Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3032: Battlefield of the Gods


Concubine Yu Zi got the order and took out a part of the star coin and entered it into the golden monument.

In an instant, a golden light rose from below the golden stele again, and landed at the top of the mysterious list.

The light dissipated, and a line of words appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Sea Prison Realm, Concubine Yu Zi, five million six hundred and fifty thousand!"

Only after a while, the mysterious list first changed hands again.

Tian Xiao spread his hands, "My dear, do you want to be so cruel, the top of the list is not hot yet!"

However, the worst is not Tian Xiao.


Ren Duxing, who had just entered the Star Coins and got the top of the mysterious list, was ready to take over the task, standing under the first golden monument, his face pale.

Just now, before he finished the task, he found that on the second golden stele, a light surging, a strange name appeared at the top of the list, squeezing him down.

He had never heard of this red dust world Tianxiao.

Now that he has lost the top spot, how can this make Ren Duxing reconciled.

But before Ren Lixing finished adjusting his mentality, another ray of light surged, and the top of the mysterious list changed again, and he, in a short period of time, fell to the third position of the mysterious list!

Ren Duxing's mentality is about to collapse.

"Walk alone, what's going on!?"

A voice remembered from behind Ren Duxing.

He turned around, the shame and anger on his face disappeared in an instant, and he bowed his hands respectfully: "Big Brother."

"Between you and me, you don't need to be polite."

The man flashed a few times before he arrived in front of Ren Duxing.

He is dressed in silver and white armor, with eyes like stars, black hair like a waterfall, and handsome wind, standing there like a son of heaven.

Ashamed, all the Tianjiao who were watching on the square bowed their heads.

And this person is the first emperor of the heavenly clan, Haotian's son, Ji Heng.

"Sea Prison Realm Yu Zifei, Hongchen Realm Tian Xiao, this name, I haven't heard of it, but I have pushed you down one after another."

Na Ji Heng frowned at Xuan Bang.

"Who would say no? Originally, this time, I was thinking about winning the Haotian Realm Celestial Clan honor, but now, I lost the top spot."

Ren Duxing pursed his lips and sighed.

"Haha, it's okay, what's in a hurry, there are not too many differences, and, the mysterious list is third, it is already a very high ranking, as long as it is not topped by the other geniuses of the Haotian Realm, it will do."

Ji Heng comforted.

"All right, but I won't admit defeat. After this mission, I will definitely grab the top spot back!"

Let alone cold road.

"Okay, I am optimistic..."

Ji Heng patted Ren Duxing on the shoulder, but before he could finish speaking, he saw the light surging again on the golden stele, and a name appeared at the top of the mysterious list.

Ren Duxing, even the third place on the Profound Ranking, didn't keep it.

For a while, Ren Lonexing's face turned green!

John Star City, under the golden monument.

On the square, it was extremely quiet.

Only a slight gasp was heard, with shock.

Jin Jiner patted her hands, raised her eyebrows towards Ling Tian and said, "Master, do you want this result?"

At this time, Ling Tian's fingers were put down, his face lightened a lot, and he was satisfied with seeing Ren Duxing who fell in fourth place.

"Not bad, so, very good, very good!"

In fact, this is not only Ling Tian's selfishness.

He had already planned it when he was on the road.

Among the three of Jin Zhener, she and Concubine Yu Zi's current talents can definitely rank in the top ten of the mysterious list.

And the first position of the Profound Ranking, not only can shock all the Tianjiao in Hanxing City, it will not rush into the 30th of the Heaven List at once, so terrifying.

So the top three of this mysterious list are just right.

Jin Jiner smiled, and then looked at Xiao Xuer, "Jiezi, now, you are satisfied, our team is not weak."

"You and I……"

Xiao Xu'er hesitated for several times, but he still couldn't speak.

She has been slapped in the face three times in a row, and her face will be swollen.

Although there is still one Ling Tian who has not made the list, the result is no longer important. In a four-person team, three of them occupy the top three of the mysterious list. This level of combat power is not worse than them.

At least, above the number of stars.

"Jin Ying'er, you are talking to me like this, is it because you want to break with my holy spirit world, and fight against me!"

Xiao Xuer became angry from embarrassment, and suddenly said coldly.

"I have a clear conscience, Jin Ying'er, and I have never thought of engaging in evil with the Holy Spirit Realm, but your actions, your words and deeds, are not worthy of the name of the Holy Spirit Realm, let alone the divine power of the Hundred Flowers Realm."

"Kuangshi Bailian, it's ridiculous!"

Jin Jiner sneered.

"You, you are presumptuous!"

Xiao Xuer was furious, but in this Hanxing City, he couldn't make a move.

"Look, everyone, the list is updated!"

But at this moment, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the first golden monument, which was originally empty, had a dense number of tasks.

The mission of John Star City has finally been updated!

This caused Xiao Xu'er to find a step. She landed on the first golden monument, watching the task that appeared, and her eyes flashed with dim light.

The four Ling Tian also reached under the golden monument.

Because no matter what the road is, the head mission issued by this node city is definitely the last high-quality resource at this stage.

Last time in Xingyou City, he got the sword spirit.

This time, I don't know what mission will be in Hanxing City.

However, when everyone stood under the golden stele and looked from the bottom to the top, their faces changed.

Because this time John Star City gave a lot of tasks, and there were tens of thousands of ways.

But there are only ten of the most difficult ones.

The minimum amount of Star Coins required for the task is 500,000 Star Coins.

This is a sky-high price.

Perhaps afterwards, only the top talents of Xuanbang will be able to consume.

However, this is nothing. What really surprised everyone was the number one task.

"The battlefield of the gods, you can enter by paying one million Star Coins."

Tian Xiao muttered to the top of the list, a simple line of words with a solemn expression on his face.

The same is true for Ling Tian.

He didn't expect that the number one mission in Hanxing City this time was not going to a tomb of the gods, but the so-called battlefield of the gods.

But although it is not a tomb of the gods, just by hearing this name, you will know that this battlefield of the gods is definitely not a good place.

Moreover, the access standard is as high as one million star coins, which is really scary.

"Hehe, this so-called battlefield of the gods is an ancient battlefield hidden in the burial star field of the gods. It was the land where the gods of all races of the gods conquered tens of thousands of years ago. Later, because of too many deaths and injuries, they were sealed by the gods and thrown away. Entered this god's burial."

"Although it is dangerous, I promise that there are countless opportunities in it, far better than any star road."

"This will be your unique opportunity before entering the Lingxu."

At this moment, a voice came to mind from behind everyone.

The Tianjiao turned around, but they suddenly discovered that a military commander wearing a gray armor, surrounded by tens of thousands of undead guardians, stepped into the air.

The Lord of John Star City is here!

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