Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3037: Before the battlefield of the gods

Leaning on the star for 100,000 miles, cutting the flying immortal outside the sky, and asking why the sword is there, the door opened from the beginning.

In the news, there was not only the huge sword shadow of the ancient imperial weapon, but also a poem listed by Li Chunfeng, which was no different from the Jade Method Xuanqiong.

Obviously, this is definitely not Li Chun Fengxin's rhetoric, the second ancient imperial weapon is really born.

Moreover, it can appear as soon as the Jade Method Xuanqiong was born, so it can also prove that this Yitian Asking Dao Sword is actually in Li Chunfeng's hands long ago. He just doesn't want the ancient imperial weapon to be monopolized by the Jade Method Xuanqiong That's it.

"Grandma's, what is the origin of Li Chunfeng? Now it seems that it is too strong!?"

Concubine Yu Zi couldn't help but explode.

Tian Xiao and Jin Ying'er also looked at each other, and finally shook their heads.

Indeed, judging from the news that broke out now, whether it was in the power of the source or the ancient imperial artifacts, this Li Chunfeng far surpassed other Tianjiao.

With such a powerful opportunity, it is no wonder that Yuan Gu can be the number one in the emperor's ranking for forty-five years.

"Hehe, this is about to fight, Yuan Gu just released the news, saying that he will get the top ten ancient imperial artifacts."

Jin Yinger said again.

"There is no news about the appearance of the third ancient imperial weapon. It seems that there should be two. Yuan Gu does not have it. He is not reconciled."

Ling Tian pondered, "It seems that all Tianjiao should pin their hopes on the battlefield of the gods. We must be prepared. The battlefield of the gods will inevitably be a hard fight by then."

"Prepare everything. After three days, we will set off."


The crowd dispersed, and the appearance of the ancient imperial artifacts not only excited them, but also increased their pressure.

Ling Tian is even more so.

Today, although his Yunxing Sword is powerful, it is not an imperial weapon after all.

In terms of combat power, it is still not comparable to the top ten ancient imperial artifacts.

The search for the essence of stars has become more and more urgent.

For three days, Ling Tian was in Taoyuan, refining the pill for the road.

Nowadays, Ling Tian has reached a bottleneck no matter whether he is in his cultivation base or his body, and he can't make progress in any inch.

Above the supernatural powers, there are no new laws and techniques to learn.

There is no way to increase the combat power, so I can only refine some more pills.

The battlefield of the gods is afraid that it is a place that consumes pill, so Ling Tian must be foolproof.

In fact, after arriving at Hanxing City, Ling Tian was a little disappointed.

That is, in these cities, he still didn't meet Qin Mingyue or Ross and others.

However, he was on the gold list before, saw the names of everyone, and almost all of them entered the Profound List, including Ling Nian and others, all of whom were also included.

But unable to reunite with his relatives, Ling Tian was still uneasy in his heart.

What's more, it has been 45 years since the trial road, but he still didn't find any news about Li Shishi and his sister Ling Qiu'er.

Speaking of it, he hasn't seen the two women for a long time. Although he firmly believes that neither Li Shishi nor Ling Qiu'er will have an accident, the anxiety in his heart lingers.

Three days passed in a hurry.

When Ling Tian and the four walked out of Hanxing City, there were few Tianjiao in the city. Perhaps because of the appearance of ancient imperial artifacts, it directly stimulated all Tianjiao on the road of trial. In three days, there were few Tianjiaos in Hanxing City. The warrior is gone.

This is even truer for Xiao Xuer, who ranks first in Hanxing City. Hanxing City is now among ten ancient cities with the least competitive pressure. This is Tianda's advantage. Xiao Xuer obviously wants to use this opportunity to enter the emperor list.

"Hehe, it seems that we are at the end, let's go!"

Ling Tian summoned Xiaoqing, everyone fell on his back, and in a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the starry sky.

And just after Ling Tian and others left John Star City, the Lord of John Star appeared in front of the city gate.

"My lord, is this Tianjiao really that person ten thousand years ago?"

Behind him, the undead warlord asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, nor is it."

"The guy ten thousand years ago is definitely dead. Although this person has his breath, he is different."

"In other words, he is more terrifying than the guy ten thousand years ago!"

City Lord John Star pursed his lips, "However, Zhengshen has an order. Without his permission, no one can touch these arrogances."

"Bai Qidu has returned to the path of trial. I believe that the terrible guy ten thousand years ago will also return, but this time, we must not repeat the same mistakes ten thousand years ago."

"Whether we have the heavens and stars, or eternal life will fall into this burial of the gods, it depends on this time."


The missions issued by Hanxing City were indeed extremely difficult. Although there were only three, they were under Ling Tian's own hands. The four people joined forces. This did not delay the time and broke the three tombs of the gods.

The harvest from the three protoss tombs was fair, and everyone was allocated a million stars coins.

But although there are many stars, for Ling Tian, ​​there is no surprise from those stars.

The Yunxing Sword has absorbed the power of the stars for so many years, and it has become more and more powerful.

The four of them traveled through the void for another month before finally reaching the so-called turnaround battlefield, where they were.

This is a particularly dark star. Even after Ling Tian and the others arrived, they found that the stars above the sky became extremely dim. This was definitely a barren land in the starry sky.

"Brother, the others in John Star City, are here."

On Xiaoqing's back, Tian Xiao said in a deep voice.

In today's Tian Xiao, the Jade Technique Xuanqiong fan is tightly held in his hand. Although he has not yet become a quasi-emperor, the aura of the ancient emperor's artifact is diffused, making Tian Xiao look particularly powerful.

Ling Tian nodded, looking far away, and indeed found that in the darkness ahead, there were shining dots of light, which were the gods of all circles shrouded in divine light.

An exquisite white lotus, blooming in the dark void, is not Xiao Xuer, who else can it be?

This realm of the Holy Spirit Realm also seemed to be afraid that someone would not know her, yes, no matter where he went, he would bloom the phantom of the Divine Power of the Hundred Flower Realm.

In this way, Tian Xiao concluded that these people were from John Star City.

"There are a lot of Tianjiao, I'm afraid it's not just Hanxing City. Could it be that before the battlefield of the gods, there were Tianjiao from other ancient cities who came with us?"

But at this time, Concubine Yu Zi frowned.

However, as soon as one spoke, everyone's expression changed.

If you are with other ancient cities, isn't it, you have to meet the Tianjiao who is on the top of the emperor list?

"Tian Xiao, beware of your ancient imperial artifacts."

Jin Zhener's face became cold and reminded.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will fight my life to protect the Jade Technique Profound Vault."

Tian Xiao shrugged.

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