Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3064: Fushuyama Okami

"I saw."

"Call me when you leave."

After that, Lu Chen left in a hurry.

"Brother, what are you talking about, so hot?"

Concubine Yu Zi and the others came here after choosing the treasures.

"It's nothing, just for you, I found a teammate."

Ling Tian smiled slightly.

"My God, isn't it Lu Shen? Brother, you actually got him on the boat too?"

Tian Xiao took a breath, obviously also surprised.

"Yes, let's go, let's rest for a few days, we hurried to the road, it is time to head towards the Lingxu."

Ling Tian laughed and left the square with everyone.

Back in Taoyuan, Ling Tian hurriedly entered the Four Elephant Pagoda.

The gain this time in the battlefield of the gods is not small.

There are as many as more than 50,000 books on the magical powers alone.

Among them, there are as many as twenty-five ways of law.

Although most of these laws and techniques are not suitable for Ling Tian's cultivation.

But Ling Tian began to think about bringing back to the Haotian Realm in the future, which would allow the Tai Chi Academy of Dahan to have a very high upper limit. These classics, for those arrogances, are the real treasures, Fuze forever.

After all, the art of law is definitely the top technique in a great fairy world.

In addition, there are treasure maps obtained after comprehending the classics of the major golden temples.

There are seven in total.

Ling Tian took them out and put them together, but found that none of these maps could be stitched together!

This made Ling Tian puzzled.

"No, there is no possibility of splicing seven maps. Is it possible that there are dozens of fragments of this map?"

"This is actually the map of Lingxu." However, when Ling Tian was puzzled, the holy original stone standing in the corner suddenly said.

"Are you spying on me?" Ling Tian suddenly turned around and asked.

"Hehe, just you, do you still use me to peep!? Or, what do you don't want to know from me?"

The voice of the holy original stone is still charming.

"Hehe, of course I want to know, Senior, where exactly is the Lingxu?"

Ling Tian asked.

Perhaps, on the whole road of trial, apart from the undead of the Protoss, this guy also knows the secret of Lingxu.

"Hehe, it's just something in the burial of the gods, what good place could it be?"

The voice sneered, and then said: "Actually, I just learned about it not long ago. Speaking of Lingxu, this is not a short story. My Protoss once had a holy land, Bu Zhoushan, maybe you have heard of it?"

"Tianzhu is not Zhoushan, I naturally know that."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and the myths and legends of Zhoushan, he had heard of it when he was on earth, how could he not know.

Is it possible that there are also Zhoushan in this world?

"In ancient times, the God King Gonggong and Zhu Rong fought, and the flames of war spread the entire God Realm."

"Gonggong broke the mountain of Buzhou, causing the heavens to collapse. Shenghuang Nuwa used the sky-filling stone to fill the sky and bridge the supreme heavenly way."

After that, there were only countless fragmented foundations left.

Time went from ancient times to ancient times, when the God Realm was stable, but later the fire department was righteous God Luoxuan stealing the Holy Fire.

After that, Luo Xuan led his men in the outer realm of the gods and left the gods to suppress the riots outside the sky.

That is the so-called battle of the gods.

Many Protoss died in battle.

Hearing that Luo Xuan, the **** of fire, also died in the chaos of war.

But now I know that Luo Xuan did not actually die, but through the battle of the gods, he fled to the ruins of Bu Zhou Mountain, because Bu Zhou Mountain is not tolerated by Heaven, so the God Realm also lost Luo Xuan’s. breath.

"The battlefield of the gods that you went to before was the place where the riots were back then. I also understood that at that time, it was not a suppression of riots at all."

"And the Lingxu is the foundation of the Buzhou Mountain. If I didn't guess wrong, Luo Xuan would be there."

Ling Tian took a breath after listening.

Good deed, Luo Xuan is in Lingxu! ?

That is the Huobu Zhengshen of the Protoss, how powerful should he be! ?

I am afraid that Emperor Wu is here, and he is definitely not his opponent! ?

"Back then, Luo Xuan's combat power was equivalent to your top martial arts combat power."

"But don't worry, he has been removed from the gods by the protoss. No matter how much he has experienced in the world, his combat power will not be able to advance, and he will regress a lot because of this."

Ling Tian just relaxed a little now.

"That month ago, on the battlefield of the gods, he was the one who took the Golden Temple?"

Ling Tian asked again.

"Yes, it's his magical powers, I will never read it wrong."

"That's weird. If according to the previous Golden Phoenix senior's statement, Luo Xuan should be the master of this burial. If he wanted to take away the Golden Temple, he could have done so long ago. Why wait until now and suddenly make a move?"

"What use is this golden palace for him?"

Ling Tian still had a lot of mysteries and couldn't figure it out.

"Hehe, he is the leader of the whole plan, but he is not the master of the burial of the gods. The burial of the gods belongs to the realm of the gods. What is he?"

Inside the holy original stone, the voice sneered, "He hadn't been able to enter the battlefield of the gods before, because it once belonged to Juntian."

"He can only let you Tianjiao, who were never resisted by the Golden Temple, enter the battlefield of the gods and comprehend the techniques in it, and find out the two Yin-Yang Temples from him."

"After that, when you consume almost the aura in the battlefield, he will directly cross over with supernatural powers and take away the two Yin-Yang Halls."

"As for what is the use of Yin Yang Temple, hehe, naturally he wants to find Jun Tian's secret from it, because it should have sealed a terrifying demon **** in the middle of the Seventh Heaven God Realm."

"And Jun Tian is the original sealer."

"Now, do you understand?"

"The blueprint in your hand is the Lingxu, and this Lingxu is the foundation of Buzhou Mountain. Moreover, at that time, Juntian clansmen guarded the Golden Palace. The battlefield of the gods was also a small part of the collapse of the Lingxu."

"He Luo Xuan took the Protoss to eradicate Juntian's clansmen at that time and occupied that foundation."

"With Lingxu, I came to this burial of the gods, ready to open the seal and release the demon god."

"You are optimistic. The number of large star cities on each drawing represents the number of layers where the Lingxu is located. Each layer has a map."

"With this map, after you get in, you won't be able to bump your head without flies."

"Wait!" After the voice finished, Ling Tian couldn't wait to say: "You mean, this Golden Palace belongs to Juntian?"

"Emperor Juntian?"

Now, Ling Tian's heart was already shocked.

He searched for his secrets for so many years, and finally learned important clues from this person.

It is related to Juntian.

Because Jun Tian is the maker of his own path.

To find your own secret is to find Juntian.

Before, any guide or Liu Yao had kept a secret about this matter.

Unwilling to tell.

But obviously, the guy in this holy original stone knows more.

As for those Lingxu maps, now, he doesn't care very much.

"Emperor Juntian?"

"Oh, or maybe it was the title he had just ascended to the God Realm. In the God Realm at that time, Jun Tian's title was a great god."

In the holy original stone, the voice explained.

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