Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3008: Upgrade Qingxu

"No, I can't die. I am the Emperor of the Black Corpse Realm. If you kill me, I will never die with you in the Black Corpse Realm!"

Na Chongqing screamed in horror.

Who can enter the road of trials, who is not the supreme arrogant of the world! ?

With great fortune, it took countless catastrophes to reach this point.

Now that I die, everything is in vain.

"Haha, the world of black corpses!? A medium-sized fairy world, what a thing!"

Ling Tian let out a sneer, and now embarking on this road of trial, if he wants to rule the roost, not to mention the middle immortal realm, it is the upper immortal realm, and even the ten high realms, he will fight for it.


When the voice fell, Ling Tian directly squeezed Chongqing's body with his big hands, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

At this moment, in front of the tomb of the gods in the dark mountain, there are broken flesh and blood floating everywhere.

These flesh and blood come from the great arrogance and their mounts.

And the battle from beginning to end, but only a cup of tea time.

When Ling Tian arrived at the entrance of the tomb of the gods, he happened to ran into the Tian Xiao and Yu Zi concubine who had come out.

Xiaoqing transformed into a human form, and his body was once again covered with cyan bloodstains.

Although the current Xiaoqing cultivation base has not yet reached the realm of quasi-emperor, he has already said that it is half-step quasi-emperor.

However, Xiaoqing's combat power is strong, especially his physical body, and even Yinglongbian, who has been vaguely stronger than Ling Tian.

In all previous battles, it was Xiaoqing alone who solved all the tombs of the gods.

This time, no exception,

Xiaoqing is responsible for resisting the attack of the undead of the Protoss, Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei are responsible for beheading, so the speed is naturally extremely fast.

Ling Tian didn't enter the tomb either. The undead in the tomb of the gods didn't need him to act.

"This... those guys in Chongqing are all dead?"

However, when he came out that day, he was completely shocked to see the blood bones floating everywhere outside the mausoleum.

Originally, they wanted to quickly solve the tomb of the gods and rush out to help Ling Tian.

But I never thought that the battle outside was over.

How long is this?

"Well, it's just guys who are not on the Profound List, what's the gain?"

Ling Tian asked.

"It's okay. I found two boxes of Star Coins. I guess it's about fifteen thousand."

Tian Xiao grinned.

They used the five thousand stars for this task, and now they have tripled their gains, which is already a lot of money.

"That's really good, here is one hundred thousand star coins, from the hands of these arrogants, share it equally."

Ling Tian threw a ring over and stepped onto Xiaoqing's head, which had already manifested itself as a mount.

"Another hundred thousand!?"

Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei are overjoyed.

The money here is too fast.

If this continues, after returning this time, he should be able to easily make it to the Profound List.

The three of them continued to sit on Xiaoqing's back and head towards the next tomb of the Protoss.

Ling Tian crossed his knees, turning his hands, the Chongqing Divine Treasure Refining Corpse Coffin emerged.

This thing is a **** treasure level, but it seems that it has really been blessed by Emperor Wu's imperial aura, so it is much stronger than ordinary **** treasure.

However, Ling Tian couldn't use the divine treasure in this class of corpse qi, and no one in the team seemed to be proud of such things.

Therefore, Ling Tian raised his hand and threw this divine treasure coffin into Taoyuan.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​you really mean it. Although this divine treasure looks disgusting, its tool and material are very high-quality, which is exactly what I need."

At this time, in Taoyuan, Qing Xu stood under the huge Liuyao Ding, took the Divine Treasure Corpse Refining Coffin in his hand, played for a while, and then threw it into the Liuyao Ding behind him.

At this time, the Six-Yaoding Ding was suspended above the sky of Taoyuan, and below, the Shenmie Divine Fire was urging the power of Divine Fire, burning the cauldron frantically.

The corpse refining coffin had just been thrown into the six-line cauldron, and the spirit within it roared out, full of fright.

"What are you doing!?"

"Hahaha, what are you doing!? Of course it's refining you!" Qing Xu laughed.

"Refining me!? Don't think about it!" The spirit roared and was about to break free, but Liuyaoding was a peaceful existence! ? Even though this device is powerful, it is still trapped in it.

Moreover, the blazing flame of Jin Mie Shenhuo was even more fierce, enough to melt the **** treasure.

"This is, divine tool, sacred fire!?"

Finally, that Qi Ling reacted.

He looked around, seeing the scene around him like another piece of fairyland, completely stunned.

"This, this is impossible, where is this?"

"That tree, is it the legendary pan..."

However, before he could say it, Liu Yao urged the broken lid to completely seal it.

After a while, there was no movement from the spirit.

Ling Tian sneered, Shennian withdrew from Taoyuan.

This is Ling Tian's plan after entering the trial road, Qingxu Six Yao and Jinnii's plan, the purpose is to upgrade Qingxu.

Originally, Qing Xu's rank was worthy of being able to reach the heavens. Although it was not bad in the human race, but now on the road to this trial, it is really the scum in the scum.

With Qingxu’s character, it is natural that he can’t be willing to do so,

So, there is such a plan.

Liuyao is a divine tool, Jin extinguishes the divine fire, and now it has been cultivated in Taoyuan, and it is also extremely powerful.

The two blessings are enough to refine the divine treasure, thereby recasting Qingxu.

The three seniors didn't say how much they wanted to upgrade Qingxu, but Ling Tian thought, at the very least, it must be a divine treasure, that Qingxu can be satisfied, and maybe even more powerful.

But it was an extremely long process, Ling Tian still couldn't get any light, but after getting the treasures such as the Heavenly Treasure, the Divine Treasure, he sent it to Taoyuan.

When Qing Xu was born again, he could definitely become another killer of Ling Tian.

Xiaoqing walked through the dark and endless starry sky. At this time, half a month had passed since they had killed Chongqing.

Within half a month, they broke down two sets of Protoss tombs one after another, completing the fifty-second and fifty-three tasks.

As before, they did not have any delay in the process.

The speed is extremely fast, and the first mission in Xingyu City, that is, the tomb of the legendary Protoss sword repair, is getting closer and closer.

"Forty-one, forty-three, oh, there is still a difference of 70,000, which is enough for 500,000."

On Xiaoqing's back, Concubine Yu Zi arranged her star coins.

Along the way, she has accumulated more than 400,000 star coins, which are enough to exchange for the most precious, supernatural powers, and a large amount of cultivation resources.

"It's not enough. When we came out, the lowest in the Profound List was 500,000 Star Coins. At this time, half a million Star Coins are not enough to enter the Profound List."

Tian Xiao said by the side.

"Huh, say it to you!? Of course these are not enough, but isn't there a tomb of sword repair!? That is the number one tomb in Xingyucheng, and there will be no less treasures in it!"

Concubine Yu Zi put away the Star Coins. These days, Concubine Yu has completely swelled due to the devastation along the way, and now Xiaoqing and Ling Tian's combat power may not be able to deal with the sword repair of the gods.

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