Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3006: The prehistoric world? Are you worthy

"Hahaha, not bad, this Nebula Tower is worthy of being the first floor of Star Tour City. It is so delicious, it is the best I have ever encountered in my life!"

Tian Xiao took a sip of wine and took a breath.

"It's not bad, but it's also expensive. This table costs five thousand stars!" Ling Tian smiled.

"It's okay, we know you have money, it's not bad for this meal." Yu Zifei didn't feel distressed at all.

"You took the first task!?"

However, as the three of them were eating, a cold and majestic voice suddenly sounded.

Ling Tian looked over, his expression slightly changed.

It was Shangguan Lin from the prehistoric realm who walked up with a group of people.

"Yes, it was we who picked it up. Why, Master Shangguan has any advice?"

Ling Tian put down the wine glass in his hand.

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi looked at each other, and they got up one after another, holding their shoulders, staring coldly at the Tianjiao such as Shangguanlin.

Although the opponent is crowded and powerful, they are now a team and naturally they are not afraid.

"Haha, advise!?"

"Are you worthy?"

However, Shangguan Lin squinted his eyes and looked condescending.

It seemed that they didn't put the three Ling Tian in their eyes at all.

"Shangguanlin, what do you mean!? Why, want to fight? Do you really think we will be afraid of your emperor in the wilderness?"

Tian Xiao said coldly.

"My prehistoric realm is one of the ten realms of the heavens. You just don't dare to provoke me, don't you?"

"Of course, I Shangguanlin, there is really no need to kill you scum of middle and lower class immortals."

"I'm here just for one thing."

He looked at Ling Tian, ​​"The inferior Tianjiao of the Haotian Realm, even if you are the emperor, I Shangguanlin, do not put it in your eyes, the tomb of the **** race sword repair, you will die if you go, so, I will give you one. Remedy opportunity, fifty thousand stars coins, transfer that brand to me."

"Five Thousand Star Coins to you?"

Ling Tian shook his head, almost laughing out loud.

Such an idiot, if it weren't for this Star Tour City, he would have taken a lesson a long time ago.

"What!? I can give you fifty thousand star coins. I already look at you. This is better than giving you your lives in vain. I'm just afraid that it will be a pity."

Shangguan Lin said lightly.

The reason why he didn’t pick up the sword repair mission was indeed because he was afraid of the tyranny of sword repair, so he chose the second mission first, and when he returned from earning Star Coins, he exchanged treasures in Xingyu City and was dealing with the first one. Tasks.

But never thought, it was picked up by Ling Tian.

Once this mission fails, then the star map will be scrapped, and at that time, he will not have the opportunity to go to the tomb of sword repair.

Therefore, after learning that Ling Tian had taken the mission, Shangguan Lin came.

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't let the brand."

But Ling Nian categorically refused, without any consideration.

"Do you want to die?"

Shangguan Lin's expression also changed suddenly, and he became sensible.

A ninth-order Xianzun Tianjiao from the Haotian Realm, dare to slap his face in this way.

Nowadays, upstairs in Xingyun, there are already many arrogances looking over.

He Shangguanlin has already regarded himself as the number one arrogant of this star travel city.

"Shangguanlin, you don't understand it!? Our elder brother said, no, you go quickly, the tomb of Jianxiu, you don't want to get involved!"

Tian Xiao raised his hand.

"Okay, you have memorized what you said today. Although I don't know the specific location of the tomb of sword repair, but I am not far from me, I will find you, collect your corpses, and watch!"

Shangguan Lin snorted coldly, and left with everyone.

"Bah! It's just a four-hundred-hundred item on the Profound List, what it's for you to pull!"

Tian Xiao poohed.

"Actually, what Shangguanlin said is not unreasonable. Your combat power, going to the tomb of the gods sword repairs, is indeed dead and no life."

At this time, another voice sounded.

The three of them looked and found that it was Jin Linger from the Flying Feather Fairy World.

"Fairy Jin Jiner, why, even you look down on us?" Tian Xiao was unhappy.

Although he still wanted to soak in this golden 缳er before.

But this woman is too arrogant.

"It's not that you look down on you, but just to tell the truth, none of the three of you has entered the Profound List. The horror of the tomb of sword repair is beyond your imagination.

"Of course, I'm not here to ridicule you. These are the coordinates of my star road. You can wait for me to complete the tomb of the stone **** and send me the location. I can help you."

After all, before Ling Tian got up, Jin Ling'er went away lightly.

"Hehe, grandma's, these tianjiaos really have long eyes on their heads."

Tian Xiao pursed his mouth, and has no appetite to eat.

"Finally, Jin Zhen'er is kind, can we really get out of the tomb of Jianxiu alive?"

Concubine Yu Zi, who was standing in front of the window, turned around and looked towards Ling Tian, ​​with a look of sadness between her eyebrows.

Although Ling Tian had money, his combat power seemed to be fair.

But the tomb of the **** race sword repair is indeed fierce.

According to some previous information, at least there must be at least three hundred strong people on the mysterious list to lead the team in order to successfully complete the task.

"Don't worry, since I took it, I will definitely be able to complete it, and it won't let you make any mistakes."

But Ling Tian still drank a glass of wine leisurely.

"Brother, there is movement outside, many Tianjiao have left the ancient city."

At this moment, Tian Xiao stood in front of the window and said suddenly.

"Ling Tian grabbed more than a dozen tasks, and those people were scared."

Concubine Yu Zi said: "What shall we do? I just glanced at the news on the Star Road, because the top of the emperor's list changed hands, and almost every Tianjiao in the ancient city gave up repairing and set out to find the tomb of the gods.

"Satisfying and drinking, of course we are leaving. Let's go, let's set out."

Ling Tian got up and went away.

Tian Xiao and Concubine Yu Zi glanced at each other. Whether Ling Tian has that ability depends on the itinerary this time.

When Ling Tian and the three people stood on Xiaoqing's back, after leaving the ancient city.

Chongqing, the black corpse world, also brought a group of arrogances out of the ancient city.

"What to do!? Did you stop them directly and grab the sign?"

Tianjiao asked.

"Don't worry, move them now. I am worried that these guys will fight back desperately. If they end up with a loss, it will be no good."

"Let's do our tasks first. Even if they have great abilities, they don't want to complete those tasks and catch up with us. I'm waiting for them to die and wait for work!"

A grim smile appeared on Chongqing's shriveled face, and with a few arrogances, he left too.

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