Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3108: Today, I want to punish God

"Let Ling Tian face the fire **** Luo Xuan alone, is this really good?"

Lu Chen sighed suddenly.

"No way, our current combat power can't help Xiang Gong."

Qin Mingyue shook her head.

"Pray, there may be miracles."

Lin Xi also had a peaceful expression.

"I believe eldest brother, not sure, he will never take risks easily." Tian Xiao said.

"Ling Tian will be safe and sound."

Long Xuan shook the dragon spear tightly.

Outside the Lingxu.

Thousands of thousands form a condensed chain, intertwined above the starry sky above.

Thousands of heavenly arrogances from the heavens and immortal realms are scattered under the stars.

Their eyes all fell on the bronze giant gate below, which was the exit of the Lingxu.

Behind it is the sacred mountain with two lines of poetry at that moment.

However, at this time, the faces of these Tianjiao were extremely solemn.

Because, in the deep mountains, the legendary Fire Department was right there, carrying the ten major city masters, floating there.

Their faces were gloomy to the extreme.

And Huobu Zhengshen, but the real Emperor Wu.

Luo Xuan's terrifying aura filled the night sky with flames, covering the entire sacred mountain.

All Tianjiao, including Na Yuan Gu, did not dare to gasp, they could feel the anger in Luo Xuan's heart.

Waiting for that Ling Tian is definitely a dead end!

"Hmph, Ling Tian really knows how to live or die, he even dared to disobey Luo Xuan Zhengshen's order, wait, I don't believe it, he won't come out forever!"

Yuan Gu sneered.

He admitted that he lost on this trial road.

Even if he got the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon Palace, he was still not Ling Tian's opponent.

But what does it matter?

Isn't Ling Tian still going to die?

No matter how strong he is, he can still be stronger than Luo Xuan, the **** of fire! ?

Other people naturally have the same idea with Yuan Gu.

After all, Luo Xuan is the master of the entire trial road, and it is really crazy to go against Luo Xuan here.


However, at this moment, the bronze giant door suddenly roared, and a figure slowly walked out from the door.

"It's Ling Tian!"

A series of exclamations sounded.

No one thought that Ling Tian would come out of the Lingxu so quickly.

He is really not afraid of death! ?

Yuan Gu, Fu Yunqi and others also looked at Ling Tian who had walked out of the Lingxu.

At this time, they also had to try to ask themselves, if it was the fire **** Luo Xuan in front of them, there would be absolutely no courage to come out.


Ling Tian carried the Dayan Sky Profound Sword and landed in front of the sacred mountain, facing Luo Xuan on the mountain and the top ten undead city masters.

"Hehe, is the battle really big? The top ten city masters can also come out of the city?"

"Everyone, are you welcoming me Ling Tian?"

His gaze swept across the supporting body.

But it was full of contempt.

"Ling Tian, ​​would you dare to swallow our Star Coins? Appetite, isn't it too big!"

City Lord Hanxing said coldly.

"Haha, don't pretend to be so innocent, you are just undead, you want to use star coins to practice your magic skills, and then slaughter the heavens and immortals?"

"Don't worry, if you have my Ling Tian in your plan, you won't succeed!"

Ling Tian sneered!

"Presumptuous! City Lord Hanxing, if you dealt with Ling Tian early, nothing of today would happen. Talk to him nonsense. We will join forces with the top ten City Lords and kill him directly!"

The City Master Wuxing shouted angrily and couldn't help but shot directly.

In an instant, the ten major city masters descended from the sacred mountain one after another, surrounding Ling Tian.

At this time, the top ten city masters already possessed infinitely close combat power to Emperor Wu. Within this burial of the gods, their combat power was even more blessed, and together they were sufficient to suppress Emperor Wu.

"Haha, that's okay, before Luo Xuan is destroyed, you minions, there is really no need to stay!"

Ling Tian looked at the laws of the sky intertwined, smiled coldly, his shoulders shook, and the God of War's Will to Kill the Sky and the Dragon Transformation that day were activated at the same time.

A god, with a body of Tianlong, appeared in front of the sacred mountain, as high as tens of thousands of feet, strong aura, just the shadow of the gods, it would break all those laws and techniques!

"This! This is the Lord of the Temple of War God coming to Shanghai!"

"He actually got the spirit of war who came to Shanghai!"

The ten major city owners were once protoss, and they naturally knew that the Lord of the God of War came to Shanghai.

As one of the few war gods in the gods.

The name of coming to Shanghai is enough to make their hearts and souls tremble before they are alive.

Now that I see the fighting spirit, I don't even have the slightest heart to face it.

"Today, I am carrying the soul of the God of War, and the ancient imperial weapon in my palm, to send you reincarnation!"

"Dayan Tianxuan, slash with the sword of Liangyi, die!"

Ling Tian held the ancient imperial weapon in his hand and swept across suddenly, tens of thousands of feet of sword light seemed to shatter the stars.

The God of War was roaring, the golden sword in his hand, and Ling Tian's sword edge merged together, and the power of the Heavenly Dragon poured into the sword aura and swept the wasteland.

Bang bang bang!

A scene that surprised all the Tianjiao onlookers took place.

The ten great city masters who were already powerful enough, under Ling Tian's sword, actually collapsed one after another.

Both form and spirit are destroyed, and into reincarnation!

"This, is this Ling Tian's real combat power?"

"Oh my God, is this still the will of Emperor Wu? Could it be that he really carries a **** on his back?"

The arrogance of the heavens was horrified, and Yuan Gu stared at Ling Tian above Ling Tian's head, that tens of thousands of feet, within his eyes, was full of heat and jealousy, "The battle spirit of God of War!"

In the Temple of Heaven Demon before, he only got the techniques of Heaven Demon and the weapons he had used.

But among them, there is no battle spirit of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Hall!

According to legend, the lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace is one of the ancestral witches.

If there is a battle spirit, it is definitely stronger than the fallen ancestral witch he is awakening now.

But now, Ling Tian already possessed the Soul of God of War.

This is on top of the blessing of combat power.

"Ha ha ha, no wonder you dare to swallow my Star Coins, it turned out that the God of War came to Shanghai to help you."

"It seems that you already know the secret."

Above the sacred mountain, Luo Xuan suddenly sneered.

"Yes, neither you nor it will succeed. This **** burial is your destination!"

The sword in Ling Tian's hand was put down.

"Hmph, did you see the sacred mountain in front of you? Ten thousand years ago, this guy said the same thing as you, but in the end, he rolled out of the trial road in embarrassment."

"Today, do you still have to repeat the same mistakes?"

Luo Xuan sneered.

"Repeat the same mistakes!? You don't even have the courage to say his name, so what's the mistake?"

"Ten thousand years ago, Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not strong enough to defeat you, but today, I Ling Tian, ​​will help him shame."

"I am Donghuang Taiyi, Donghuang, I am Ling Tian!"

"Today, I want to punish God!"

Suddenly under Ling Tian's feet, with the battle spirit behind his back, the Octopus Fighting Tianquan directly blasted out and went straight to Luo Xuan.

"Hehe, just a trivial emperor, but he got the blessing of the battle spirit who came to Shanghai. Do you think you are my opponent?"

However, seeing the blow from Ling Tian, ​​Luo Xuan, the **** of fire, was full of disdain.

He sneered, "You don't know anything about the power of God Realm Righteous God!"

"Scorching fire, burning ashes!"

Luo Xuan suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed Ling Tian.

Under the starry sky, that big hand turned into a huge flame palm, like a **** falling, directly smashing Ling Tian's Zhantian fist.

Such a tyrannical Ling Tian seemed to be really unable to compete with Luo Xuan.

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