Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3091: Yuhuaxianmen

The area of ​​the 33rd floor space is not small.

The crowd flew for three full days before reaching the so-called Yuhua Xianmen.

However, when they saw the beauty of Yuhuaxianmen, all the team members, including Ling Tian, ​​couldn't help but be amazed.

The immortal gate of Yuhua in front of you is simply the first holy land for immortality cultivation under the heavens! ?

The endless fairy gate pavilions, the colorful flowers hanging down from the sky.

Yujian Tianjiao that shuttles back and forth.

The prosperous Xiuxian breath rushed straight into the sky.

Standing in front of the Yuhua Immortal Gate, they could see a mountain like a heavenly sword, standing in the center of the Immortal Gate.

That majestic and majestic sword intent turned into coercion, permeating tens of thousands of miles beyond the fairy gate.

Ling Tian had only felt the strength of this kind of aura only when he was in the imperial palace of the Celestial Clan.

In other words, in this Yuhuaxianmen, there is definitely a guy with extremely strong combat power sitting in the center.

In this way, it is really difficult to deal with.

However, Ling Tian hid all of this in his heart, without revealing his face.

"You Tianjiao, here is our Yuhuaxianmen."

The leading immortal disciple was named Hong Huang, and he had a good chat with Ling Tian on the road before.

"Senior Brother Hong Huang, this immortal door of Yuhua deserves to be born in the gods, and when I see it now, it really makes me wait and be amazed!"

Ling Tian couldn't help but praised.

"Hehe, prosperity is true, but we also have our own catastrophe when we become a fairy gate."

"Fine, when you see my master, you will know it naturally."

Na Hong Huang sighed and did not say any more, leading everyone to descend within the Yuhua Immortal Gate.

Along the way, a crowd of Tianjiao also attracted many eyes from within the fairy gate.

The breath of Tianjiao is very different from these immortal disciples, and it is easy to distinguish.

However, there is no malice on the faces of these people.

However, all the arrogances did not feel any discomfort.

Everyone walked to the main hall of Yuhua Immortal Gate.

The main hall was built under the Heavenly Sacred Sword Mountain, with towering pavilions.

Very imposing.

Everyone in Ling Tian was led into the hall, and Hong Huang and the others faded away.

In the empty hall, everyone stood silently, waiting for the so-called Master Hong Huang.

According to him, their master was the great elder of Yuhua Immortal Gate.

It is not the head of Yuhua Xianmen.

But after waiting for a long while, nothing happened.

If it hadn't been for the opening of the temple gate, you could still see the Yuhua Xianmen disciples shuttled back and forth outside the temple, I am afraid that these arrogances would have long since stopped doing it.

"I still think it's weird here."

Qin Mingyue frowned, her intuition was not very good.

"The sword intent is indeed powerful, but in my opinion, it is not pure."

Lu Shen also said.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian.

After all, the leader here is Ling Tian.

"Haha, don't worry."

But Ling Tian still shook his head, he didn't want to startle the snake.

"Hahaha, dear arrogances, the old man has missed a long way to welcome him, but he still looks at Haihan!"

At this time, a voice came from the depths of the hall.

When everyone turned around and looked around, they saw an old man wearing a black long-distance runner, his figure flickering, appearing in front of everyone.

The old man is immortal, with a vague aura, and everyone seems to be facing a vast ocean.

Don't think about it, this is the great elder of Yuhua Immortal Gate.

The breath is so tyrannical, I am afraid that it has reached the late Emperor Wu.

"The heavens and immortal realms Ling Tian, ​​pay homage to the great elder!"

Ling Tian took the lead and bowed his hands in salute, and the others followed suit.

"Hahaha, you don't need to be polite, you were originally guests, and you are also the distinguished guests selected on the trial road. It is our honor to be able to come to my Yuhua Immortal Gate."

"Because I just left the customs, I didn't prepare any gifts. These are the pill that I refined from the **** realm pill in the Lingxu. After the Emperor Zhun swallows it, you can jump directly to a realm!"

After all, the old man raised his sleeves, and a dozen rays of light appeared in front of everyone.

It was a gleaming five-color radiant pill, just floating there, it was like a **** from the upper realm.

The powerful energy aura surging in it made all the quasi emperors present secretly excited.

There are a total of six realms for the emperor quasi, the early stage of the quasi stage, the peak of the early stage, the peak of the middle stage, and the peak of the middle stage, and the peak of the quasi Emperor.

After the peak of Emperor Zhun, he had to prepare to prove Dao and become Emperor Wu.

Among the Tianjiao present, Lu Chen's cultivation base was the highest, and he had now reached the peak of the early stage of Emperor Zhun.

If you swallow this pill, you can immediately enter the mid-term, or even the peak of the quasi mid-term.

In that way, he was very close to Emperor Wu.

It can be said that the great elder of the Yuhuaxianmen is extremely generous.

"Hehe, since it is the elder's kindness, then you can accept it!"

Ling Tian turned around to give the Tianjiao a wink, and immediately, the Tianjiao collected the pill.

They did not swallow it immediately.

The elder's face changed slightly, and then he smiled gently: "Little brother does not seem to be a quasi-emperor yet?"

"Yes, I can't enlighten myself successfully, so I am really ashamed of being stuck in the realm of quasi-emperor."

Ling Tian smirked.


The great elder glanced at Ling Tian, ​​then frowned: "There is nothing to hide, the old man has a way to make the little brother successfully enlighten the Dao and become the quasi emperor."

"Also please enlighten me from the elders!"

Ling Tian bowed, his face was Jin Jin.

"But there are some secrets involved."

The great elder pondered.

"You go and wait for me outside the hall first."

Ling Tian got up and let everyone out.

Qin Mingyue and the others met once, and they also knew that Ling Tian wanted to confront this guy alone, so without any doubt, they faded away.

For a time, in the hall, only Ling Tian and this great elder of the Yuhua Immortal Gate were left.

"Now here, only the juniors are left. I don't know what the great elder can do to make me enlightenment."

Ling Tian asked.

"Little brother, don't worry, if I am not mistaken, what you cultivate should be the eternal burning of the sky, right?"

The great elder said in one gulp, but Ling Tian's expression changed slightly.

Now, two outsiders knew about his Eternal Burning Heaven Judgment.

The fire spirit on the thirtieth floor, and the current elder of the Yuhuaxianmen.

Could it be that this technique was very famous in the God Realm back then! ?

"Haha, little brother, don't be surprised. It's really because of your special technique. Not only me, but anyone who has lived in the God Realm can feel your breath."

The great elder smiled and said: ‘But, of course, there are not many protoss alive under the heavens, let alone the protoss of the past. "

"So, is there a problem with my practice?"

Ling Tian frowned.

The old man is in the mist, just don't explain it.

"There is a problem with the exercise, and you also have a problem."

"Senior, please make it clear." Ling Tian was anxious, if he hadn't wanted to put out some dry goods, he would have torn his face a long time ago.

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