Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3053: Enchantment

"Yes, this is definitely the divine power of the Longevity Realm. I never thought that Qin Zhong was hiding so deeply. Before, I had heard that he had already received the blessing of the power of the origin!"

"The power of the God Realm is true, but this breath should be only a fragment of the God Source, and this Qin Zhong is a halberd repair, it seems that the power of the longevity realm does not match well!"

"It is estimated that this Qin Zhong can't help it, it is not suitable, and it is better than nothing!?"

After Qin Zhong sacrificed the divine power of the Longevity Realm, all the Tianjiao present were all talking.

Originally, Qin Zhong's combat power was good, but now that he is blessed by the divine power of the Longevity Realm, then Qin Zhong should not have a big problem facing Tian Xiao and others.

However, compared with other Tianjiao, Ren Duxing and Ji Heng were even more surprised after seeing the divine power of the longevity world.

"Big brother, another piece of the divine power of the longevity world is actually on this guy's body."

Ren Duxing frowned.

The reason they were surprised was that the divine source in Ji Heng's body was the divine power of the longevity world!

This is also considered a secret, in the team, only he and Fu Yunqi know it.

"Haha, Ji Heng, it seems that you are coming with me this time. This is another source of the longevity world, which has already appeared. If you gather the gods of the longevity world today, then your combat power will be Soaring, I have confidence in you, and rushed to the top three in the sky list, and even ranked in the emperor list, surpassing the mysterious day of the dark demon race."

Fu Yunqi also smiled.

"It's better to be led by Brother Fu, don't worry, if I have obtained the complete divine power of the longevity realm, then I will also be Brother Fu's right-hand man. Then Xuan Zhou went to the Heavenly Demon Realm Yuan Gu. Both of them are my enemies!"

Ji Heng smiled.

"Well, with your words, I'm relieved."

Fu Yunqi nodded, and then suddenly frowned, looking at the pure platinum palace in front of him, "The formation seems to have changed, please be careful, as long as the formation here disappears, we will directly rush in. Except for the people in our team, no matter who it is. Stop it for me!"


Behind Fu Yunqi, a crowd of arrogances nodded and said yes.

In the distance, Qin Zhong was already fighting with Tian Xiao and others.

Ling Tian's body was surging with blue light, and the water system clones were sacrificed, and the sky talisman formation was used to boost the combat power of the three, while his own body used the technique of hiding the gods of the sky and disappeared into the space.

The Golden Palace is about to open, and his purpose is only the Golden Palace.

As for Qin Zhong, it was enough to hand it over to Tian Xiao and others.

The Dutian Divine Concealment technique is particularly powerful. After it is displayed, as long as Ling Tian does not take the initiative to take the initiative, even Fu Yunqi would never want to find it easily.


But at this moment, the golden palace in the core place, the array light surging like a tide.

It was almost visible to the naked eye. Above the formation barrier, there was a gap. Even people could see through the gap and see that the gate of the Golden Palace had been opened. Inside, there were densely packed classics and a The spinning blade.

Above the sharp blade, there is a dazzling imperial light.

That kind of fluctuation is familiar to Tian Xiao, Ling Tian and others.

Isn't it the ancient imperial weapon! ?

Finally, within the last chance of this battlefield of the gods, one of the ten ancient imperial artifacts appeared.

Now, including the jade magic mysterious vault fan in Xiao Xiao's hand, there are a total of two.

The eyes of countless people are staring.


Fu Yunqi gave an order, they were the closest to the crack in the barrier, if they rushed in the first time, they would definitely have an advantage.

As soon as Fu Yunqi's team set off, Xiahou Dun in the Saintyue Realm in the other direction and the Jiezi from the Green Underworld also shot at the same time.

Both of them are not human races. Although they don't have the power of the gods, their blood is very powerful. There are also terrifying emperor wills behind them, and they kill Fu Yunqi's team.

Being attacked by the two top teams at the same time, even if Fu Yunqi's team is extremely powerful, it is impossible to be unscrupulous.

In an instant, Ji Heng and Ren Duxing, one left and one right, greeted the Xiahoudun and Qing Mingjiezi.

Provide limited time for Fu Yunqi.

Fu Yunqi is the third highest arrogant talent in the emperor's ranking. His combat power is mysterious and powerful. Even if he only needs a breathing time, he can enter the barrier.

At that time, he will occupy the gate of the Golden Palace, and that will be a real one-man, and he can't open it!



The divine source of Ji Heng and Ren Duxing directly opened, and the divine power of the longevity realm and the diamond realm appeared on the sky at the same time.

Before, the ranks of Ji Heng and Ren Duxing, as the arrogances of the Haotian Realm, were skyrocketing, but not many people knew their details.

Nowadays, the power of the two great gods is moving in empty space, and a lot of warriors are immediately shocked.

Among them, especially the divine power of the longevity world, it has attracted a lot of attention.

Because this is exactly the same as the power of Qin Zhong's God Realm just now!

So in other words, on this battlefield today, there will be two complete powers of the God Realm, the Hundred Flower Realm, and the Longevity Realm!

The power of the intact source of the gods is particularly powerful, and even for the human and heavenly warriors, the temptation of this kind of opportunity lies in the so-called ancient imperial artifacts.


However, when the magical powers of Ji Heng and Ren Duxing swept out and brought all the arrogances to the present, many people came to their senses.

With the blessing of the power of the gods, this Ji Heng and Ren Duxing's combat power turned out to be very terrifying!

Even the Green Underworld Jiezi and Xiahou Dun stopped briefly.

Fu Yunqi's team has a lot of combat power on the top of the list, and the overall strength is far above the two worlds. Therefore, this can be one enemy two.

However, even though Ji Heng and that Ren Duxing have amazing fighting power, how could they be the opponents of the Emperor Bantianjiao! ?

At least, not yet.

After Na Xiahou Dun and Qing Mingjie Jiezi sacrificed their true combat power, their magical powers swept, and Na Ji Heng and Ren Duxing retreated one after another.

"Hmph, I'll clean up your two eye-opening human races later!"

Xiahou Dun coldly snorted and rushed towards Fu Yunqi.

At this time, Fu Yunqi had reached the edge of the crack in the formation, and he was about to enter it as soon as he saw it.

"Fu Yunqi, stop for Lao Tzu!"

Then Xiahou Dun raised the giant stick in his hand that looked like a mountain, and it crashed down.

Xiahoudun, but the realm of the ten worlds of the heavens, at this time, the magical powers shot, and they directly sacrificed the strong law of the art, where the giant stick passed, the void was like an ice crack, shattering one after another.

Not only that, but the Jiezi of the Blue Underworld also killed him. In his hand was a very strange black knife, which suddenly slid towards Fu Yunqi. Although silent and breathless, the breath was stronger than that of Xiahoudun’s mountain club. It's even more horrible.

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