Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3080: Pseudo-artifact Three Treasure Jade Ruyi

"Just let the horse come here!"

Ling Tian directly turned on the Tianlong Transformation, and the dragon scales covered his body.

The God of War's will to kill the sky bloomed, and the top of Ling Tian's head was suspended, just like the ancient God of War.

Now, in this Ling Tian Ruins, Ling Tian has no scruples, and the God of War Killing Heaven is directly activated, blessing Ling Tian's combat power.

Today, God of War Killing Heaven has been completely restored to Emperor Wu's level after thousands of years of warming and recovery in the Liuli Sixiang Pagoda.

Tens of thousands of feet of war intent phantom lingered over the sky, and when it appeared, it was filled with terror and pressure.

The expressions of Na Ji Heng and Ren Duxing changed slightly.

The aura of combat power released by Ling Tian is even more terrifying than when he was outside the Lingxu before.

However, there was only Ling Tian on the opposite side, and he was not yet a quasi emperor's cultivation base.

As the top powerhouse of the heavenly clan with the power of the gods.

The two of them are naturally not afraid.

The divine power of the Longevity Realm and the Diamond Realm are directly blooming, and under the blessing of their respective Wudi will, the combat power of Ji Heng and Ren Duxing has also soared to the extreme.

In the next moment, the two danced the imperial weapon and took the lead to kill them.

"Hehe, after so many years, you really are still capable of this!"

Ling Tian shook his head. If the other party doesn't need a killer's skill, he has nothing to fear at all.

The big hand suddenly blasted out, and the boxing front blessed by the Tianlong Transformation, with the power of the endless dragon clan, directly shook the lonely imperial weapon.


With a loud explosion, the imperial weapon was directly retreated.

Ling Tian's physical body now can hardly shake ordinary imperial weapons.


Ren Lonexing's face was gloomy.

There is no ancient imperial weapon in his hand, which is indeed embarrassing.

Moreover, Ling Tian's physical body was so strong that he had seen it now.

It is a pervert that is incomprehensible.

"Vientiane magic, illusion!"

At this moment, Ji Heng had already raised the imperial weapon immortal pestle in his hand, transformed into an ancient divine ape, and smashed it down towards Ling Tian.

Vientiane Divine Art is not a technique of the heavens and immortal realms, but comes from the divine realm.

After all, the heavens are descendants of the gods.

At the very least, the miraculous power of Vientiane is much stronger than that of Hua Xiaoyun's thousand illusions.

Ji Heng turned into a divine ape, looking like a real divine great ape, no different.

It crashed down, trying to blast Ling Tian into meatloaf.

"Good job!"

Ling Tian was not surprised and rejoiced, looking at the divine ape, his strength should be pretty good.

He wanted to try the ultimate combat power of Tianlong Transformation.


Ling Tian's fist and the **** ape banged against each other, but what Ji Heng never expected was that what he had turned into the body of a **** ape suddenly shuddered under Ling Tian's fist.

This divine ape illusion is already the most powerful illusion body among his miraculous arts.

This will not work! ?

"Not bad, not bad, not bad!"

Ling Tian also withdrew his big hand.

With this punch, he didn't use any magical laws, but he also failed to smash Ji Heng's illusion body. The opponent's illusion technique was indeed a bit interesting.

"Hmph, don't be proud, everything is just the beginning!"

Ren Duxing suddenly cut a sword from another direction at this time.

The moment Ling Tian took his hand back.

He and Ji Heng have cooperated extremely tacitly.

Although there is no ancient imperial weapon in hand, this sword is an art of law that can be sacrificed by oneself.

With a full slash, the magical power of the Diamond Realm surged without any reservation.

He didn't believe that Ling Tian's body was really as solid as a rock.

"Hmph, Kendo, you are not worthy to perform in front of me."

"Go away!"

A look of disgust flashed across Ling Tian's face, and immediately, the Yunxing Sword in his hand was raised, and the Liangyi Sword Art was shot!


The Yang Slash in the Liangyi Sword Art has now been cultivated by Ling Tian to a state where he wants to do whatever he wants.

The sword light swept the sky, and instantly turned into a shocking sword, slashing on the lonely sword light.


Ren Lone's sword light shattered, and he couldn't take a breath under the sword aura of Liangyi.

Ren Duxing was also swallowed by Jian Qi, and his whole person fell into the sky.

"Come on, time is running out, and I won't be inked with you anymore!"

Ling Tian lifted the sword and flew in front of him. Divine Sense locked Ji Heng, the Yunxing Sword in his hand, and cut down the sword light one after another.

The sword aura was terrifying and seemed to be endless, but after a few swords, Ji Heng's illusion was torn apart.

However, because of the blessing of the divine power of the longevity world, Ji Heng's ability to recover is also very terrifying.

Facing Ling Tian's strong offense, he never saw any injuries.

However, he also knew that the power of the God Realm could not always exist. Once the power of the God Realm disappeared, then he was not qualified to fight Ling Tian at all.

The human race in front of him is clearly not yet in the realm of the Emperor Zhun, but the fighting power that has erupted is so incredible.

At this time, Ren Duxing had been seriously injured, which was trash.

Ji Heng gritted his teeth and knew that if he wanted to defeat Ling Tian, ​​he could only use his assassin.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are forcing me!"

Ji Heng's heart was cruel, although this assassin was originally used when he was preparing to fight Xuan Zhou, but now, he can only take Ling Tian and talk about it.

When the voice fell, Ji Heng directly raised his hand, and a broken Jade Ruyi appeared on top of his head.

After a few breaths, that Yu Ruyi turned into a huge giant.

The sacred breath came out from the ancient cauldron, and the colorful holy light was scattered.

It turned out to be with a trace of artifacts.

"This is a fake artifact?"

Seeing this Yu Ruyi, the Di Jiuge who was watching the battle in the rear all exclaimed.

Is there a fake artifact in Ji Heng's hands! ?

You know, when they were in the Celestial Clan's imperial palace, they knew that the Celestial Clan already possessed two fake artifacts, the Kunlun Realm and the mutton fat jade bottle.

But now, in this Ji Heng's hands, there is actually one more! ?

A family of three pseudo-artifacts, this is simply too much.

"No, this jade ruyi used to be a fake artifact, but now it should be broken."

But this can't hide Ling Tian's eyes.

Moreover, above this jade ruyi, there is a breath of artifacts, but it is not strong.

At the very least, the aura that Xiaoqing showed when he was in the Golden Palace before.

"Hehe, the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi is a pseudo-sacred tool, and it is your good fortune to die under the pseudo-sacred tool!"

In Ji Heng's grinning laughter, Yu Ruyi above his head smashed down wildly.

He wanted to use the power of a pseudo-sacred weapon to directly kill Ling Tian.

Anyway, in the realm of quasi-emperor, pseudo-sacred weapon is definitely a big killer.

If he is shaken, even if he is immortal, he will be seriously injured, even if Ling Tian possesses this terrifying physical body, it will not work.

"Huh, you dare to show off the mere broken weapon!?"

"Qing Xu, you can always deal with this level of existence, right!?"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately, Qing Xu in Taoyuan rushed out.

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