Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3085: Seven-Rank Taikoo Thunder Dragon Egg

"When we came in, we were ready to fall. Life and death are impermanent. This is fate. You accept it."

Lin Xi was persistent.

But Ling Tian still saw the woman's dazzling gaze looking at Shenhuo.

"Miss Lin needs this sacred fire, if you want to use it, you will receive this sacred fire, and the secret treasure belongs to us?"

Ling Tian found a perfect solution.

Although this dragon flame is a bit more advanced than Fengtian Thunder Torch, it is only three hundred more layers and cannot be used as a training resource.

Simply let this thing out.

"It's true that I am a refiner, this flame is indeed what I need."

"Now, since the prince talks about this, then I am disrespectful."

"I accept this sacred fire, and the secret treasure belongs to you."

"Okay, that's it!" Ling Tian stroked his palm and smiled. Before reaching the golden pagoda, he pressed his palm down, and after a while, he unlocked the formation on it.

The golden pagoda dissolved, and the speed was so fast that Lin Xi's face was filled with surprise again.

She suddenly realized that she couldn't see through this Ling Tian more and more.

However, when her gaze fell within the golden pagoda, she took a breath.

"what is this?"

"How does it look like an...egg?"

At this moment, even Ling Tian frowned when he looked at the thing floating in front of him.

Because what came out of the golden pagoda was not an imperial weapon, a token, or a fragment of the source of God, but an egg.

Moreover, it looks like a dragon egg...

Reaching out and holding the egg in his hand, using his dragon blood to sense it, Ling Tian nodded, "It's really a dragon egg."

"Dragon egg!? This... Ling Tian, ​​are you sure? Why does this building store a dragon egg here?"

All the girls frowned.

They didn't really think about it before, there are dragon eggs here.

Moreover, if it is collected by Chonglou, this dragon egg is probably tens of thousands of years old, right?

Ran Hongfu also checked the egg with the egg, "Yes, the dragon egg didn't clamp it, and he seemed to be in this flame space because the egg was about to crack!"

Chonglou, is it here, hatch the dragon egg?

At this moment, everyone looked at each other, thinking of such a possibility.

The temperature in this space is extremely high, and it is indeed very suitable for incubating eggs.


Sure enough, in Ran Hongfu's hands, the dragon egg shattered.

A billowing azure blue head emerged from it.

"Eh, yeah!"

The little head full of thunder confessed everywhere, feeling comfortable free from the dragon's egg, still babbling in his mouth, and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Wow, kind of cute."

Su Jiu'er smiled with joy.

I have to say that the appearance of this little dragon is really likable.

After a while, the dragon cub crawled out of the eggshell. It was about three inches long, very small, and blue in color. There was a holy thunder roaming on it, and it had four dragon claws tightly. Grasping Ran Hongfu.

"Hi, Ling Tian, ​​look at the blood of this little dragon, it looks like it is a sixth-rank dragon?"

But when Ran Hongfu saw the dragon cub clearly, his face changed.

Lin Xi of the Floating Heaven Realm also came up, glanced at it, and said, "First congratulations to the son, this is not the sixth-ranking wild dragon clan, but the top of the seventh-rank dragon clan, the ancient thunder dragon of the ancient dragon clan."

"Prince Dragon Clan!?"

At this time, not only the other people, but Ling Tian himself, were also shaking wildly in his heart.

Taikoo Dragons.

To be honest, he had only seen this kind of seventh-grade dragon clan in his dreams.

Now, Lin Xi was saying that the one in front of him was the Primordial Dragon Clan! ?

This, it is simply difficult for him to accept.

Is it too easy to get it! ?

Will the heavy building put such a high-level dragon clan in the space on the 25th floor?

How great is your experience?

"Miss Lin, you are not mistaken, this is really the seventh grade, the ancient dragon clan? You have to know what the ancient dragon clan means."

Ling Tian asked again.

Because even the fifth rank Tianlong clan is considered to be the dragon clan emperor, that is the bloodline that can become the emperor Wu.

Just like Ao Qingchen, Emperor Wudi of the Dragon Clan in Haotian Realm.

Sixth-Rank Primordial Dragon Clan can become the top martial emperor.

The Seventh-Rank Primordial Dragon Clan is the real seed of the great emperor.

This is something that is enough to shock the heavens and thousands of realms.

He absolutely didn't believe that such a dragon would be discovered by him on the 25th floor.

"Hehe, I'm also guessing, because under the heavens, there seem to be only one or two Primordial Dragon Clan that once appeared, and they used to live in the God Realm."

"Although I haven't seen it, my Spirit Clan used to be a Protoss. I have seen records about the Primordial Dragon Clan in the God Realm in the family."

"Look at the inverse scales of this young dragon's abdomen. There are seven divine scales in total. This is one of the characteristics of the Primordial Dragon Clan. The Primordial Dragon Clan has six."

Lin Xi pointed to the little head of the young dragon, "There is also this dragon horn. Although the dragon horn of the young dragon is not obvious, there are seven ring marks and dragon whiskers on it, with seven branches on each side."

"That's why I dare to say that this is the Primordial Dragon Clan, and there is not such a thunder dragon among the Sixth-Rank Primal Dragon Clan."

"Because, there is really such a thing about the Primordial Thunder Dragon in the former God Realm, but it fell while fighting for the Lord of the God Realm Dragon Race."

Ling Tian raised his brows, and before he knew it, he was fascinated by what he heard. "Fell? The Primordial level dragon will also fall?"

"Of course, he died in the hands of another Primordial Dragon Clan, who was once the supreme overlord of the Dragon Clan in the God Realm, Primordial Zhulong, Zhu Yi!"

"The two dragon races, one is the fire elephant, the other is the thunder elephant, they are powerful in fighting power among the great gods."

"That battle even shocked the great gods of the gods, as well as the gods."

"They fought in the Suotianhai of the God Realm. They fought for seven days and seven nights. In the end, thunder filled the entire Suotianhai, and the Primordial Thunder Dragon fell."

"Since then, Zhulong has taken charge of the Dragon Race of the God Realm and has become the number one **** in the Dragon Temple."

"Later, there was a legend that Zhu Longgong participated in good fortune and cultivated, and he was close to the king of gods."

After Lin Xi finished speaking, Ling Tian took a deep breath after a long while.

"It seems that the former God Realm is indeed very interesting, so if you say that, this young dragon, wouldn't it be the heir of the Primordial Thunder Dragon back then?"

Ling Tian squeezed his chin, and he suddenly felt that this little dragon boy is not easy, if it is spread out, it will cause chaos in the heavens.

"It's very possible, but this thing is extraordinary. Although the Primordial Dragon Clan is extremely talented, it grows very slowly, and it requires a lot of resources. Even if it is supplied by an immortal world, I am afraid it will not feed it. Feed this guy."

"So, son, you have to think carefully."

Lin Xi smiled gently.

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