Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3045: The Golden Temple

Back then, when Ling Tian was still in the Great Wei Xian Dynasty, he learned of the existence of this desolate ancient heavy building order from the Lord of the Great Wei Zhonglou, but after that, Ling Tian still did not find the so-called heavy building.

And the masters who brought him back to the building in the chaotic battlefield were also taken away by the Celestial Clan and disappeared.

Ling Tian had asked Yuan Tiangang before, but he didn't know where those people were now, it seemed that they were not in Xiling City of the Celestial Clan.

In this way, Ling Tian couldn't help it.

Speaking of this desolate ancient building, Ling Tian has more than one piece.

When he was in Lei Ze, he saw that he had obtained the second order for an ancient heavy building. At that time, the token was in a golden building similar to a heavy building. From that golden building, Ling Tian also got Chunlei independence. The heart of the North Sea of ​​Youhe Water System clone.

The token was obtained in the hands of a sitting strong man.

At that time, Ling Tian also knew that there was more than one token of this barren ancient building.

But anyway, Ling Tian didn't expect that he would still be able to see things related to the heavy building outside this domain.

Back then, the master of the Great Wei Zhonglou once said that the decree of the ancient heavy building is the key to a certain place. As for where that place is, no one knows, not even the Celestial Clan.

Could it be that the reason why the Celestial Clan is not clear is because that place is outside the territory! ?

Ling Tian looked at the hall in front of him, frowning even more.

In other words, is that place the golden temple in front of you?

Is it possible that this heavy building was divided into several parts and fell on this battlefield! ?

"Brother, we seem to be a little confused. In our fairy world, we have never heard of a heavy building."

Tian Xiao scratched his head.

"It doesn't matter, maybe it's a secret. It's in this hall. We will know when we enter and see."

Ling Tian shook his head and brought the three of them forward.

The gate of the Golden Palace was closed tightly, and Concubine Yu Zi looked at it and said, "Brother, can I get in only if I have a token like yours?"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, pressed it on the door of the temple, and then shook his head, "No, if that's the case, then few people can enter the golden temple."

"There are just some formations above, you can enter them if you break the formations."

It's just breaking the formation, for this, Ling Tian couldn't get better at it.

But in just half an hour, Ling Tian broke the formation above the palace gate.

Amidst the roar, the gate of the Golden Temple opened loudly, and the tremors once again sounded between the earth, like a horn from hell, which made people listen, inexplicably upset and irritable.

"Brother, it's really uncomfortable here, let's go in quickly."

Tian Xiao frowned and even felt that he was breathing a little.

"Well, go, go in"

Although Ling Tian sensed something from the roar of the earth, he turned around and took a look. His spirit was blocked, and he couldn't see anything.

Everyone followed Ling Tian and entered the Golden Palace, but the moment they stepped into the main hall, the door behind them suddenly closed.

A bright light suddenly lit up, causing everyone to suddenly raise the weapons in their hands in front of them.

Supernatural powers, ready to go.

They are ready to fight to the death.

However, as the permanent light in the hall lights up, everyone is surprised and slowly put down their weapons.

Because in this golden palace, there is no danger at all.

Because, with the bright lights on, the scenes in the entire hall were presented in front of everyone, among them, it turned out to be rows of bookshelves.

On the bookshelves, what is visible to the naked eye are the classics shrouded in the formation...

Inside this golden palace, there is a sea of ​​books?

This scene surprised Ling Tian.

"Damn, what's the situation? Is it possible that this hall is Shuhai Cangshu Pavilion?"

Tian Xiao frowned.

"It's really not dangerous at all."

Before Jin Zhener walked to a bookshelf, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Master! The classics on this bookshelf seem to be magical techniques!"

"Gong Fa!?"

The other people's faces changed one after another, and they all found a bookshelf and checked them.

Ling Tian changed several bookshelves in a row, and found that although the above methods have formations, they are not advanced. The Tianjiao on the trial road can break open in a short time. In Ling Tian's eyes, these formations Naturally, the law is in vain.

Moreover, what surprised Ling Tian was that the ranks of these magical power exercises were not low, and the worst were all high-level exercises that could be practiced by the half-step Emperor Zhun.

However, apart from the technique of law, Ling Tian didn't take it seriously.

"My son, there is an inscription here. It says that you can only get out of the hall after you have understood the three laws in this hall."

At this time, Jin Jiner's voice sounded.

When the others came to the center of the hall, they saw a stone tablet standing in front of Jin Jiner with words on it.

It's generally the same as what Jin Jinger said.

"My God, have you made a mistake? Only by comprehending the art of the Three Laws can you get out of this hall!?"

Tian Xiao's expression was bitter, "Does he think the art of law is easy to enlighten? Under normal circumstances, even the Tianjiao who is on the top of the list wants to enlighten the magical powers of the law, it will take at least twenty years. Could it be that we are going to be stuck in this hall for more than 20 years?"

The faces of Concubine Yu Zi and Jin Jin'er were not very good. Obviously, now this Golden Palace is like a treasure cage.

Although the art of law is what they lack now, if they stay here for more than 20 years, they will definitely not accept it.

"There is a space array here, and the flow rate of time is different."

Ling Tian felt a little, and then said, "Almost sixty times."

"Sixty times, that's pretty good, and it's almost the same as the time treasure I brought from the family."

Concubine Yu Zi said.

Jin Zhener shook his head, "It seems that I can only use the time array here. I have tried my own treasures just now, and I can't use them at the same time. Otherwise, I can have seventy times the flow rate of time."

"Not much difference."

Ling Tian also tried it, and as expected, he couldn't use the Four Elephant Pagoda here.

"Sixty times the flow rate of time. If you want to understand a law of art, it usually takes more than four months, which is okay." Yu Zifei said.

"Then needless to say, you should start looking for the art of law you need now. The classics here are vast, and it is not easy to find the art of law in itself."

Ling Tian asked the three of them to find the exercises they needed. It took only two months, and it was not a long time after this trial.

But Ling Tian didn't worry about it.

With his original powerful spiritual mind and understanding, it only takes ten years to comprehend a law of art, that is, two months.

However, now Ling Tian has the Bodhi child in his hand, and with the help of the understanding of the heavens, he can comprehend ordinary laws and techniques. Isn't it easy to catch him?

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