

"What do you mean?"

Di Jiuge looked at Na Lu Bu.

"My Lu Bu is definitely not a guy who gave up halfway, let alone, facing Hua Xiaoyun, I, Lu Bu, will not quit even if he is dead!"

"Is it only an imperial weapon?"

"I'm Lu Bu, it's not without it!"

When the voice fell, Na Lu Fu sneered, and lifted his palm. In the boundless blood, the flower became a Fangtian painted halberd.

This Fangtian painted halberd is blood-red and sparkling. I don't know what material it was made of, but it is filled with boundless **** power.

However, the power of the soul is not strong, and the two halberd blades on Fang Tian's painted halberd are missing one.

This is indeed a true imperial weapon, but it is incomplete.

"This Shura blood halberd is the weapon of the Emperor Wu of my Asura clan. Although it is disabled, it is still an emperor weapon. What, now, I am qualified to stay here, right?"

Lu Buqing said with the imperial weapon Euphorbia.


Di Jiuge looked at the same imperial weapon Euphorbia, "Ling Tian, ​​what should I do now!?"

"My physical body hasn't fully recovered yet. I will bless you two with the sky-covering formation. This Huaxiaoyun's sage realm's divine power fluctuates. It should disappear soon. At least we can stand it and there will be a way to beat him!"

The runes on Ling Tian's hands were blessed on the bodies of Emperor Jiuge and Lu Bu.

This caused the breath of Liangwei Tianjiao to skyrocket by as much as 50% in an instant!

"This Heavenly Talisman Formation is a bit strong!"

Lu Bu felt the tyrannical energy in his body, and said in surprise.

"Many arm as a car!"

At this time, Hua Xiaoyun had already urged the divine power of the sage realm to the extreme, with the magnificent equal amount, turned into a sword front, and slashed down towards the Ling Tian trio.

"Go together!"

The magical powers that Hua Xiaoyun displayed this time were not trivial, far more tyrannical than before.

Lu Bu roared, picked up the imperial weapon halberd, and rushed up.

"Nine-fold Frost Arrow!"

Di Jiuge also urged his combat power to the extreme. Before the imperial weapon, the nine-fold ice arrow turned into a giant of ten thousand meters, and that of Lu Bu's blood halberd, one left and one right, and the sword light, and they were together with regret. .


Three magical powers burst one after another.

Thousands of feet and turbulent waves surged throughout the Yaochi.

Duo Wentian opened the Seal of the Heaven to suppress these shocks.

Even the space arranged by the Concubine Tian could not isolate the aura of regret from this supernatural power. It is clear that the energy of the battle within it is strong.

"Terror, really horror, this Lingtian talisman formation technique can actually make Di Jiu Ge Lu Bu's combat power soar, and now, even Hua Xiaoyun can resist it?"

Zhundi took a deep breath. ,

"Hua Xiaoyun is still very strong, but unfortunately, he doesn't have an imperial weapon in his hands."

The ghost master of Yama frowned.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, although Hua Xiaoyun doesn't have an imperial weapon, he still has the means. Even if the Lingtian trio struggle again, it's useless."

But Duo Wentian shook his head.

It is not that the Celestial Clan can't afford the Emperor Huaxiaoyun artifacts, but the imperial artifacts that Huaxiaoyun needs are very rare. They are not available in the Celestial Clan, and Huaxiaoyun is so high that he has to refine his own natal Emperor artifacts.

Therefore, this has suffered some losses.

"A bunch of ignorant stupid things, see how many times you can hold on!"

Hua Xiaoyun's big hands danced again and again, and on the flower scroll behind, there were a series of ancient sword phantoms, the phantoms turned into sword energy, and they were continuously cut down.

It seems endless, without any consumption in general.

Bang bang bang!

Jianfeng cut randomly, although they were all stopped by the three of Di Jiuge.

However, after a few rounds, Di Jiuge and Lu Bu couldn't bear it anymore.

Even with the imperial weapon in hand, it seems that it cannot defeat Hua Xiaoyun.

"Ling Tian, ​​I can't hold on anymore, how come the power of the sage world is still there!?"

Di Jiuge was shocked by a sword gas again, and said sharply.

"It should be gone!"

Ling Tian pursed his mouth, his expression also stern.

But he has a mysterious origin, and he can feel the power of the sage world, and there is not much left.

"Haha, you guys, no chance, accept the ending!"

Hua Xiaoyun naturally knew that his power of the sage world was only the last trace left.

At this moment, on the sage scroll behind him, a sharp light suddenly appeared.

The light of the sword fell from the sky, like the magical power of an ancient emperor.

This is the strongest attack in Thousand Illusion Divine Art.

He wanted to use his last sage realm divine power to sweep the three of Ling Tian.

"Ma De, what a pervert!"

Lu Bu looked at the sword light falling from the sky and shouted angrily. The first one charged up and the blood halberd cut down.


Di Jiu Ge also poured all the aura of immortality into the imperial weapon staff, and the appearance of Frost Arrow seemed to be a desperate blow.

"Not enough, not enough!"

"Even if you have two imperial artifacts, they are definitely not my Hua Xiaoyun's opponent."

"Give up, this is destiny."

Hua Xiaoyun held his hand, condescending, like a sage emperor.

"Hehe, isn't it!? Two imperial artifacts are not enough, then add this one!?"

However, Ling Tian suddenly spoke.

Everyone was startled, before they could react, they saw Ling Tian's eyes, which seemed to turn blood red.

The silver hair gradually turned into a blood-red crystal color.

Now, Ling Tian's body was full of tyrannical aura.

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