Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3043: Do you also have a beacon thunder torch?

If they were blessed by ancient imperial artifacts, how strong would they be! ?

Xiao Xuer is confident that as long as she holds the ancient imperial artifacts in her hand, she will surely be able to rush into the emperor list.

Forty years ago, Hua Xiaoyun lost to Ling Tian and the others because he didn't have an imperial weapon in his hands.

Now, because of the ancient imperial weapon, he is still invincible to join forces with Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei. How can this make him reluctant?

"Shoot together, grabbed their **** source, and grabbed the ancient imperial weapon!"

Xiao Xu'er completely tore his face and shot himself.

Other Tianjiao also sacrificed their magical powers and besieged the four Xiangling Tian.

In their opinion, even if Ling Tian and others are strong, they are just four people.

It can turn the sky over! ?

"Hmph, Xiao Xu'er is in vain. You are still in the realm of the Holy Spirit. You have become an immortal with a masterless white lotus. You are so vicious in mind. It really makes me admire!

Jin Yinger drew out the golden sword on his waist, "But if I am here today, I will never let you succeed!"


In the sound of the phoenix, the golden phoenix manifested itself, and the golden light was blessed all over the body of Jin Zhen'er. The latter held the golden sword and directly took Na Xiao Xu'er down.

The two lesbians are the top celestial splendor.

Although Xiao Xu'er possesses a complete Hundred Flower Realm divine power, it is not an attack attribute after all.

Jin Jin'er had the authentic Golden Phoenix bloodline, and the supernatural powers were taught by the Golden Phoenix himself. Therefore, for a time, the two women were even out of the game.

Tian Xiao and Yu Zifei joined forces to stop Na Hua Xiaoyun and the other Tianjiao.

The battle situation was also balanced in an instant.

Not enough, at this moment, the beacon in the thunder world walked towards the hall step by step.

The other Tianjiao were all stopped, but he was not included.

With fierce combat power, no matter which side you join, it will directly affect the balance of the battle.

But Fengzhuo's choice was to go straight to the hall.

Anyway, the other Tianjiao were all held back, so how could he let it go with such a god-given opportunity! ?

Fengzhuo also hopes that with the power of the gods, who doesn't want to be on the top of the list! ?

He asked himself, his talent is definitely not under Hua Xiaoyun and Xiao Xuer.

If he gets a chance in this palace, he might fly into the sky.

However, Fengzhuo seemed to have forgotten that there was a person standing in front of the hall.

Haotian Realm Human Race, Ling Tian!

The leader of a four-person team.

However, in Feng Shao's eyes, Ling Tian was not a strong one at all.

There is no ancient imperial weapon, and no power of the gods.

Even the quasi emperor has no cultivation base.

This kind of existence, he only needs to move his finger to pinch it to death.

"Go away!"

Feng Zhuo's footsteps did not stop at all because of the Ling Tian in front of the hall.

In his eyes, there was thunder and fire, and he spoke lightly, full of killing intent.

The beacon at this time, the surging Fengtian thunder torch, had already burned.

Although not really a great Fengtian Thunder Torch.

However, the two thousand layers of sacred fire brought a terrifying combat power blessing to the fire-based beacon, and it was definitely not under the blessing of shards of the gods.

Every step Fengzhuo fell, there was thunder and fire splashing down, melting the jade in front of the hall into magma.

It is enough to see the horror of this beacon.

"It's you who should go, or you choose to die."

But Ling Tian was dressed in Qingyi, moving lightly with the wind, still the same as before. No matter how the sword of Tianjiao fights on the battlefield in front of him, he will not be moved.

"Something ignorant."

"It seems that you don't know the existence of my Thunder Flame Realm and the horror of Fengtian Thunder Torch!"

Seeing Ling Tian still standing there, burning anger, directly gassed, a hideous color flashed across his face, and under the violent breath, he suddenly raised the spear that was already full of thunder and fire, and pierced Ling Tian directly.

"Now, I will let you see and see, let the thunder flame world be famous for the beacon thunder torch under the heavens!"

With a smirk on the beacon's face, the thunder gun is unmatched, and the thunder fire on it has melted the space.

As if before the spear light, everything would be shattered.

"Haha, Jin Jin'er, now, you know, it's the end that offends me!"

"Aren't you willing to follow Ling Tian, ​​under the beacon's lightning torch, he is going to die!"

Xiao Xuer sneered at Jin Jiner.

"Really!? Not necessarily."

Jin Zhen'er shook Xiaoxu'er back with a sword. Like Tian Xiao and the others, seeing Feng Zhuo attack Ling Tian, ​​there was no sign of worry.

"Why, can it be that Ling Tian can still stop the beacon, I don't believe it, he also has ancient imperial artifacts in his hands!" Xiao Xuer frowned.

But Jin Jiner did not answer.

In front of the hall, watching the beacon burning Fen Tian's shot fall, Ling Tian's hand behind him suddenly stretched forward.

Only mere palms.

"How could I not know the Fengtian Thunder Torch of the Thunder Flame Realm!?"

"Moreover, in terms of making fire, you are far worse than me!"

"Fengzhuo, see what this is!?"


As Ling Tian's voice fell, a flame burst into Ling Tian's palm.

The flame is raging, there are two thousand layers, the thunder is surging, not the beacon thunder torch, what is it! ?

Sure enough, after seeing the thunder in Ling Tian's palm burning, everyone including that Fengzhuo was completely dumbfounded.

No one thought that Ling Tian also possessed the unique sacred fire of the Thunder Flame Realm Feng Family!

"This is impossible!"

Xiao Xuer exclaimed.

"Hehe, nothing is impossible."

"Xiao Xu'er, what you are astonished is much more than that, you have no eyes on you, and you will pay the price after all!"

Jin Zhen'er sneered, the sword light in his hand became more fierce, and she kept shaking back Xiao Xu'er.

Fengzhuo couldn't believe everything he saw before him.

The Fengtian thunder torch unique to his Feng family unexpectedly appeared in the hands of others.

Moreover, this person's beacon thunder torch seemed to be stronger than the divine fire in his hand.

This is clearly the sacred fire of Dacheng, definitely not just nurtured from the sacred crystal.

"Impossible, this sacred fire, where did you come from!"

Feng Zhuo said with anger.

"Nothing, tell me!"

"Prisoner Tianzhi!"

Ling Tian didn't hesitate, as soon as he made a move, he directly sacrificed the technique of the law.

Today's prisoner Tianzhi, under the blessing of thunder and fire, and its horror.

The glittering fingers floated under the sky, and when they appeared, they swept away the immortal edge within a radius of thousands of miles.

With a bang, the flame-scorching gun smashed in an instant, and Fengshao was frightened, watching the prisoner's fingers, and the dots fell down.

"I do not believe!"

Fengshao roared and sacrificed his spear again, desperately pouring all the sacred fire in his body into the spear, which was also directly sacrificed by the technique of law.


But everything is in vain.

Even though it is the magic of the magical fire blessing, how can it be better than Ling Tian's Fengtian thunder torch and prisoner's finger!

In the successive explosions, the burning spear was shattered, and all resistance was in vain under the fingers of the prisoner.

Until Ling Tian's supernatural powers would engulf the beacon, the thunder fire dissipated, and only flying ash drifted away.

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