Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3123: Annihilated

"Lu Bu is right, this underworld is too big, we just went to find it like this, I'm afraid it won't have a clue for decades."

Qin Mingyue agreed.

"Alright, since I'm in the underworld, I naturally have to visit your family first, but when I was in the Celestial Clan Imperial Palace, I heard that you were..."

Ling Tian frowned.

"Hehe, the legends are indeed true. I have the blood of the Asura and the Celestial clan. Both my parents have passed away. It was my father who raised me. He is my foster father and my father-in-law. Our tribe does not Great, let’s go, I believe Daddy will be very happy to see you."

Lu Bu smiled, and led Ling Tian's people, galloping in one direction of the Scarlet Continent.

Back on the land, everyone's speed was very fast.

And Xiaoqing is simply blessed here, the speed is more than twice as fast as before, but in just seven days, they have crossed millions of miles.

Came to the tribe where Na Lu Bu is.

However, when everyone looked at the almost destroyed tribe below, they were shocked for a while.

Here, it seems to have experienced a big battle.

There are corpses of Shura fighters everywhere.

The land has been ravaged by magical powers, and there is hardly any complete land.

"Brother Lu, what is...what's going on?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"My tribe..."

Lu Bu just reacted and rushed down.

"It seems that we are coming back late."

Ji Jiuyou frowned.

"Hmph, it really provokes us, but no matter who it is, Lu Bu, who dares to move Lu Bu, is against me Lingtian!"

Ling Tian gave a cold snort and followed.

The tribe here is located in a gorge, at this time the blood-colored gorge was almost leveled.

Ling Tian sensed the aura of some powerful quasi emperors here.

Here, it should have been destroyed by a group of quasi-emperor-level powerhouses.

Or there is almost no Shura.

But Lu Bu went directly into a cave in the canyon, broke through the formations inside it, and then arrived in a secret room.



Lu Bu rushed into the secret room like crazy, until he saw the mother and son holding each other in the secret room, Lu Bu let out a sigh of relief and knelt on the ground with a puff.

"Daddy, you are back!"

"Msang-gong, woo, our tribe, no more!"

When the mother and son saw Lu Bu, the look of horror on their faces disappeared, and Qi Qi rushed up.

Lu Bu knelt on the ground, holding the mother and son in his arms, crying silently.

Later, Ling Tian and others came in and couldn't help but feel moved when they saw this scene.

They have never seen such Lu Bu before.

Before that, Lu Bu was a fighting fanatic.

But now, he is just an ordinary father.

It turned out that Lu Bu already had a wife and son.

"Wushuang, what the **** is going on, how did the tribe become like this, dad, who did it on earth!"

Lu Bu roared in a low voice.

"It's the Yongye tribe! Yongye Zhundi personally came with the tribes, and without saying anything, he began to slaughter. Daddy, Daddy, in order to protect us, fought hard with that Yongye Zhundi, but in the end he... Di Yongye, was taken away!"

After Na Lu Bu's wife said, she kept crying.

"Yong Ye!"

Lu Fu asked his lips fiercely, "Why! Is it because I took the quasi-emperor's body in the river of blood and went to the Celestial Clan!?"

"Yes, they said that you are a traitor to the Asura clan, a defector!"

"Msang Gong, you want to avenge Daddy!"

There were blood and tears in that Wushuang's eyes.

"God damn, I, Lu Bu, will never let go of these bitches. I will kill them now!"

Lu Bu's eyes were blood-red, he stood up suddenly, and walked outside.

"Mingyue, take care of them, I'm with Lu Bu."

Ling Tian gave Qin Mingyue and the others a wink, and then pursued Lu Bu.

"Brother and sister, don't be sad, my minister will help Lu Bu avenge your tribe."

"Daddy, nothing will happen."

Qin Mingyue and Ji Jiuyou leaned down to comfort them.

"You are?"

Only then did Lu Bu's wife discover the existence of Qin Mingyue and others, but when she saw the aura of Qin Mingyue's three people clearly, her expression changed, "You, are you human?"


Xiaoqing walked across the ground, reaching the extreme speed.

Ling Tian and Lu Bu stood side by side. He patted the latter on the shoulder, "Don't worry, your father will be fine. I am your brother. Whoever has an enemy with you is my enemy of Ling Tian, ​​no matter who it is. I will do it all."

"Brother, thanks!"

Lu Bu nodded, "You know, I have been living with Dad, and everything about me is given by Dad."

"Although he is not my biological father, he regards me as his own."

"Even if I die, it's fine, but I don't want my father to have an accident."

"I understand. Actually, I haven't seen my father." Ling Tian sighed, remembering something.

"Don't talk about this, then Yongye Zhundi, what's the matter?"

"The Shura tribe is good, and they are not unified. They are all large and small tribes. Except for the family of the Wudi of the Shura tribe, the entire Shura tribe has four tribes."

"They are Yong Ye, Hei Ming, Bone Burial, and Heavenly Soul."

"I haven't provoked other tribes. Except for this Yongye, do you remember the quasi-emperor's body that I took out when I was in the imperial palace?"

"I got it from the river of blood, and because of this thing, I had a fight with my Yong Ye's son. He couldn't stand it and let me kill it!"

"I took the quasi-emperor's body to the Celestial Clan. I wanted to ask my father and my mother for an explanation. By the way, I went to the road of trial and wandered."

"But I didn't expect that Yongye Zhundi still found out that I did it."

"For a hundred years, my tribe has not been able to escape his revenge!"

Lu Bu hated.

"Did they think about going to the trial road?"

Ling Tian frowned.

No wonder, Lu Bu only came by himself.

"No, I heard that it was the order of Emperor Shura Wu, I can be regarded as disobedience."

Lu Bu shook his head.

"That's all, it doesn't matter, no matter which tribe it is, rescue your dad and avenge your tribe."

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. On the first day he descended into the Underworld, then he would use the destruction of the Yongye Tribe to announce it.

Soon, three days later, Ling Tian and Lu Bu came to the so-called Yongye Tribe.

Compared with Lu Bu's tribe, this Yongye ethnic group is much larger, and it looks like it is a large-scale city.

At this time, around this tribe, there were patrolling Asura warriors everywhere. They were tall, dressed in pitch-black armor, and had a fighting strength. They were much more powerful than the human races of the same rank.

This is a born soldier.

However, seeing the appearance of the Yongye tribe facing an enemy, it should have known some news.

"They should know that I am coming back."

The ancient imperial artifact in Lu Buqing's hand.

"Then don't wait, brother, just kill it!"

Ling Tian's feet shook, and Xiao Qing directly let out a loud roar.

Xiaoqing was awakened in this underworld, and his cultivation base was skyrocketing almost every day. At this time, he roared straight into the sky for nine days, and the world was shaking!

Without waiting for the soldiers of the Yongye tribe to react, Lu Bu had already killed him.

How tyrannical Lu Bu is now, even if Ling Tian didn't make a move, he was afraid that this Yongye tribe would not be able to do anything with him!

For a time, the scarlet halberd in Lu Bu's hand turned into a giant of tens of thousands of feet, cutting down the sky and directly smashing the walls of Yongye City.

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